The Great Birth Rebellion

Dr Melanie Jackson

Hosted by Dr Melanie Jackson (@melaniethemidwife The Great Birth Rebellion dismantles western beliefs and management of birth and presents an evidence-based alternative to modern birth practices. We believe that calculated rebellion against medicalised maternity care is the evidence-based and preferred path to having a great birth. This is the great birth rebellion.

  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Episode 140 - Baby Brain

    The incredible science of how our brains change during pregnancy, birth and parenting with Neuroscientist Dr Sarah McKay. Sarah is the author of The Women's Brain Book—The Neuroscience of Health, Hormones and Happiness, Baby Brain—the surprising neuroscience of how pregnancy and motherhood sculpt our brains and change our minds (for the better) and neuroscience for dummies. Sarah is the director of The Neuroscience Academy, which offers professional development training in applied neuroscience and brain health.


    Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast


    The information and resources provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute or replace medical or midwifery advice. Instead, all information provided is intended for education, with its application intended for discussion between yourself and your care provider and/or workplace if you are a health professional.

    The Great Birth Rebellion podcast reserves the right to supplement, edit, change, or delete any information at any time. Whilst we have tried to maintain the accuracy and completeness of information, we do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or currency of the information. The podcast accepts no liability for any loss, damage or unfavourable outcomes howsoever arising out of the use or reliance on the content.

    This podcast is not a replacement for midwifery or medical clinical care.

    The below transcript was created with AI and may contain errors. 

    2 March 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 33 minutes 3 seconds
    Episode 139 - So you’ve got preeclampsia (part 2)

    This is part 2 all about pre-eclampsia. Episode 138 and 139 give a deep dive into what preeclampsia is, ways to prevent and diagnose it, and today we talk about what happens if you’ve got it. 

    Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast


    The information and resources provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute or replace medical or midwifery advice. Instead, all information provided is intended for education, with its application intended for discussion between yourself and your care provider and/or workplace if you are a health professional.

    The Great Birth Rebellion podcast reserves the right to supplement, edit, change, or delete any information at any time. Whilst we have tried to maintain the accuracy and completeness of information, we do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or currency of the information. The podcast accepts no liability for any loss, damage or unfavourable outcomes howsoever arising out of the use or reliance on the content.

    This podcast is not a replacement for midwifery or medical clinical care.

    The below transcript was created with AI and may contain errors. 

    23 February 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 50 minutes 8 seconds
    Episode 138 - Preventing pre-eclampsia (part 1)

    In this episode Mel finally talks about pre-eclampsia (she can avoid it no longer!). Mel explains what pre-eclampsia is, how to diagnose it, how it develops and some strategies on how to prevent it. In this episode (part 1) you also learn about who is more likely to get pre-eclampsia so that preventative strategies can be better targeted.

    The episode was sponsored by The convergence of rebellious midwives conference, tickets available for the 2025 event NOW. Get your ticket now - it’s not just for Midwives!

    Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast


    The information and resources provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute or replace medical or midwifery advice. Instead, all information provided is intended for education, with its application intended for discussion between yourself and your care provider and/or workplace if you are a health professional.

    The Great Birth Rebellion podcast reserves the right to supplement, edit, change, or delete any information at any time. Whilst we have tried to maintain the accuracy and completeness of information, we do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or currency of the information. The podcast accepts no liability for any loss, damage or unfavourable outcomes howsoever arising out of the use or reliance on the content.

    This podcast is not a replacement for midwifery or medical clinical care.

    The below transcript was created with AI and may contain errors. 

    16 February 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    Episode 137 - Reclaiming Midwifery a modern day battlecry

    Professor Hannah Dahlen joins Mel to discuss modern day Midwifery and the hope that she has about reclaiming our Midwifery heritage. Hannah believes that we are SO close to a birth utopia where women will have access to Midwives and whose Midwives can work autonomously with women. Find out the reason for her optimism. Hannah explains that the only option at this point to go backwards in the progress that Midwives have made is self sabotage.  

