Geopolitical Economy Report

Ben Norton

Geopolitical Economy Report is an independent new…

  • 21 minutes 4 seconds
    Global South denounces genocide in Gaza: Nicaragua breaks relations with 'fascist' Israel
    Countries across the Global South are denouncing Israel's Western-backed genocide in Gaza. Nicaragua's Sandinista government cut off diplomatic relations with Israel, condemning it as a "fascist" regime. Ben Norton discusses how Latin America is demonstrating solidarity with the Palestinian people, rebelling against the West's neocolonialism and imperialism. VIDEO: Topics 0:00 Nicaragua ends diplomatic relations with Israel 1:56 UN expert: Israel is committing genocide 2:28 Israeli minister wants to starve all 2 million Gazans 3:34 Top Israeli newspaper says Netanyahu regime is fascist 5:14 International Court of Justice (ICJ) genocide case 7:53 Latin America's exemplary solidarity with Palestine 10:17 Nicaraguan National Assembly condemns Israel's genocide 13:51 Similar anti-imperialist struggles in Global South 16:28 Sandinistas' long history of support for Palestinians 17:38 ICJ: US owes reparations to Nicaragua 18:58 The West's "rules-based order" is just imperialism 20:44 Outro
    12 October 2024, 11:43 am
  • 48 minutes 12 seconds
    US support for Israel's war crimes is bipartisan: Trump, Kamala Harris, Biden, JD Vance, Tim Walz
    Israel enjoys bipartisan support from both the Democratic and Republican Parties in Washington, as it brutally bombs Gaza, invades Lebanon, and attacks Iran, Syria, and Yemen. Ben Norton shows how Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, JD Vance, Tim Walz, and other US politicians facilitate Israel's war crimes, which are being investigated by the International Court of Justice. VIDEO: Topics 0:00 Intro 2:08 USA & Israel wage war across Middle East 4:02 Hague investigates Israel for g*noc1de 4:57 Biden admin sends Israel $18 billion in military aid 5:24 Israel bombs civilian areas in Gaza with US weapons 6:04 US State Department approves Israeli war crimes 6:51 Gaza death toll: 186,000+ 9:45 International Criminal Court 11:12 Israel's colonialist goals 15:46 Israel invades Lebanon with US support 17:40 Iran responds to Israeli attacks 18:47 (CLIP) Kamala Harris defends Israel 19:17 Harris says a whole lot of nothing on Israel 20:09 (CLIP) Kamala Harris' Israeli word salad 20:29 Text of Harris' Israeli word salad 21:16 Joe Biden's support for Israel 21:50 (CLIP) Biden: If Israel didn't exist, US would create it 22:15 Biden threatens Iran's oil facilities 22:56 (CLIP) Trump calls to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities 23:48 Trump's anti-Palestinian bigotry 24:46 (CLIP) Trump calls Biden "Palestinian" as an insult 25:04 Harris-Trump debate 26:02 (CLIP) Kamala Harris vows to protect Israel 26:16 Harris' private meeting with Netanyahu 27:35 (CLIP) Trump claims Harris "hates" Israel 28:14 Biden-Harris administration arms Israel 28:40 Trump speech at Israeli American Council 29:00 (CLIP) Trump says Israel would not survive 2 years under Harris 29:41 (CLIP) Trump says he is candidate of "Western civilization" 30:07 (CLIP) Trump vows to deport people who oppose Israel 30:51 (CLIP) Trump attacks UN Human Rights Council & ICC 31:06 Trump boasts of his pro-Israel record 32:18 (CLIP) Trump: "I was the best friend Israel ever had" 32:47 Bipartisan support for Israel in US presidential election 33:34 Vice presidential debate: JD Vance & Tim Walz 34:40 (CLIP) Tim Walz vows to defend Israel 35:30 Israel must expand, insists Walz 36:03 JD Vance backs Israel 36:25 (CLIP) JD Vance supports anything Israel does 36:39 Did the Democrats "give" Iran $100 billion? 39:09 US war on Iran 41:00 (CLIP) Tim Walz sabre-rattles against Iran 41:41 Conflict started in 1948, not October 7, 2023 45:08 (CLIP) JD Vance: World should "fear" US 45:35 Bipartisan US imperialism 47:52 Outro
    9 October 2024, 6:52 am
  • 35 minutes 30 seconds
    US & Israel wage war across Middle East, attacking Iran, Lebanon, Gaza, Syria, Yemen
