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'House of the Dragon' and 'RHONJ'

  • 55 minutes 23 seconds
    Heather Teams Up With Tamra in London (RHOC Full Recap)

    What's up Bros? The RHOC ladies are in London for Shannon's trip, and things have taken a turn. Before heading out, Heather takes a crew to get mammograms. While everyone is currently in the clear, Heather finds out that she is at a higher risk than most for breast cancer. She takes offense to nobody in the group asking her how her check up went, insinuating they all asked one another. While we certainly don't want to be insensitive, it did seem like many ladies in the group offered up their own information. We understand feeling a little neglected, but perhaps bring it up to them in the moment or shortly after... Instead of waiting for dinner in London. Alexis claps back at the uninvite text from Shannon with a text that falls drastically short. While in London, Heather and Tamra have a side bar to discuss Shannon's appearance on the Jeff Lewis podcast. Apparently she said something slightly different in regards to John Janssen hearing the wreck. Did she lie? No, she said she hadn't thought about it. But Tamra and Heather take it and run with it and turn it into a huge issue. Things escalate at dinner when both Tamra and Heather question Shannon about it, claiming emotional manipulation, being used and a whole list of issues. Citing Shannon's heart to heart with Heather in Sonoma (and by heart to heart we mean complete breakdown) as evidence of Shannon being a liar? It made very little sense to us. Not sure why Heather is hitching her wagon to Tamra but it is certainly an interesting and questionable move. We'll see how that works out for her...

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    16 October 2024, 4:40 pm
  • 41 minutes 32 seconds
    Angie K gets Revved Up at the Harley Museum (Part 2 of 2) (RHOSLC Full Recap)

    What's up Bros? The RHOSLC crew finishes up their stint in Milwaukee with a trip to the Miller Beer Caves. Lisa gets wind of Whitney and Angie talking some smack via Meredith. She decides to have her own adventure by recruiting Britani and Meili to head to a curling facility. Whitney tries to defend herself against the Ali Baba rumors. She claims if Meredith was a real friend she would've approached her about it, Meredith claims if Whitney was a real friend she would've asked her for help with her jewelry line. But Meredith continues to Meredith as she moves behind the scenes planting seeds. Bronwyn is still trying to get a handle on how this group operates. We do find it interesting that she is feeling a little insecure that she wasn't invited on the curling trip, and seems like she feels some type of way about not being on the cool kids list with Lisa. She also continues to bring up her husbands age. Dinner at the Harley museum gets heated when Lisa goes in on Whitney and she claims shes 'steamrolling' her. But the argument quickly shifts to Angie vs Lisa, and it seems like Angie is done with the conditional friendship. She will no longer bend the knee to Lisa and she makes some very valid points. Shockingly, Lisa goes low and takes a jab at Angie's daughter, Elektra. Out of left field, Britani declares her and Jared are broken up. The crew questions it, Bronwyn asks some deeper questions, and Britani decides to go after Bronwyn's marriage (which we may or may not have some questions about ourselves). Things escalate but the group comes together for a drag show at the end and we get our first taste of Hot Dog Couture...

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    15 October 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 42 minutes 37 seconds
    Angie K gets Revved Up at the Harley Museum (Part 1 of 2) (RHOSLC Full Recap)

    What's up Bros? The RHOSLC crew finishes up their stint in Milwaukee with a trip to the Miller Beer Caves. Lisa gets wind of Whitney and Angie talking some smack via Meredith. She decides to have her own adventure by recruiting Britani and Meili to head to a curling facility. Whitney tries to defend herself against the Ali Baba rumors. She claims if Meredith was a real friend she would've approached her about it, Meredith claims if Whitney was a real friend she would've asked her for help with her jewelry line. But Meredith continues to Meredith as she moves behind the scenes planting seeds. Bronwyn is still trying to get a handle on how this group operates. We do find it interesting that she is feeling a little insecure that she wasn't invited on the curling trip, and seems like she feels some type of way about not being on the cool kids list with Lisa. She also continues to bring up her husbands age. Dinner at the Harley museum gets heated when Lisa goes in on Whitney and she claims shes 'steamrolling' her. But the argument quickly shifts to Angie vs Lisa, and it seems like Angie is done with the conditional friendship. She will no longer bend the knee to Lisa and she makes some very valid points. Shockingly, Lisa goes low and takes a jab at Angie's daughter, Elektra. Out of left field, Britani declares her and Jared are broken up. The crew questions it, Bronwyn asks some deeper questions, and Britani decides to go after Bronwyn's marriage (which we may or may not have some questions about ourselves). Things escalate but the group comes together for a drag show at the end and we get our first taste of Hot Dog Couture...

