The Dial-Up

The Dial-Up

Two strangers find each other on a seemingly random internet voice call, only to realise they’re talking from two different times - one from present day 2022, one from late 1999. What's connecting them? And, more importantly, will they be smart enough to figure it out?

  • 12 minutes 1 second
    BONUS: Season 2 Gag Reel
    We recorded Season 2 of The Dial-Up in ONE DAY! And made a few mistakes during the process. Enjoy this mashup of bloopers, mistakes and random, delirious chat in-between takes!

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    6 April 2024, 7:00 am
  • 37 minutes 1 second
    BONUS: Q+A with Writer Philip Catherwood
    In this special, bonus episode of The Dial-Up, writer/producer Philip Catherwood is interviewed by our very own Craig McDonald-Kelly (Callum) as they reminisce how the podcast began, the lengths taken to record a 2nd season and also take a healthy look back at some 90's/00's nostalgia, that inspired so much of the series!

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    27 February 2024, 8:00 am
  • 15 minutes 9 seconds
    S2: EPISODE 5

    SEASON FINALE: Dana and Callum team up in a desperate search for Lewis. Will they be able to find him, in order to close the wormhole in time?

    Follow us on Instagram and X at @DialUpPod for exclusive behind the scenes interviews, and updates on future episodes!


    The Dial-Up Season 2, Episode 5

    Written by Philip Catherwood

    Starring David Hepburn, Amy Alexander & Craig McDonald Kelly

    Music by The Steve Experiment

    Sound Engineering by Ivano Scafati and Matteo Mola

    Artwork by Ab_Designz

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    14 September 2023, 7:00 am
  • 12 minutes 19 seconds
    S2: EPISODE 4

    Dana teaches Callum and Lewis how to make a budget EMP generator, but with a Glasgow earthquake looming, will they have enough time to use their new devices?

    Follow us on Instagram and X at @DialUpPod for exclusive behind the scenes interviews, and updates on future episodes!

    All Season 2 episodes will be released weekly, every Thursday.

    The Season Finale, Episode 5, will launch on Thursday 14th September.


    The Dial-Up Season 2, Episode 4

    Written by Philip Catherwood

    Starring David Hepburn, Amy Alexander & Craig McDonald Kelly

    Music by The Steve Experiment

    Sound Engineering by Ivano Scafati and Matteo Mola

    Artwork by Ab_Designz

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    7 September 2023, 7:00 am
  • 10 minutes 59 seconds
    S2: EPISODE 3

    CALLUM IS BACK! And this time, he's in 2003. Cue the 00's nostalgia, as he reconnects with his long-lost buddy, Lewis - but will Callum be happy with how his friend is living his life, in the future?

    Follow us on Instagram and X at @DialUpPod for exclusive behind the scenes interviews, and updates on future episodes!

    All Season 2 episodes will be released weekly, every Thursday.

    Episode 4 will launch on Thursday 7th September.


    The Dial-Up Season 2, Episode 3

    Written by Philip Catherwood

    Starring David Hepburn, Amy Alexander & Craig McDonald Kelly

    Music by The Steve Experiment

    Sound Engineering by Ivano Scafati and Matteo Mola

    Artwork by Ab_Designz

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    31 August 2023, 7:00 am
  • 12 minutes 59 seconds
    S2: EPISODE 2

    Dana explains to Lewis about life in the future, how she managed to invent a wormhole, and how she plans to switch it off - for good this time! But will her creation be stable enough, to keep Dana and Lewis connected with each other?

    Follow us on Instagram and X at @DialUpPod for exclusive behind the scenes interviews, and updates on future episodes!


    The Dial-Up Season 2, Episode 2

    Written by Philip Catherwood

    Starring David Hepburn & Amy Alexander

    Music by The Steve Experiment

    Sound Engineering by Ivano Scafati and Matteo Mola

    Artwork by Ab_Designz

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    24 August 2023, 7:00 am
  • 14 minutes
    S2: EPISODE 1

    1 year after his life-changing chat to a stranger in 1999, Lewis now finds himself connecting with another time-distant individual. Who is the mysterious Dana, and how has she made contact from the year 2052? Does she know anything about the wormhole that appeared suddenly in Lewis's basement? And will Lewis agree to get involved, again, in another time-hopping adventure!?

    Follow us on Instagram and X at @DialUpPod for exclusive behind the scenes interviews, and updates on future episodes!


    The Dial-Up Season 2, Episode 1

    Written by Philip Catherwood

    Starring David Hepburn & Amy Alexander

    Music by The Steve Experiment

    Sound Engineering by Ivano Scafati and Matteo Mola

    Artwork by Ab_Designz

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    17 August 2023, 5:00 am
  • 1 minute 43 seconds

    Trailer for Season 2 of The Dial-Up.

    Episode 1 will be released August 17th, 2023. Future episodes will be released weekly, thereafter.

    Follow us on Instagram @dialuppod for regular updates, and exclusive behind the scenes content!


    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    11 August 2023, 12:24 pm
  • 11 minutes 18 seconds
    S1: EPISODE 4

    SEASON FINALE. Lewis stays online to see if Callum is alright. But will there be an answer from the other side?

    Written by: Philip Catherwood (@pip_writes)

    Starring: David Hepburn (@itsdavidhepburn) & Craig McDonald Kelly (@craigmcdkelly)

    Music: The Steve Experiment

    Artwork: ab__designz

    Follow us on X and Instagram @DialUpPod

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    3 May 2022, 11:15 am
  • 9 minutes 17 seconds
    S1: EPISODE 3

    What's in the basement? Callum and Lewis investigate what's causing the noises, from down below. 

    Written by: Philip Catherwood (@pip_writes)

    Starring: David Hepburn (@itsdavidhepburn) & Craig McDonald Kelly (@craigmcdkelly)

    Music: The Steve Experiment

    Artwork: ab__designz

    Follow us on X and Instagram @DialUpPod

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    26 April 2022, 12:42 am
  • 9 minutes 11 seconds
    S1: EPISODE 2

    Now believing each other that they're talking through time, Callum and Lewis must put their heads together to figure out what it is that's made their time-travelling, internet call a reality.

    Written by: Philip Catherwood (@pip_writes)

    Starring: David Hepburn (@itsdavidhepburn) & Craig McDonald Kelly (@craigmcdkelly)

    Music: The Steve Experiment

    Artwork: ab__designz

    Follow us on X and Instagram @DialUpPod

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    18 April 2022, 11:44 pm
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