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'Real Housewives of Orange County' and 'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives'

  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    At Hometowns Juliana Makes Strides, Dina's Family Hides (The Bachelor Full Recap)

    What's up Brose? It's hometowns week on the Bachelor. Juliana introduces Grant to the whole family, extended included up in Boston. He makes a solid impression on the whole crew and it's clear that he and Juliana have definitely firmed up their connection during this date. Zoe brings Grant to New York to meet her "chosen family" but he does not get to meet her adopted parents due to a strained relationship. But meeting the aunt and uncle and sister goes well. While it appears they do not have the deepest connection, something about Zoe has Grant enamored. We just would like to see her open up just a lillllllll bit more but her and Grant have certainly come a long way. Litia and her big Mormon family are more than welcoming to Grant. Hopefully settling any nerves he had as far as how they would accept him given he is not Mormon. We both agree that as of now, Litia is the frontrunner, but that may change at fantasy suites due to her religion. How will Grant's potential nights with the other ladies effect their relationship? Poor Dina is left out to dry by her family. As a Pastor and a Deacon, her father refuses to have the family meet Grant because they can't get on board for the dynamic of this show. While this is easily the most realistic response, for the show and for Dina's journey, this was not a favorable outcome. Who will get the roses and head towards the final? Next week is our favorite episode, the Tell All and we cannot wait.

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    6 March 2025, 3:18 pm
  • 41 minutes 20 seconds
    Is Stacey Lying or is TJ Trying? (RHOP Reunion pt. 3 Full Recap)

    What's up Bros? The RHOP reunion finished on an interesting note. It certainly wasn't a bad episode but it was very different from the format that we're used to. Mia leaves (no one cares). And TJ drops the bomb that he was paid to be Stacey's love interest the entire season AND she owes him backpay. Now, we certainly dont intend to just believe TJ. After all, where are the reciepts? Wheres the evidence? However, Stacey did not help her case with her defense. The whole "I can't make sense of it" was an interesting approach. The rest of the ladies weigh in and it appears that they have a whole lot of questions and skepticism regarding the topic. Karen and Ray make a laughable appearance to try to take some heat off of herself and take "accountability". Even Gizelle told Andy to turn it off. Will we get the answer to the TJ v Stacey debacle? Or will we have to wait until next season? time will tell, but all in all, that was a quality season of RHOP and we are hopefully headed in the right direction.

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    5 March 2025, 6:12 pm
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    Another Will Rumor Calls for Another Will Party (Southern Hospitality Full Recap)

    What's up Bros? Its time our favoriite show on Bravo right now, SoHo. In this episode Joe Bradley and Maddi are having a bit of a rough go. Joe is full steam ahead while Maddi wants to pump the breaks and focus on herself a little more. Will says that he "owes" marriage to Emmy, and describes the most business deal relationship we've ever heard. Bradley even points out, youre not buying a car... youre getting married. Emmy plans a prom since she wasn't able to go to law prom. The theme when there is a Will cheating rumor, is that Emmy will throw a party for him. Michols continues to be our fav and the most mature man on Bravo. He sits down with his stepfather Rive to discuss his relationship with his mom, his sexuality and where he stands with his mom. He tries to give some advice to lake considering she is dealing with a very similar issue with her family, but kudos to her for standing up for herself and saying she is simply not ready to have that conversation. Next week is the finale AND reunion, and we have no idea what to expect. But hats off to yet another great season by this whole crew.

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    5 March 2025, 2:17 pm
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Production Does Venita Dirty on Southern Charm (Southern Charm Full Recap

    What's up Bros? Southern Charm is still in the Bahamas and JT has joined the party. In this episode, Shep comes to terms with/ spirals out about realizing his relationship with Sienna isn't what he thought it was. Newsflash pal, shes just not that into you. JT arrives as the group sits down to a dinner and airs out multiple grievances. The underlying theme is, just apologize JT. He does get some unfair shade from the group about the bitch comment in regards to Miss Patricia that leads to a sit down with Madison where they appear to clear the air. But the resounding sentiment is no one likes JT. Venita goes to JT's room late night with no cameras, and we found out that the dinner scene with JT was actually filmed AFTER this. The edit did Venita extremely dirty, as the production teams (Jermaine) choices continue to baffle us. JT leaves early and the group heads out on the boat without Sienna. Things are potentially heating up between Molly and Shep as she feels pressure from the group to make a move.