    Where to listen/watch:

    Listen on the website

    Watch or listen on YouTube

    Listen on Spotify

    Listen on Apple

     Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast


    The information and resources provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute or replace medical or midwifery advice. Instead, all information provided is intended for education, with its application intended for discussion between yourself and your care provider and/or workplace if you are a health professional.

    The Great Birth Rebellion podcast reserves the right to supplement, edit, change, or delete any information at any time. Whilst we have tried to maintain the accuracy and completeness of information, we do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or currency of the information. The podcast accepts no liability for any loss, damage or unfavourable outcomes howsoever arising out of the use or reliance on the content.

    This podcast is not a replacement for midwifery or medical clinical care.

    The below transcript was created with AI and may contain errors. 

    9 February 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 55 minutes 53 seconds
    Episode 136 - RSV vaccine in pregnancy

    The RSV vaccine during pregnancy has just been approved for use in Australia and the Australian government is providing it for free to all pregnant women. Mel goes over the research about the vaccine's effectiveness and the results of the 3 studies done so far. There is limited short term data but no long term data since this is a new vaccine.

    Melanie is a registered Midwife and so is required by her registration body to uphold the recommendations in the Australian National Immunisations Handbook. Melanie is also required to use current evidence to inform practice. Mel is preparing resources for the education of her own clients and has offered this here to assist women and other health practitioners understand the research behind this new vaccine. 

     Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast


    The information and resources provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute or replace medical or midwifery advice. Instead, all information provided is intended for education, with its application intended for discussion between yourself and your care provider and/or workplace if you are a health professional.

    The Great Birth Rebellion podcast reserves the right to supplement, edit, change, or delete any information at any time. Whilst we have tried to maintain the accuracy and completeness of information, we do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or currency of the information. The podcast accepts no liability for any loss, damage or unfavourable outcomes howsoever arising out of the use or reliance on the content.

    This podcast is not a replacement for midwifery or medical clinical care.

    The below transcript was created with AI and may contain errors. 

    2 February 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Episode 135 - Common breastfeeding issues and how to fix them

    Mel invites experienced Lactation consultant and published author Lucy Webber to the podcast to ask her Breastfeeding questions. Lucy answers some questions that address the most common breastfeeding myths that she is always confronting in her work and I also threw in some listener questions!

    You can follow along with Lucy via Facebook, instagram or visit her website

    Resources mentioned:

     Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast


    The information and resources provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute or replace medical or midwifery advice. Instead, all information provided is intended for education, with its application intended for discussion between yourself and your care provider and/or workplace if you are a health professional.

    The Great Birth Rebellion podcast reserves the right to supplement, edit, change, or delete any information at any time. Whilst we have tried to maintain the accuracy and completeness of information, we do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or currency of the information. The podcast accepts no liability for any loss, damage or unfavourable outcomes howsoever arising out of the use or reliance on the content.

    This podcast is not a replacement for midwifery or medical clinical care.

    The below transcript was created with ai and may contain errors. 

    26 January 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 50 minutes 3 seconds
    Episode 134 - The risks of induction - Part 2

    Part 2 of the risks of induction. Episode 133 was all about the assessment and first steps of induction and this episode follows on with the risks of the final steps of induction of labour. These are a must-listen if you are being presented with the option of induction - especially if it’s a routine induction

    Mel also opens up the video presentations from The Convergence of Rebellious Midwives conference 2024. These are now available to the public and many of the exceptional presentations address the topic of induction and medical management of birth. Presented by top experts in their field. Use the code PODTALKS to get $100 off at the cart.


    Podcast episodes that complement this episode 

    Ep. 3 - Due Dates

    Ep. 33 -  Induction of Labour 

    Ep. 46 - stretch and sweep

    Ep. 74 The cascade of interventions

    Ep. 114 - Is CTG ever beneficial?


    Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast


    The information and resources provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute or replace medical or midwifery advice. Instead, all information provided is intended for education, with its application intended for discussion between yourself and your care provider and/or workplace if you are a health professional.