    The United States and Israel are waging war across West Asia (the Middle East), attacking Iran, Lebanon, Gaza, Syria, Yemen -- all at once. Ben Norton analyzes the imperialist interests driving the violent chaos in the region. VIDEO: You can find a back-up of our videos at Subscribe to our newsletter at Topics 0:00 Intro 0:42 Censorship & channel back-ups 2:08 Iran responds to Israel's attacks 4:01 USA claims Iran's counter-strike was "ineffective" 4:57 Contradictory US narratives on Iran & Israel 6:22 Western media propaganda 7:12 Israel's disproportionate attacks on Lebanon 8:07 History of Israel's invasions of Lebanon 10:10 US military sends more troops to Middle East 11:00 Pentagon supports Israel 12:26 USA & Israel plan attack on Iran's oil facilities 13:54 Oil price rises (weeks before elections) 15:37 Israel: US empire's unsinkable aircraft carrier 15:54 (Clip) Biden: If Israel didn't exist, US would create it 16:19 USA encourages Israel to expand wars 18:40 (Clip) US State Department opposes diplomacy with Hamas 19:16 US empire wants hegemony, not peace 21:25 CIA veterans say US should use Israel to attack Iran 23:11 US used Israel to arm right-wing dictatorships in Latin America 24:40 Israel: US empire's attack dog in West Asia 25:16 Israel kills PFLP leaders 26:32 Israel bombs Syria 27:22 Israel attacks near Russian military base 28:06 Israel bombs Yemen 28:54 US post-9/11 wars killed 4.5-4.7 MILLION people 29:39 Gulf monarchies call for neutrality, not backing USA 34:44 Outro
    4 October 2024, 3:08 pm
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    NATO is desperate on Russia, and delusional on China
    The Western powers in NATO are desperately delusional on Russia, and getting more so on China, argue political economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson. They are joined by scholar Glenn Diesen to discuss the war in Ukraine, disaster in Europe, and farewell speech by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. VIDEO: This is part of the show Geopolitical Economy Hour. You can watch other episodes of the program here:
    1 October 2024, 11:58 am
  • 19 minutes 12 seconds
    Hezbollah leader Nasrallah defeated ISIS, protected Lebanon's Christians, fought Israeli colonialism
    Israel has killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, who defended Lebanon's sovereignty, helped to defeat ISIS and Al-Qaeda, protected Christians, and fought against Israeli colonialism and military occupation. Ben Norton explains. VIDEO: Topics 0:00 Israeli colonialism in Lebanon & Palestine 1:10 Diplomats walk out of UN to protest Netanyahu speech 1:35 Few countries claim Hezbollah is "terrorist" org 2:07 Hezbollah's political arm is in Lebanon's parliament 2:25 Lebanese Christian leaders mourn Nasrallah's death 3:38 "Terrorism" claims 4:24 Hezbollah's alliance with Christians 4:41 US/Israeli links to ISIS & Al-Qaeda 7:24 Nasrallah condemned Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden, 9/11 attacks 10:21 USA supported Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan 11:38 Not anti-Semitic: distinguishing Zionism from Judaism 12:57 Zionism: Western colonialism in Palestine 15:16 Hezbollah formed to fight Israeli occupation of Lebanon 16:29 Israel assassinates political leaders, but resistance continues 18:35 Outro
    29 September 2024, 6:58 am
  • 28 minutes 5 seconds
    Why is Israel attacking Lebanon? What is Hezbollah really? The colonial war explained
    Israel is bombing Lebanon, with staunch US support. An Israeli minister vowed that "Lebanon will be annihilated". Ben Norton analyzes the colonial war, explains the origins of Hezbollah, and provides historical context. VIDEO: Topics 0:00 Israel is waging war on Lebanon 1:19 ICC accuses Israeli officials of crimes against humanity 2:41 USA facilitates Israel's crimes 4:16 Israeli education minister vows "Lebanon as we know it will not exist" 4:35 (Clip) Israeli minister: "Lebanon will be annihilated" 4:52 Israeli media calls for g*noc1de against Palestinians 5:27 Israeli minister boasts of new Nakba in Gaza 6:00 Israeli minister says Lebanon, Syria, Iraq are not sovereign states 8:34 Zionism & Israel: European colonialism in Palestine 10:22 (Clip) Netanyahu applauded in US Congress 10:43 Israel is the aggressor in Lebanon 11:56 Which countries call Hezbollah a "t3rr*rist" group? 13:44 Hezbollah's origins in Israeli occupation of Lebanon 16:29 Hezbollah's alliance with Christians & religious minorities 19:02 ISIS, Al-Qaeda, & Syria War 23:08 Israel, ISIS, & Al-Qaeda 26:02 Lebanon's sovereignty & territorial integrity 27:25 Outro
    25 September 2024, 2:21 pm
  • 31 minutes 39 seconds
    Israel's pager attack in Lebanon will blow back: Western tech can't be trusted anymore