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    4 March 2025, 4:26 pm
  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    Kyle Rage Texts Paige (Summer House Full Recap)

    What's up Bros? Its Summer House time and summer is heating up to say the least. In this episode, Jesse and Lexi are going full throttle after knowing eachother for... a week? Jesse even meets the parents already. Lexi stands by the fact that she likes to jump in and risk getting her heartbroken rather than miss out on love. While Jesse is going to have to take some time to adjust because Lexi isnt a casual dater... It sounds like a recipe for disaster. Jesse lovebombs her until he realizes he's too far in and by the end of the episode it looks like he's questioning his decisions which is pretty unfair to Lexi. Love her or hate her, she made her wants and needs pretty clear. Kyle is DJ'ing an event back in the city that the whole crew is invited to. We meet newbie Imrul who is an interesting character to say the least. Paige reveals a rage text she recieved from Kyle about Craig and Hannah Berner... Which has nothing to do with Paige and Kyle just messed with the wrong one. We've personally been waiting for someone to set Kyle straight and there is no better person for the job than an activated Paige Desorbo. Daneille returns to the house after a brief hiatus which may be her filling in for Bailee since she got the boot from the cast.

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    3 March 2025, 4:18 pm
  • 56 minutes 2 seconds
    A Traitorous Cliffhanger (The Traitors Full Recap)

    What's up Bros? We are one week away from the finale and we were left on a cliffhanger that could decide the fate of the entire game. We finally say farewell to Tom Sandoval, and if you say you didn't enjoy him on the show youre lying. With the numbers dwindling, Danielle and new traitor Britany set their sights on Gabby. It looks like Danielle is drawing a lot of speculation as well. During the mission we take a walk down memory lane to decide who will be the Seer. The seer having the power to find out the identity of one player. At the roundtable all eyes are on Danielle and Gabby as both plead their case. Dolores cant help but waste her vote as she casts doubt on Ivar. After deciding to vote against Gabby, the Traitors make a solid move and shift their vote to Ivar to avoid suspicion. The vote ends in a tie between Ivar and Danielle. With the tiebreaker coming up, we are left on a cliffhanger that will more than likely decide the outcome of the season. Will it be Danielle? Will it be Ivar? Who claimed the title of Seer? We shall see this week at the Finale/ Reunion!

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    3 March 2025, 2:13 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Sutton vs. Dorit: If the Wallet Fits (RHOBH Full Recap)

    What's up Bros? RHOBH is heating up this week as Dorit and Sutton square off. In this episode, Boz and Keely meet with the fertility specialist. Kyle finally opens up more about her marriage and where she is at with everything. It was arguably the most we have gotten out of Kyle in years. Tilly is planning a caviar and caftan party for the ladies. Dorit and Sutton still feel a type of way about one another and it appears that both of them have something to say at this event. Sutton comes out of the gate hot and goes in on Dorit. This is an issue that is fairly split on social media. Whose team are you on? Team Sutton or Team Dorit? Did Sutton go too far or did Dorit set the tone with the alcohol comments? Either way, RHOBH is getting better week to week and we are excited to see where it goes.

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    28 February 2025, 4:21 pm
  • 56 minutes 28 seconds
    Carolina Causes Chaos (The Bachelor Full Recap)

    What's up Brose? It is Bachelor time and the show is FINALLY heating up a little bit. Its been a mundane season up til now but drama is beginning to take over the group. With only two 2 one on one dates, Zoe and Juliana are hoping to finally secure their one on one time. When Carolina is snubbed and sent to the group date, she makes sure that she messes with everyones time. Not participating in any events, she does her classic move and gets Grant to step away from the rest of the ladies to console her. Juliana has a picturesque one on one date that pushes her way ahead as far as contenders. Zoe gets snubbed as well and is the only remaining contestant without a one on one date. Litia gets her second one on one with Grant and you cant deny the chemistry between these two, but it will be interesting to see how the Mormon aspect of her life plays a role in their potential future. After sticking up for Carolina last week, Dina feels a type of way after witnessing her moves first hand and takes it up with Grant. A risky move to say the least. The rose ceremony is a big one as next week is hometowns and we really are nearing the end of the journey. Shooter and Steel both look at their remaining players for each team and we are going to have a pretty intense match up going into the last couple weeks!