    The Great Birth Rebellion podcast reserves the right to supplement, edit, change, or delete any information at any time. Whilst we have tried to maintain the accuracy and completeness of information, we do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or currency of the information. The podcast accepts no liability for any loss, damage or unfavourable outcomes howsoever arising out of the use or reliance on the content.

    This podcast is not a replacement for midwifery or medical clinical care.


    Please note the transcript below was generated by ai and may contain errors.

    19 January 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 59 minutes 40 seconds
    Episode 133 - The risks of induction - Part 1

    Having your labour induced has risks. This episode is part 1 of a discussion of the labour induction process and the associated risks that go along with each stage of an induction. The discussion continues in episode 134. Sometimes the benefits of an induction outweigh the risks, but sometimes an induction is more risky than staying pregnant. This episode offers information to help inform your decisions around labour induction options

    Mel also opens up the video presentations from the convergence of rebellious Midwives conference 2024. These are now available to the public and many of the exceptional presentations address the topic of induction and medical management of birth. Presented by top experts in their field. Use the code PODTALKS to get $100 off at the cart.

    Podcast episodes that complement this episode 

    Ep. 3 - Due Dates

    Ep. 33 -  Induction of Labour 

    Ep. 46 - stretch and sweep

    Ep. 114 - Is CTG ever beneficial?

    Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast


    The information and resources provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute or replace medical or midwifery advice. Instead, all information provided is intended for education, with it’s application intended for discussion between yourself and your care provider and/or workplace if you are a health professional.

    The Great Birth Rebellion podcast reserves the right to supplement, edit, change, delete any information at any time. Whilst we have tried to maintain accuracy and completeness of information, we do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or currency of the information. The podcast accepts no liability for any loss, damage or unfavourable outcomes howsoever arising out of the use or reliance on the content.

    This podcast is not a replacement for midwifery or medical clinical care.

    Please note the transcript below was generated by ai and may contain errors.

    12 January 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 59 minutes 32 seconds
    Episode 132 - Who is Mel and what is she doing?

    Dr Melanie Jackson is the host of the Great Birth Rebellion podcast but do you really know her? Mel's husband Dan interviews her to get to the bottom of who she is and what she is up to.  Dan probes with questions about her background, motivations, and journey into Midwifery. Discover Mel's academic and professional activities, including her transition from Naturopathy to Midwifery and into academia. The conversation also covers her family life, homeschooling their children, their permaculture lifestyle, and the creation of The Great Birth Rebellion podcast. Mel shares insights into her philosophy about pregnancy and birth, her efforts to influence the birth culture through education and mentorship, and her vision for the future of maternity care.

    In this episode, we spoke about The Convergence of Rebellious Midwives and The Assembly of Rebellious Midwives - you can click the links to learn more about these and sign up. 

    Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast

    • Join the podcast mailing list to access the resource folder from each episode at 
    • Join the rebellion and show your support! Grab your Great Birth Rebellion merchandise now at
    • Join the premium podcast members Hub which gives you access to transcripts, additional resources AND the 'ask Mel a question' button so you can submit questions for Mel to answer in the hub. Only available in the premium podcast members hub. Join the hub here 
    • Follow us on social media @thegreatbirthrebellion and @melaniethemidwife or watch this podcast on Youtube here
    • If this podcast has improved your knowledge or pregnancy, birth or postpartum journey please consider thanking us financially by leaving a tip to support the ongoing work of this podcast. 


    The information and resources provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute or replace medical or midwifery advice. Instead, all information provided is intended for education, with it’s application intended for discussion between yourself and your care provider and/or workplace if you are a health professional.

    The Great Birth Rebellion podcast reserves the right to supplement, edit, change, delete any information at any time. Whilst we have tried to maintain accuracy and completeness of information, we do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or currency of the information. The podcast accepts no liability for any loss, damage or unfavourable outcomes howsoever arising out of the use or reliance on the content.

    This podcast is not a replacement for midwifery or medical clinical care.

