Church of Today Podcasts

Dr. Terrie Wurzbacher

Dr. Anne Kunath's weekly lessons given from the pulpit at the Church of Today in San Antonio, Tx


    Hi Folks,

    I just spent a few hours sitting in my yard watching the squirrels play. I would not have believed how peaceful it is for me to sit and have nothing that “must” be done—- right now. This doesn’t mean that I don’t find ways to keep busy.

    I’m still sorting and separating and refiling things into categories to make them easy to locate. I am mostly interested in getting all the classes and workshops available in a format to put into the teleseminar activity. As I read things I did years ago and see how much I have changed since I wrote those, I feel happy. Not only am I able to make some of the words and phrases much more understandable for newcomers to metaphysics but I am enjoying doing the classes so very much.

    What is even better is the number of people calling and writing who want personal instruction. Especially when I am explaining the reason for the confusion that many people feel is what has been omitted in their learning process.

    For example, most people learn bits and pieces that leave many of the puzzle pieces out. I start people in a beginning direction that takes what they have learned, add the missing pieces and allow their insights to develop into the whole puzzle. Usually the way we learn metaphysics is to get a hodge-podge of information (puzzle pieces) that has no border, no picture to go by and definitely no outline with side pieces to inclose specific lessons. At least, that is how one person described how they learned from my classes. I think I like the ability to fill in the missing pieces.

    So, that is what I have been doing since retirement. I miss everyone but manage to keep in touch. So, If you miss me too, let me hear from you.

    [email protected]


    Anne Kunath

    PO BOX 591475

    SAN ANTONIO, TX 78261

    1 May 2007, 11:56 pm
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    3 July 2006, 2:04 am
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