Powerful testimonies from two survivors of the NSW Police workforce play out over eight episodes. Former police lawyer, Lina Nguyen is both rape victim, and survivor, chillingly groomed by a cop she trusted at a police farewell party. Mark Davidson was the sniper at the heart of the Lindt Cafe Seige at Martin Place, in 2014, who remains traumatised by what wasn't revealed in the Coronial Inquest into that event. They're passionate about justice, and together challenge everything that lies at the heart of police culture and the legal system as we know it. Sound Engineer: Judy Rapley
Practical solutions and approaches to change the culture of NSW Police from all our guests and hosts. How can whistleblowers be further protected, what does the Resilience Shield process involve, how to conduct genuinely independent, impartial investigations, acknowledging simple changes to make rape reporting more victim-centred and many other ideas - strap yourself in!
If you have been raped, you can get assistance by calling 1800RESPECT. That's 1800 737 732. For information on whistleblowing please seek out Whistleblowers Australia
Should police investigate police? Managing partner of Marque Lawyers, Michael Bradley unpacks the profound problematics. Lina, Mark and Michael discuss the nature of 'innocence', how #metoo has brought about a cultural shift, and an uptick in rape caseloads, and talks through the simple measures that would make reporting any rape more victim centred. How can victim survivors regain agency? And for whistleblowers, when to speak, and when to shut up and whether to take note of the public pressure to stand against injustice.
If you have been raped, you can get assistance by calling 1800RESPECT. That's 1800 737 732. For information on whistleblowing please seek out Whistleblowers Australia
Veteran ABC journalist Quentin Dempster joins Lina and Mark to talk about the deeply tribal, cultural ecosystem that is a police force, and the nature of whistleblowing. He speaks about how NSW Police leadership needs to acknowledge its power and embrace accountability, and what whistleblowers can expect to experience, after they take action.
If you have been raped, you can get assistance by calling 1800RESPECT. That's 1800 737 732. For information on whistleblowing please seek out Whistleblowers Australia
What is the lasting psychological impact of a violent event? Clinical psychologist Lyn Worsley talks Mark and Lina through self-doubt, alienation, the process of building resilience in an individual but also how an organisation must develop strategies to back their employees, so both might be resilient. How to avoid a blame and shame culture, and the stages of moral reasoning an individual and an organisation should progress through. She also discusses compounded PTSD, when an organisation actively undermines their workforce.
If you have been raped, you can get assistance by calling 1800RESPECT. That's 1800 737 732. For information on whistleblowing please seek out Whistleblowers Australia
NSW Police took a reputation management approach to the formal Coronial Inquest into the Martin Place Lindt Cafe seige of 2014, and a significant delay in the critical incident debrief. Mark describes how the narrative was controlled, and a cover-up ensued around the moment Tori Johnson was put to his knees inside the cafe. Mark also discusses bullying within the NSW Police, and his deep sense of duty to the families of the victims of the seige.
There were critical operational failures in the NSW Police response at the Lindt Cafe Seige in Sydney's Martin Place in 2014, that have not, until now, been discussed. Mark describes what happened from his point of view, as he waited in the Westpac Building.
In the aftermath of the rape, Lina thought, as an employee, she could trust the police processes and systems in speaking up. Sidelined, gas-lit and slut-shamed, Lina ended up taking action into her own hands.
If you have been raped, you can get assistance by calling 1800RESPECT. That's 1800 737 732.
Lina's rape took place in a dark park, near a pub in Sydney's Paramatta, after a police farewell party. She tells Mark why she loved being a police lawyer, and how that awful night unfolded. And a warning, this story contains the description of the lead up to a rape.
If you have been raped, you can get assistance by calling 1800RESPECT. That's 1800 737 732.
Introducing you to The Lawyer, The Sniper and the NSW Police. How the podcast came to be.