Work Appropriate

Crooked Media

Inspired by her immensely popular newsletter, author Anne Helen Petersen turns her attention to the wild world of work in Work Appropriate. Featuring guest appearances by the smartest people Anne knows, the show delivers humorous but practical workplace advice for a range of listener questions. The problems may be limitless but so are the solutions!

  • 42 minutes 21 seconds
    Culture Study Presents: Why Do Clothes Suck Now?

    *Be sure to subscribe to our new feed wherever you get your podcasts!*

    For the maiden voyage of the Culture Study podcast, we’re taking a hard look at a problem that plagues us all: terrible clothes. Why are shirts falling apart or pilling after just a few wears? Why does Gucci charge $3200 for a polyester sweater? What happened to ironing and will we ever dry clean en masse again?

    Amanda Mull, staff writer at The Atlantic, joins me for a deep dive into the past twenty years of fashion production (and consumption) trends.

    If you like the ep, it helps a fledging pod SO MUCH if you can help us get the word out. Share it with your friends, post it to social media, “follow” it in your podcast app, or write us a review on iTunes. You’re the best and we literally could not make this pod without your help.

    If you want to support the show financially, and get some cool perks, check out our Substack.

    Got a question or idea for a future episode? Let us know here.

    Show notes:

    This week, we’re looking for your questions for future episodes about:

    • Resurgent interest in early 2000s music (with Switched on Pop’s Nate Sloan)
    • The Mean Girls Trailer
    • A deep analysis of Taylor and Travis Kelce discourse
    • Kevin Bacon’s Hott Instagram and Gen-X/Elder Millennial Instagram in general
    • “Little treat” culture

    You can submit them (and ideas for future eps) here.

    6 December 2023, 11:00 am
  • 3 minutes 9 seconds
    Introducing: The Culture Study Podcast

    Everything is interesting. That idea has guided the tremendously popular Culture Study newsletter, and it’s at the heart of the Culture Study Podcast, where host Anne Helen Petersen and the smartest people she knows answer listeners’ questions about the nooks and crannies of contemporary culture, from “why are clothes like this now” to “what’s the deal with F1?”

    Subscribe to the Culture Study Podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Listeners can submit their own questions here, and find weekly discussion threads, extensive show notes, transcripts and a lot more on Substack.

    29 November 2023, 8:00 am
  • 56 minutes 57 seconds
    Signing Off with Melody Rowell

    It's Work Appropriate's 50th episode, one-year anniversary episode, and last episode, all rolled into one. Producer Melody Rowell joins host Anne Helen Petersen to talk about their favorite moments from the show and share updates from listeners who have written in.

    • Keep in touch! Subscribe to Anne's newsletter (it's free!) to stay in the know about future podcast plans.
    25 October 2023, 7:00 am
  • 46 minutes 13 seconds
    How to Create Remote Culture with Chase Warrington

    From terse Slack messages to Zoom happy hours, the culture of remote workplaces can be frustrating to navigate. But it can also be an opportunity to experiment, to build friendships... and to have an annual retreat in an exotic location! Chase Warrington, head of remote for Doist, joins host Anne Helen Petersen to answer listeners' questions about how to create a healthy and enjoyable work culture when there's no water cooler to gather around.

    18 October 2023, 7:00 am
  • 50 minutes 55 seconds
    Am I Too Old For My Job? with Debbie Millman

    If all my coworkers are younger than me, am I still relevant? How can I stay motivated and engaged until retirement, when I've been working so long and it still feels so far away? Should I tell my boss I'm struggling at work because of menopause? Debbie Millman, educator, artist, and host of the podcast Design Matters, joins host Anne Helen Petersen to answer all these questions from listeners in the later phases of their careers.

    11 October 2023, 7:00 am
  • 54 minutes 21 seconds
    Is A Good Boss Too Much To Ask For? with Melissa & Johnathan Nightingale

    We wanted to tackle some of the most complicated management questions that listeners sent in, so host Anne Helen Petersen turned to our favorite management experts, Melissa & Johnathan Nightingale of the Raw Signal Group. Whether you’re suffering from micromanaging, a boss who loves to hear himself talk, or way too much work in too few hours-- we’ve got some suggestions.

    • Listen to Melissa's fantastic advice on our previous episodes, "May I Speak to the Manager?" and "How to Be A Better Boss"
    • Need advice about a sticky situation at work? Head to and tell us about it-- we may use your question in a future episode!
    • Follow @CrookedMedia on Instagram and Twitter for more original content, host takeovers and other community events.
    4 October 2023, 7:00 am
  • 51 minutes 37 seconds
    The Worst Parts of Job Searching with Phoebe Gavin

    We've done episodes on pivoting careers, on starting over, on starting a new job-- and now it's time to talk about the absolute slog that is searching, applying, and interviewing for a new job. Phoebe Gavin, career coach and founder of Better with Phoebe, joins host Anne Helen Petersen to give listeners advice on getting through the slog and landing the job you want.

    • Need advice about a sticky situation at work? Fill out our form at, or email us at [email protected]. You can stay as anonymous as you like!
    • Follow @CrookedMedia on Instagram and Twitter for more original content, host takeovers and other community events.
    27 September 2023, 7:00 am
  • 40 minutes 42 seconds
    Will Social Media Cost Me My Job? with Rachel Karten

    Are hiring managers checking out your Instagram stories? Is it okay to tweet about the NSFW writing you do on the side? Should you expose the idiots who send vitriol to your company's inboxes? The intersection of work and social media can be a messy place. Rachel Karten, social media strategist and writer of the Link in Bio newsletter, joins host Anne Helen Petersen to answer listeners' questions about when online problems become IRL.

    • Need advice about a sticky situation at work? Fill out our form at, and your question may appear in a future episode! You can also send us an email at [email protected].
    • Follow @CrookedMedia on Instagram and Twitter for more original content, host takeovers and other community events.
    20 September 2023, 9:39 pm
  • 37 minutes 17 seconds
    Should I Cover Up My Tattoo? with Greta Johnsen

    We usually create Work Appropriate episodes around a theme, grouping similar questions together. But over time, we've amassed a collection of questions that are, shall we say, unique. Greta Johnsen, host of WBEZ's Nerdette, joins host Anne Helen Petersen to answer this cornucopia of singular submissions.

    13 September 2023, 7:00 am
  • 54 minutes 10 seconds
    Actually Following Through on DEI with Sameera Kapila

    So your company put out a statement about its commitment to DEI (or DEIB, or IDEA, or whatever your workplace calls it)-- now what? Efforts to make workplaces more diverse, equitable, and inclusive can often get bogged down by the processes and culture that made the efforts so necessary in the first place. Sameera Kapila, product designer and author of Inclusive Design Communities, joins host Anne Helen Petersen to answer listeners' questions about how to keep doing the work, and make it effective.

    6 September 2023, 7:00 am
  • 53 minutes 50 seconds
    Getting Unstuck with Josh Gondelman

    Sometimes the job is fine, the pay is fine, the schedule is fine, but you still feel stuck. It's a miserable feeling, like no matter what you do, this is going to be your life until the end of time. Josh Gondelman, pep talker extraordinaire and our first three-peat guest, joins host Anne Helen Petersen to offer some glimmers of hope to listeners who feel woefully, hopelessly stuck.

    •  Need advice about a sticky situation at work? Send your questions at or send us an email at [email protected]
    • Follow @CrookedMedia on Instagram and Twitter for more original content, host takeovers and other community events.
    30 August 2023, 7:00 am
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