    Israel killed many people in Lebanon by putting explosives in pagers and walkie-talkies, in what was condemned internationally as a terrorist attack. This is already backfiring, hurting Western technology companies. Ben Norton discusses how this act of war will fragment supply chains, as Global South markets no longer trust tech made by the US and its allies. China's manufactured goods will increasingly be seen as a safer alternative. VIDEO: Topics 0:00 Israel's pager attack in Lebanon 1:44 Ex CIA director admits it was terrorism 3:07 Russia blasts terrorism, China condemns Israel 3:58 Israel opened Pandora's box: global economy will fragment further 5:51 China gets more customers in Middle East / West Asia 6:44 China is largest trading partner of most countries 7:17 China is world's manufacturing superpower 9:52 How Israel made pagers into bombs (with Hungary & Taiwan links) 14:37 USA demonizes Chinese tech (Huawei) 15:45 US NSA spies on the entire world 18:39 Israel spies on other countries 20:56 USA fears Chinese role in supply chains 22:34 US role in Israeli plot 23:48 How US & Israel weaponize supply chains 29:28 Hezbollah 31:23 Outro
    24 September 2024, 2:41 pm
  • 36 minutes 56 seconds
    US escalates new cold war on China: Congress passes 25 anti-Chinese laws in 1 week, funds propaganda
    Cold War Two fervor is reaching fever pitch in Washington. In "China Week", the US House of Representatives approved 25 anti-Chinese laws, in bipartisan votes, including $1.6 billion in funding for anti-China propaganda worldwide. Ben Norton discusses how both the Republican and Democratic Parties are targeting China with information war, sanctions, tech restrictions, tariffs, even threats of military force. VIDEO: Sources and more information here: CIA director threatens China & Russia, says Ukraine war benefits US economy: How the US wages economic war on countries all around the world: US Secretary of State Blinken announces China containment policy: Topics 0:00 US Congress escalates Cold War II on China 1:53 US House approves $1.6 billion for anti-China propaganda 2:46 Goal of new cold war: do to China what West did to post-Soviet Russia 3:44 Congress funds war, not social programs for Americans 5:20 Media notes US politicians are preparing for war 6:28 (Clip) Biden lies about Iraqi "WMDs" 6:45 Containment strategy toward China 7:45 (Clip) Blinken: USA "will shape the strategic environment around Beijing" 8:29 The "rules-based international order" 10:05 (Clip) CIA teaches how to "lie, cheat, and steal" 10:22 Pompeo's anti-China speech 12:11 (Clip) Pompeo: US must (regime) "change" China 13:00 CIA says China is biggest "threat" 15:29 US Congress' (Anti) "China Week" 17:22 Funding anti-China disinformation 17:42 Hong Kong 18:34 Taiwan 20:10 "Pacific Partnership" (for war) 20:34 Japan and South Korea 20:55 Economic warfare and sanctions 24:40 Electric vehicles (EVs) 27:03 Drones 27:53 Batteries 28:39 Biotech 29:08 Telecommunications 30:37 Chinese currency (renminbi/yuan) 31:45 Agriculture/land 32:14 Media 32:37 Scientific research 32:59 Confucius Institutes 33:36 USA restricts interchange with Chinese 35:00 Preparing for war 35:49 Outro
    22 September 2024, 1:34 pm
  • 18 minutes 54 seconds
    World demands end to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine, in landslide UN vote
    The vast majority of the world voted at the UN General Assembly to demand an end to Israel's unlawful occupation of Palestinian territory within 12 months, with 124 countries (64%) in favor, 14 (7%) against, and 43 (22%) abstentions. Ben Norton analyzes the geopolitics of the vote, and how the US and most of the West is violating international law. VIDEO: Sources and more information here: Topics 0:00 Intro 0:21 Chart of countries' votes at UN 1:00 UN resolution demands end to Israel's occupation 2:22 Map & analysis of countries' votes at UN 6:49 International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling 8:28 West's "rules-based order" threatens international law 12:41 USA blocks full UN membership for Palestine 14:45 Why USA supports Israel, its "unsinkable aircraft carrier" 15:55 (Clips) Biden: US would create Israel if it didn't exist 16:20 US empire opposes peace, in Gaza and worldwide 18:12 Outro
    19 September 2024, 3:24 pm
  • 25 minutes 26 seconds
    Ukraine sits on trillions worth of minerals. US politicians want them.