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    15 October 2024, 4:44 pm
  • 49 minutes 49 seconds
    Is RHONY on the Ropes? (RHONY Full Recap)

    What's up Bros? As you know, we are supporters of the new RHONY, and dammit we want this show to succeed. But in this second episode its become more and more evident that we are not getting authenticity from this cast. It appears as though everyone wants to portray an image of who they want us to see, rather than who they actually are. For Housewives shows to succeed we need to see it all, the good, the bad and the ugly, and we are simply not getting that. In this episode, Brynn's issues with the rest of the group are shining through. Sai is still upset that she told Jenna she hated her. Jenna appears to be over it but Sai is turning over a new leaf as a happier nicer persona and doesn't want this to drag her down. Erin is upset with Brynn for attempting to throw a wrench into her friendship with Jenna. Although we get some behind the scenes shade from Jenna who tells Brynn she was 'quick to forgive' Erin. It appears that the damaged ego of Brynn for forgiving Erin too quickly was the route of the drama between those two. Again, if you're gonna be shady Jenna, do it on camera... Erin and Abe hash it out over bitcoin and year long lies. It is a pretty major issue that doesn't garner that big of a conversation and again we get tid bits but not the whole story. Rebecca Minkoff, resident scientologist, gets questioned about her religion and that could be an interesting story line moving forward. Ubah has decided to take 10 steps back from Brynn because she doesnt trust her anymore. Which could lead to a fun feud. But the overall sentiment is that this cast is so close to having palapable on screen drama, but they refuse to go the extra mile in fear of coming off the wrong way to the audience. That is just not the correct recipe for a succesful Housewives show.

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    10 October 2024, 7:30 pm
  • 57 minutes 30 seconds
    Is Potomac BACK?!?! (RHOP Premier Full Recap)

    What's up Bros? Potomac premiered and not to get ahead of ourselves... But what a substantial improvement from last year in just one episode. Yes, the reenactment of Karens DUI was absolutely insane, but this new cast dynamic that we're seeing could be just what this show needed. Gizelle and Karen duo is delightful, the absence of Robyn is clearly beneficial to this show. In this episode, we see that aftermath of Karen's DUI and how she is handling it. According to her we will know the truth soon and 'justice will prevail'... Which seems like a very strange approach to take after getting your second DUI. The lack of accountability is troubling and will be interesting to see how it plays out. Mia and G are sorting through their divorce and what it means for the kids. Her new man, Inc, a DJ for a radio station in the area, believes that he is the father of Jeremiah. Mia wants a paternity test, G does not, and we can probably all agree that this should not be on tv. Ashely is STILL TALKING ABOUT HER DIVORCE and WE DONT CARE. Wendy is resigning from her teaching role at the university and again, we don't really care. We need more from Wendy this season than the Dr. narrative. Jaqueline returns and we are a little apprehensive about that. Gizelle throws a Hattitude party for Karen's birthday and the subtle shade being tossed around is great. Once again it seems as though Karen is taking the victim approach to her own DUI and that is going to be a very difficult narrative to listen to for a whole season. Things get heated when Gizelle questions Mia's parenting regarding the affair with Inc and the ramifications on her children...

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    10 October 2024, 4:42 pm
  • 52 minutes 18 seconds

    What's up Bros?! OC is continuing its run as a great season. In this episode, Shannon gets ready to invite the crew on the cast trip to London. Heather still has an issue with Emily and now has a problem with Gina for leaving with Emily. Despite the fact that all Emily wants is for Heather to LISTEN and LEARN about why she was upset. Shannon has reached a point with Alexis and Johnny J where she wants to move on and leave them in the dust. Ryan attempts to explain his Vegas trips (unsuccesfully). Jenn has had it with Tamra despite us seeing the classic Tamra backpedal with fake apologies. Emily and Heather sit down to chat (on Heather's terms... shocker) and Heather finally listens to why the fashion show was so triggering. It's almost like this could've been resolved sooner if Heather didn't get so defensive all the time. After revealing the cast trip at her 60th birthday celebration, Shannon recieves flowers with a literal olive branch from Alexis. Despite this outrageous last ditch effort to claw her way on to the cast trip, Shannon has had it and types up a text to tell Alexis she will not be attending. The group has mixed reactions saying the text is 'too tough'... We didn't think it was tough enough after all the shit her and Johnny J put her through. The episode ends with Alexis putting on the performance of a lifetime as Jenn and Katie let her know she is not invited to London. Then we get the confessional nobody asked for, John and Alexis... Kick rocks guys, nobody cares about you.

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    9 October 2024, 4:14 pm
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Things Get Rocky in Milwaukee. Also, Angie is Greek (RHOSLC Full Recap)

    What's up Bros?! First and foremost, to all of you that reached out on Instagram to congratulate me on the birth of my daughter, THANK YOU! She is here, she is happy and she is healthy and we couldn't be more thrilled (Dev is a superstar). Now back to business. RHOSLC came outta the gate swinging and episode 3 was no different. The gang heads to Milwaukee. Bronwyn is really upset with a lot of the group for calling her out at dinner. It seems as though her original plan is backfiring, but she has a back up plan... And that's to tell everyone that everyone is talking smack about... everyone. Meredith moved some things around to make it on the trip, but things between her and Whitney are still shaky. Not to mention Whitney is stealing designs from AliBawBawww. Jared Osmond is sliding into Angie's brow girls DM's and Brittani is still smitten with this deadbeat. The ladies divide and conquer, half go to the Bobblehead museum (well played) while the other half heads to the Casino. They reconvene at the Bucks game where things devolve in the suite rather quickly. Bronwyn calls out Lisa for 'throwing her under the bus' although that's not how we saw it. She drags Heather into it and tries to tough talk her which Heather isn't having. Meanwhile, now that Heather is FINALLY standing up for Whitney, Whitney thinks Heather is being to mistrusting towards Bronwyn and is defending Bronwyn... Oh yeah, Mary uses a tampon so she doesn't have to pee. And Angie is also still Greek. ALL THAT AND MORE ON TODAYS EPISODE!

