For years, Helge Achenbach has been among the world’s most successful art dealers. But with one treacherous move, he lands in prison. In Season 6 of Chameleon: Gallery of Lies, host Bijan Stephen sets out on the international trail of the most famous criminal you’ve never heard of. With unprecedented access to an ex-con, Bijan attempts to solve the riddle of who Helge really is—and who he might become.
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A Campside Media & Sony Music Entertainment Production.
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Hosted by international bestselling author and journalist Omar El Akkad, Without explores all of the things we can't imagine losing. In some cases, it’s something we’ve already lost – species, natural phenomena, places. In other cases, it’s things we should probably learn to live without, like fossil fuels or nuclear weapons. Every episode of Without is a thought experiment – what would the world look like if something we’ve become used to were no longer around?
A HyperObject Industries & Sony Music Entertainment production.
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With shark attacks on the wane, Dan Duane, our surfer host, flies to Reunion, sees perfect waves, and feels an irresistible temptation.
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A HyperObject Industries, Little Everywhere & Sony Music Entertainment production.
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Millions of Euros pour into shark fishing and attack-deterrent research, but underground hardcore surfers flaunt new safety rules in search of the ultimate ride, and pay the ultimate price.
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A HyperObject Industries, Little Everywhere & Sony Music Entertainment production.
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With Reunion badly divided over sharks, the tragic death of two beloved young locals brings island society back together again.
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A HyperObject Industries, Little Everywhere & Sony Music Entertainment production.
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The government outlaws surfing, so most locals quit the sport; but Coralie Fridmann and friends keep sharing waves, as well as instructions for each other’s funerals and tricks for dodging police.
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A HyperObject Industries, Little Everywhere & Sony Music Entertainment production.
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What does it feel like to be prey in the jaws of a predator? Tanguy Gicquel knows and tells.
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A HyperObject Industries, Little Everywhere & Sony Music Entertainment production.
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A government shark researcher names two female sharks after his friends Estelle and Fanny, only to have those female sharks implicated in a series of gruesome deaths.
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A HyperObject Industries, Little Everywhere & Sony Music Entertainment production.
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Professor Christopher Pepin-Neff, author of “The Jaws Effect,” flies to Reunion as a consultant, and finds irrational, emotional, movie-driven language everywhere he looks.
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A HyperObject Industries, Little Everywhere & Sony Music Entertainment production.
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Underwater shark lookout Mathieu “Playboy of the Shark Crisis” Milella gets out of the water moments before a shark kills a beloved local surfer, raising new questions about how to make the ocean safe.
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A HyperObject Industries, Little Everywhere & Sony Music Entertainment production.
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When a famous young French surfer dies in a spectacular attack, and the French government announces a plan to kill sharks, French starlet and super-celebrity Brigitte Bardot leaps into the fight–on the side of the sharks!
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A HyperObject Industries, Little Everywhere & Sony Music Entertainment production.
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