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    27 February 2025, 2:12 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    Gizelle Reads Mia to Filth (RHOP Reunion pt 2 Full Recap)

    What's up Bros? It is part 2 of the RHOP reunion. In this episode, Mia's questionable actions all season take center stage. First we check in with Stacey and where her and TJ stand. We talked about it all season but watching Stacey's journey has been awesome. From innocent newbie to seasoned housewife, she is an absolute star. Once we get into the Mia discussion, everyone on the stage has something to say about it. After being fairly quiet about it during the season, Gizelle finally goes in on Mia. Questioning her intentions, her parenting, while Wendy announces she thinks it was all a plan and that Mia, Inc and Gordon are STILL in on it. Jaqueline joins and not even she can stand up for Mia right now. All of the shenanigans that went on with the paternity of Jeremiah, talking about these things on TV, lying and perpetuating false FINALLY comes crashing down. But the other bright note to take away from this episode is the chemistry amongst this cast outside of Mia. The other ladies are smiling, joking around and vibing. This show has a core cast that can be succesful and we hope that they do the right thing and get rid of Mia once and for all so that RHOP can flourish once more.

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    26 February 2025, 3:32 pm
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Ask Me About My Weiner (Southern Hospitality Full Recap)

    What's up Bros? It's Sir Weiner time in SoHo. TJ is getting ready for his big debut event with Sir Weiners. He has a lot to prove to himself and to the people around him and you can tell this event means a lot to him. Will and Emmy still feel victimized for some bizarre reason, but have decided to sweep it all under the rug and move on... Joe Bradley is coming on a little strong post "wedding" as Maddi is still trying to get her footing after her disastrous relationship with Trevor. Lake has decided that the Brad chase has run its course and it's time to move on. We love a good fling with an end date, fun for everyone with no damage. Michols and Preston double date with Lake and her BFWB Shelby. Lake and Shelby have a deep and complex relationship and are besties while also being intimate. Soulmates in some regard. Michols questions Lake about her families reception of her being bisexual and Lake says due to the succesful, southern, religious family values she grew up with, she has yet to broach the topic with her dad. What better mentor to help navigate this than Michols, who he himself has been on this journey with his own family. The Sir Weiner's event goes off without a hitch (other than Will's bad attitude) and even Leva gives TJ his flowers. Emmy even shows up in a hot dog costume in support. TJ kills it and is super proud of himself (rightly so) for pulling it off. But after hearing that Emmy is still talking smack, this time to Taylor, he questions Emmy and where they stand. Joey Bottles doubles down and brings up the living situation with Maddi. He has already announced his one year plan of getting engaged and now he presses Maddi about a move in timeline and based on where Maddi is in life, it may not be the right time to push this one on her...

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    25 February 2025, 3:32 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    She Faked a Stomach Ache, Shep (Southern Charm Full Recap)

    What's up Bros? We are fully caught up and back on track with SC and it looks like things are starting to pick up. After a rocky start seeing Sienna, Shep is scrambling trying to make sense of his relationship. It's pretty clear from body language alone that Shep and Sienna are on two entirely different pages. While Shep certainly deserves this comeuppins for all of his shenanigans over the years, due to the overall cringe factor it is literally impossible to not feel at least slightly bad for him. Even if it's just secondhand embarrassment. The group heads to dinner and Madison grills Sienna. After dinner, Sienna skips the afterparty due to a 'stomach ache'... Confirming that she's just not that into Shep. Shep kicks off the morning with one of the cringiest texts ever read out loud... The crew splits up to head to a fish fry and snorkeling. Sienna originally planned on going with the fish fry crew which does not include Shep but bails due to... residual stomach ache? As Shep wrestles with his feelings, Craig wrestles with his relationship with Austen.

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    24 February 2025, 2:29 pm
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