    5 January 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 57 minutes 45 seconds
    Episode 131 - Myth Busting - big baby, homebirth, postdates, CPD

    Angela Duce (from Guardian Doula’s diary: the podcast) interviews Mel about Myth busting and truth telling about birth. Angela had questions about homebirth, choosing your birth team, postdates, ultrasounds, due dates, induction options and cephalopelvic disproportion.

    Great birth rebellion Episodes that complement this one:

    Ep. 3 Due Dates 

    Ep. 8 Giving Birth at home 

    Ep. 29 Small babies, big babies pt.1

    Ep. 30 Small babies, big babies pt.2 

    This episode is a re-edit of The Guardian Doula’s diary: the podcast - birth myth busting and truth telling. The great birth rebellion would like to thank Angela for allowing us to share this episode on our platform 

    Angela Duce (Angie) has been a passionate birth & postpartum doula for 5 years, and is a mum to 4. Her own birth experiences taught her the huge value of doula support, which led her to the work she does now. She provides birth education, evidence-based information, advocacy, and support (both emotionally and practically) to her clients, all the way through their pregnancy, labour/birth and into the postpartum period. Like many birth workers she lives life on call for her clients (and her kids!), and wouldn't have it any other way. 

    Find out more about Angie:

    instagram @guardian.doula

    podcast Guardian Doula's Diary

    To get on the mailing list for the podcast and to access the resource folders for each episode, visit

    Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast

    • Join the podcast mailing list to access the resource folder from each episode at 
    • Join the rebellion and show your support! Grab your Great Birth Rebellion merchandise now at
    • Join the premium podcast members Hub which gives you access to transcripts, additional resources AND the 'ask Mel a question' button so you can submit questions for Mel to answer in the hub. Only available in the premium podcast members hub. Join the hub here 
    • Follow us on social media @thegreatbirthrebellion and @melaniethemidwife 
    • If this podcast has improved your knowledge or pregnancy, birth or postpartum journey please consider thanking us financially by leaving a tip to support the ongoing work of this podcast. 


    The information and resources provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute or replace medical or midwifery advice. Instead, all information provided is intended for education, with it’s application intended for discussion between yourself and your care provider and/or workplace if you are a health professional.

    The Great Birth Rebellion podcast reserves the right to supplement, edit, change, delete any information at any time. Whilst we have tried to maintain accuracy and completeness of information, we do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or currency of the information. The podcast accepts no liability for any loss, damage or unfavourable outcomes howsoever arising out of the use or reliance on the content.

    This podcast is not a replacement for midwifery or medical clinical care.

    29 December 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 1 hour 24 minutes
    Episode 130 - How bad is it? the 2024 mothers and babies report

    The Australia’s mothers and babies report is released every year and this covers the findings of the 2024 release - Mel and her guest Dr Kirsten Small pick apart the findings and lament over them with a drinking game to sooth the rage. We are told that all of this intervention is used to keep us and our babies safe, but is it working?

    To get on the mailing list for the podcast and to access the resource folders for each episode, visit

    Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast

    • Join the podcast mailing list to access the resource folder from each episode at 
    • Join the rebellion and show your support! Grab your Great Birth Rebellion merchandise now at
    • Join the premium podcast members Hub which gives you access to transcripts, additional resources AND the 'ask Mel a question' button so you can submit questions for Mel to answer in the hub. Only available in the premium podcast members hub. Join the hub here 
    • Follow us on social media @thegreatbirthrebellion and @melaniethemidwife 
    • If this podcast has improved your knowledge or pregnancy, birth or postpartum journey please consider thanking us financially by leaving a tip to support the ongoing work of this podcast. 


    The information and resources provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute or replace medical or midwifery advice. Instead, all information provided is intended for education, with it’s application intended for discussion between yourself and your care provider and/or workplace if you are a health professional.

    The Great Birth Rebellion podcast reserves the right to supplement, edit, change, delete any information at any time. Whilst we have tried to maintain accuracy and completeness of information, we do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or currency of the information. The podcast accepts no liability for any loss, damage or unfavourable outcomes howsoever arising out of the use or reliance on the content.

    This podcast is not a replacement for midwifery or medical clinical care.

    22 December 2024, 4:00 pm
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