`BRAND SOUNDS - Music and Brands´

BRAND SOUNDS - powered by GROVES Sound Communications

BRAND SOUNDS - the Music & Brands Podcast, aims to provide insights on all aspects of the use of music in brand communications. We will bring you information, interviews, case-histories, opinions & details on artist/brand co-operations, Corporate Sound, Sound Branding, events, TV commercials and any other forms of communication meant for our ears.

  • 7 minutes 30 seconds
    comMUSICation - Episode 01 - Introduction
    A serialized audio version of the book comMUSICation by John Groves. Concentrating on the sense of hearing, the book tells how the powerful medium of music can influence our emotions, our thoughts - and our (consumer) behaviour. How music can trigger memories – not only of a holiday, a romantic evening, or a person but also of a specific brand. In this podcast, John Groves looks at different aspects of communicating with sound and music, like Sociology, Neurology, Economics, and Marketing. The reader gradually starts to understand what „Sound Branding“ is all about.
    4 February 2019, 10:00 pm
  • 4 minutes 29 seconds
    05. Choosing the music
    The fifth episode of the BRAND SOUNDS series with John Groves. Listen to John's opinion about the difference of results depending on who's responsible for the music choice for a brand or a advertising campaign. Enjoy!
    13 May 2007, 10:00 pm
  • 2 minutes 52 seconds
    04. Who needs a "Brand Sound Consultant"?
    The fourth episode of the BRAND SOUNDS Series with John Groves in wich he explains why it is so important to have an "Brand Sound Consultant". Tune in and enjoy!
    6 May 2007, 10:00 pm
  • 4 minutes 34 seconds
    03. Is a Sound Logo a Sound ID?
    The third episode of the BRAND SOUNDS series with John Groves. As a famous composer from Germany and internationally acknowledged as a pioneer of Sound Branding, you can listen to his opinion about this very interesting question: Is a Sound Logo a Sound ID?
    29 April 2007, 10:00 pm
  • 4 minutes 28 seconds
    02. Is music universal?
    The second episode of the BRAND SOUNDS series with John Groves! In this one you can listen to his opinion about the possibility using music in advertising and communication globally.
    22 April 2007, 10:00 pm
  • 6 minutes 19 seconds
    01. What is the difference between "recognisable" and "memorable"?
    Welcome to the brand new BRAND SOUNDS Series with John Groves. In this episode you can see and listen to his opinion about the difference between "recognisable" and "memorable" in using sound in communication.
    15 April 2007, 10:00 pm
  • 34 minutes 34 seconds
    John Groves at TYPO Berlin "Change"
    Here you can see a presentaton by one of the famous composer from Germany, John Groves. As a specialist in all aspects of Sound Branding, he is telling us how important is the usage of sound in communication. Enjoy it!
    25 January 2007, 10:00 pm
  • 4 minutes 32 seconds
    NIVEA & Asher Lane - Episode 6 of 6
    The final episode of the NIVEA & Asher Lane series with John Groves and the managing director of \STREAM (a division of TBWA\ Group Germany), Michael Kramer. John is asking him about the benfits that NIVEA got out of this deal. But first of all, Michael is going to tell us his thoughts on the place of the composer in the food chain.
    14 December 2006, 10:00 pm
  • 7 minutes 2 seconds
    NIVEA & Asher Lane - Episode 5 of 6
    A simple but important question this time: What is Michael Cramer's opinion about Sound Branding?
    7 December 2006, 10:00 pm
  • 4 minutes 41 seconds
    NIVEA & Asher Lane - Episode 4 of 6
    In this episode, John and Michael are talking about the current trend of brands putting undiscovered talent on the web. For example: Mercedes Benz with their "Mixed Tape" Project. Moreover they are talking about the future of the record companies and their behavior on the market...
    30 November 2006, 10:00 pm
  • 6 minutes 37 seconds
    NIVEA & Asher Lane - Episode 3 of 6
    This episode starts of with a monologue of John Groves exponding on the importance of specialist applied music composers. Moreover, John is asking Michael Kramer why the record company didn't take up their option despite having a chart hit...
    23 November 2006, 10:00 pm
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