    Ukraine is "sitting on a trillion dollars worth of minerals that could be good to our economy", said US Senator Lindsey Graham as he stood next to Zelensky in Kiev. Ben Norton discusses how Western politicians and corporations want to exploit Ukrainian natural resources, to profit and to weaken the role of China and Russia in critical supply chains. VIDEO: Sources and more information here: Zelensky is literally selling Ukraine to US corporations on Wall Street: West prepares to plunder post-war Ukraine with neoliberal shock therapy: Topics 0:00 US Senator Lindsey Graham wants Ukraine's minerals 4:19 Ukraine has tens of trillions of dollars worth of natural resources 5:34 China and critical minerals supply chain 7:10 USA wants Ukraine to replace China in minerals supply chain 8:03 Wall Street is buying up Ukraine 9:13 (Clip) Zelensky's love letter to Western corporations 10:58 NATO fights Russia to the last Ukrainian 11:46 Study: foreign intervention is 100 times more likely in country with oil 14:22 Geopolitics of NATO proxy war on Russia in Ukraine 17:58 Afghanistan's resources and $1 trillion of minerals 24:31 Outro
    17 September 2024, 10:18 am
  • 29 minutes 45 seconds
    Trump's threat to punish countries that drop US dollar will speed up de-dollarization
    Donald Trump has threatened that, if he comes back as US president, he will impose 100% tariffs on countries that drop the dollar, trying to cut off their trade. Ben Norton discusses how this will accelerate the global dedollarization movement, incentivizing more nations to join China, Russia, and BRICS in seeking financial alternatives. VIDEO: Check out our related video "De-dollarization: China drops US Treasury bonds, instead buys gold, oil, metals": Topics 0:00 (Clip) Trump threatens countries that drop US dollar 0:49 De-dollarization 2:06 (Clip) Trump pledges tariffs on nations that de-dollarize 2:24 Dollar system is not a "public good" 3:03 BRICS 3:49 BRICS Bank (New Development Bank) 4:33 Brazil's Lula calls to drop US dollar 5:10 China & Brazil de-dollarize trade 5:35 China & Russia de-dollarize trade 6:01 Russia & Iran de-dollarize trade 6:10 Southeast Asia (ASEAN) de-dollarizes 7:05 (Clip) Trump: "I would not allow countries to go off the dollar" 7:37 Trump's plans to punish independent countries 8:22 Dollar system and US imperial decline 10:00 China is biggest trading partner of most countries 11:11 BRICS GDP (PPP) is bigger than G7 12:27 Largest economies on Earth (Rise of Global South) 14:01 US imperialism is in crisis 16:27 China's share of global trade 16:40 China de-dollarizes its trade 20:10 China buys oil & gas in yuan/renminbi 21:56 De-dollarization of trade vs savings (investment & reserves) 22:40 China dumps US Treasury securities 25:11 China's central bank buys gold 25:56 JP Morgan report on dedollarization 27:07 Multipolar financial world 29:01 Outro
    14 September 2024, 4:54 am
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