International Detective Dragons From Outer Space


Questions and speculation about humans. Some from me, some from you. Write in and join the conversation.

  • International Detective Dragons From Outer Space - 079
    As the load gets heavier and the road gets steeper, IDDFOS is in search of a good map to a new land.
    28 November 2009, 6:00 am
  • International Detective Dragons From Outer Space - Fail
    Lowest pit of fail. No episode 78 and never will be. Look for episode 79 on Saturday Nov 28th round about noon.
    22 November 2009, 9:00 am
  • International Detective Dragons From Outer Space - 077
    For this episode's summary, Aprime put it best: "Those points in my past when I have felt shame, pain, abuse, and disrespect have shaped me into who I am now. Going back to change those times means changing what now makes me special and unique. A future full of possibilities means more to me than an effortless past."
    3 October 2009, 9:00 am
  • International Detective Dragons From Outer Space - 076
    The only thing we always have is this moment. The more we value NOW, the less dead we are. Easy to comprehend? Sure. Easy to live up to? . . . um . . . . . . nope.
    30 August 2009, 9:00 am
  • International Detective Dragons From Outer Space - 075
    Music is the noise made by the emotional friction between humans and the universe - or - Music is the vibrational anchor that connects us to time, place, memory and emotion. Maybe both definitions are true. This episode has plenty of quality feedback on what music is, and why humans create and listen to it.
    19 July 2009, 9:00 am
  • International Detective Dragons From Outer Space - 074
    How is the market for Souls these days?
    14 June 2009, 9:00 am
  • International Detective Dragons From Outer Space - 073
    What do killer asteroids, postcards, the tree of Liberty, little white lies, the soul, war heroes and pencils have in common? Episode 73 of course.
    9 May 2009, 9:00 am
  • International Detective Dragons From Outer Space - 072
    The conclusion is reached. The consensus is formed. Portrayals are not lies. Entertainment is not deception. Show business is hard, exciting, grueling, fun and cruel as hell. Flying like Superman is a blast, magicians are tough to get out of your head and not all libraries are the same!
    27 March 2009, 9:00 am
  • The Gutter Skypes ! - Session 010 - Starblazer Adventures - Actual Play Session 1 "A Ruckus Over Rubble!"
    The Beta Epsilon asteroid fields are a hive of activity as an entirely unknown substance comes to light. Two rival mining corporations oversee the bulk of its retrieval, but when a press conference is called over the nature of "The Rubble" things begin to go . . . odd. On the surface of it all things appear normal but none of the facts add up! Tank Rondar, Ivan Archangel and Montab Comet find themselves blasting off into a new adventure where the stakes are unknown, the clues are all skewed and 2 + 2 = Danger !
    8 March 2009, 9:00 am
  • The Gutter Skypes ! - Session 009 - Starblazer Adventures - Character Creation and Game Prep Session 2 of 2
    Add thin air, four Gutter Skypes, and a few hours together. You Get Three Super "Starblazer Adventure" Space Heroes!
    28 February 2009, 9:00 am
  • International Detective Dragons From Outer Space - 071
    Universal Symbols dipped in stone - New Seekers of hard questions - Hopeful new beginnings and frightening transitions - Actors Lying and Liars of Mercy - A fascinating, but unpredictable episode!
    23 February 2009, 9:00 am
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