UCD Geary Institute

UCD Geary Institute

The UCD Geary Institute conducts leading edge research on life course issues and the way public policy affects life outcomes. The hallmarks of the Institute are a unified methodology and cross-disciplinary perspective; and research translation through effective solutions to economic, political, epidemiological and social questions. The Institute is also home to the Irish Social Science Data Archive (ISSDA). These series of podcasts comprise different seminars and talks that have taken place in the Geary Institute or were attended by Geary staff members.

  • 43 minutes 15 seconds
    Supporting victims of labour exploitation from immigrant communities in Ireland in securing access to justice
    Dr Robert Mooney speaks at the Geary Institute, 4 March 2014
    4 March 2014, 1:00 pm
  • 35 minutes 54 seconds
    Emotional, Psychological and Mental Health Disability
    Dr Dorothy Watson speaks at the Geary Institute, 25 February 2014
    25 February 2014, 1:00 pm
  • 50 minutes 12 seconds
    Economic Democracy: A Feasible Strategy for Political Economic Reform in Europe
    Dr Dermot McCann speaks at the Geary Institute, 18 February 2014
    18 February 2014, 1:00 pm
  • 58 minutes 22 seconds
    The Great Recession and Changes in Subjective General Health in Europe
    Dr Kevin Denny speaks at the Geary Institute, 11 February 2014
    11 February 2014, 1:00 pm
  • 49 minutes 6 seconds
    Organizing Research and Development contract research, consulting or hiring
    Dr Sarah Parlane speaks at the Geary Institute, 21 January 2014
    21 January 2014, 1:00 pm
  • 55 minutes 18 seconds
    Union instability and social polarisation: does reduced fertility have a mitigating effect for children?
    Professor Tony Fahey speaks at the Geary Institute, 5 December 2013
    5 December 2013, 1:00 pm
  • 43 minutes
    Employer versus employee perceptions of worker skill gaps: Who should we ask?
    Professor Seamus McGuinness speaks at the Geary Institute, 26 November 2013
    26 November 2013, 1:00 pm
  • 38 minutes 30 seconds
    Crisis, Response and Distributional Impact: The Case of Ireland
    Michael Savage speaks at the Geary Institute, 19 November 2013
    19 November 2013, 1:00 pm
  • 41 minutes 22 seconds
    Multi-dimensional Deprivation in Ireland Among 9-Year Olds in Ireland:An Analysis of the Growing Up in Ireland Survey
    Prof Christopher T. Whelan speaks at the Geary Institute, 12 November 2013
    12 November 2013, 1:00 pm
  • 56 minutes
    Simulating Female Educational Hypergamy
    Dr Brendan Halpin speaks at the Geary Institute, 6 November 2013
    5 November 2013, 1:00 pm
  • 59 minutes 10 seconds
    Non-English Speaking Peers and Student Achievement in Middle School
    Dr Christopher Jepsen speaks at the Geary Institute, 29 October 2013
    29 October 2013, 1:00 pm
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