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    8 October 2024, 7:07 pm
  • 39 minutes 19 seconds
    RHONY Returns Pt. 2 of 2 (RHONY Season Premiere Full Recap)

    Whats up Bros? RHONY is back and while it wasn't the most exciting premiere that we've seen, we didn't hate it. We meet back up with everyone in the crew and it starts off with a teaser of the end of the season. At the end of the season photoshoot for the Title Image etc. a lot of the group is not on speaking terms. It seems Brynn is having some issues with some of the ladies... When the episode kicks off, it appears that relationships are a little fractured. Brynn is on the outs with a lot of the ladies as she plans a night out in hopes to reconnect. Erin and Abe have moved from Tribeca to uptown but they're having some issues that Erin isn't ready to speak about. Sai and Jessel hit the ice bath and Sai informs us that she is on a new zen path in hopes to fix some things that she saw last season. We get to meet Jenna's girlfriends mom as well as newbie Raquel (who seems super cool). The main focus this episode is Brynn keeps getting caught in lies, or misremembering/ misspeaking about past events. Erin is fed up with it, Sai is fed up with it, and the rest of the group is dragged into it as well as Brynn keeps spreading information behind the ladies backs. Is this the villain era for Brynn? Will Jenna bring enough to the show this season? Again, not the most exciting start but we did see some areas that give us hope that they can get on track in season 2.

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    3 October 2024, 5:02 pm
  • 42 minutes 6 seconds
    RHONY Returns Pt. 1 of 2 (RHONY Season Premiere Full Recap)

    Whats up Bros? RHONY is back and while it wasn't the most exciting premiere that we've seen, we didn't hate it. We meet back up with everyone in the crew and it starts off with a teaser of the end of the season. At the end of the season photoshoot for the Title Image etc. a lot of the group is not on speaking terms. It seems Brynn is having some issues with some of the ladies... When the episode kicks off, it appears that relationships are a little fractured. Brynn is on the outs with a lot of the ladies as she plans a night out in hopes to reconnect. Erin and Abe have moved from Tribeca to uptown but they're having some issues that Erin isn't ready to speak about. Sai and Jessel hit the ice bath and Sai informs us that she is on a new zen path in hopes to fix some things that she saw last season. We get to meet Jenna's girlfriends mom as well as newbie Raquel (who seems super cool). The main focus this episode is Brynn keeps getting caught in lies, or misremembering/ misspeaking about past events. Erin is fed up with it, Sai is fed up with it, and the rest of the group is dragged into it as well as Brynn keeps spreading information behind the ladies backs. Is this the villain era for Brynn? Will Jenna bring enough to the show this season? Again, not the most exciting start but we did see some areas that give us hope that they can get on track in season 2.

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    3 October 2024, 4:55 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Tamra and Eddie Ruin the Party (RHOC Full Recap)

    What's up Bros? Its RHOC time and things are getting interesting. Emily still wants to talk to Heather in hopes that Heather can understand why the fashion show was so upsetting to her. Shannon deals with the fallout from Johnny J's lawsuit going public in People Magazine. Tamra listens to a butt-dial (gross) from Shannon and then proceeds to lie about what was said (grosser). The tension between Tamra+Eddie and Jenn+Ryan is starting to reach a breaking point after Tamra claims that Ryan went on a podcast and smeared her, eddie, their children and their business. None of which is true. Things escalate further at Matt and Katie's dinner party when Tamra calls out Ryan. She throws baseless claims at him and then brings up the FBI... Eddie seems embarrassed, he and Tamra seem to be clashing and things are getting chaotic. All that and more on todays episode!

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    2 October 2024, 5:07 pm
  • 36 minutes 17 seconds
    Brandi's Lawsuit, Shannon Drama on Love Island, Ryan vs Tamra (Bravo News Round-up 10/01/24)

    What is up Bros?! Every week we drop an exclusive episode to our BravBros members where we recap all of the recent news in the Bravo world. We wanted to share this weeks episode with you all, so you can have a little taste of what BravBros Members has to offer! In today's episode, we discuss Brandi Glanville and her lawsuit (or lack-thereof) against Bravo. Love Island has finished production and host Joel Kim Booster has a lot to say about Shannon Beador. Then we dive headfirst into the drama surrounding RHOC with Tamra, Eddie, Ryan and Jenn and we break down exactly what the potential charges and situation is against Ryan and those involved. If you like what you hear and you want more, make sure you sign up for BravBros Members and get access to these episodes every single week! Thats a whole extra episode plus so much more for only $5 a month or $50 for the year! Click the link below to sign up!

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    2 October 2024, 11:10 am
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