Ensemble Offspring's Artistic Director Claire Edwardes chats to the musical mavericks and pioneers from close to home and across the globe. Often perceived as the outcasts in the world of classical music, it is these people who have brought much needed diversity to our musical landscape. In these punchy and upbeat interviews Claire finds out what makes her guests tick, asking them about their roots, inspiration to do things differently and innovative plans for the future.
Newly appointed CEO of the Australian Music Centre, Catherine Haridy talks about publishing rights, giving music a longer lifespan and being more ‘popular’.
Cath manages and has been A&R for some of Australia's most successful artists. Prior to being CEO at the Australian Music Centre, she has actively advocated for managers and their artists as the Executive Director of the Association of Artist Managers (AAM), as well as being a former Board Member and Chairperson. She is currently a Board member of Music Victoria, and a past Board member of Support Act and the Community Broadcasting Foundation, as well as an APRA Ambassador and AMP Award Patron.
Catherine Haridy: https://www.australianmusiccentre.com.au/article/catherine-haridy-appointed-new-ceo-of-australian-music-centre
– Discussed in this episode –
• Australian Music Centre: https://www.australianmusiccentre.com.au/
• John Davis: https://www.australianmusiccentre.com.au/artist/davis-john
• ABC Classic Choir: https://www.abc.net.au/classic/events/classic-choir/welcome/
• Triple R 102.7FM: https://www.rrr.org.au/
• Warner Music Australia: https://warnermusic.com.au/
• Hatched Academy: https://ensembleoffspring.com/program/hatched-academy-2/
• 2021 Peggy Glanville-Hicks Address: https://www.australianmusiccentre.com.au/about/PGH
• Bree van Reyk: https://www.breevanreyk.com/
• Dances with devils : Concerto for percussion and orchestra – Ian Grandiage: https://www.australianmusiccentre.com.au/work/grandage-iain-dances-with-devils
• Phonographic Performance Company of Australia (PPCA): https://www.ppca.com.au/
• PBS FM: https://www.pbsfm.org.au/
• FBi Radio: https://fbiradio.com/
• APRA / AMCOS Awards: https://www.apraamcos.com.au/about/supporting-the-industry/awards
Opening music: Heaven Only Empty (2014) – Damien Ricketson
Closing music: Light for the First Time (2017) – Bree van Reyk
The Offcast is hosted by Claire Edwardes OAM, and produced and edited by Ben Robinson.
Ensemble Offspring: https://ensembleoffspring.com/
Tokyo-born and Melbourne-raised violinist Kyla Matsuura-Miller talks about winning the 2021 Freedman Classical Fellowship, BIPOC representation in music and those necessary awkward moments...
Since graduating from the ANAM in 2018, violinist Kyla Matsuura-Miller has more than established her place at the table in the Australian cultural scene. Kyla is the 2021 Freedman Classical Fellowship recipient and has won awards including the Homophonic Pride Prize. She is currently collaborating with Inventi Ensemble and in Duo Piaggio with pianist Adam McMillan. Kyla currently plays on a fine violin made by Giovanni Pistucci, circa 1910-1920 which has been generously loaned by a private syndicate.
Kyla Matsuura-Miller: http://www.kylaviolin.com.au/
– Discussed in this episode –
• Freedman Fellowship: https://sima.org.au/freedman-music-fellowships/
• rage - ABC: https://www.abc.net.au/rage/
• The Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM): https://anam.com.au/
• Ngarra-Burria: https://www.moogahlin.org/ngarra-burria
• Three Conversations – Kyla Matsuura-Miller: https://musictrust.com.au/loudmouth/three-conversations-an-exploration-of-growing-up-non-white-in-australia/
• Tobias Willis, KEWL Studio: https://www.kewl.studio/
• Stephanie Kabanyana-Kanyandekwe: https://kabanyana.com/about/
• Concerto for Violin with Percussion Orchestra (1959-1940*) [*as inscribed by the composer] – Lou Harrison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn-GP8KUJB4
• Steve Schick: http://stevenschick.com/
• Will Hansen: https://www.facebook.com/willhansenbass/
Opening music: Heaven Only Empty (2014) – Damien Ricketson
Closing music: Light for the First Time (2017) – Bree van Reyk
The Offcast is hosted by Claire Edwardes OAM, and produced and edited by Ben Robinson.
Ensemble Offspring: https://ensembleoffspring.com/
Emerging flautist, educator and researcher Eliza Shephard talks about growing up regionally, the extended flute, her bold recording project and being Ensemble Offspring’s 2022 Hatched Associate Artist.
Eliza Shephard is a vibrant performer and fervent contemporary musician in Melbourne. She is a specialist on the Glissando Headjoint, and a highly sought-after chamber musician. She is a semi-finalist for the ABC Young Performers Award and a finalist of the Freedman Fellowship 2021. Eliza is passionate about amplifying the voices of female musicians and composers, as showcased through her recording project ‘March of the Women’.
Eliza Shephard: https://elizashephard.com/
– Discussed in this episode –
• ABC Young Performers Award: http://youngperformersawards.org/
• Freedman Fellowship: https://sima.org.au/freedman-music-fellowships/
• Virginia Taylor: https://www.australianmusiccentre.com.au/artist/taylor-virginia
• Teresa Rabe: https://www.australiancomposers.com.au/pages/teresa-rabe
• Australian National University (ANU): https://www.anu.edu.au/
• Robert Dick: http://robertdick.net/
• The Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM): https://anam.com.au/
• Richard Tognetti: https://www.aco.com.au/the-orchestra/musicians/richard-tognetti
• Simone Young: https://www.sydneysymphony.com/musicians/simone-young
• The Glissando Headjoint – Eliza Shephard: https://research-repository.griffith.edu.au/bitstream/handle/10072/393197/Shephard,Eliza_Final%20Thesis_redacted.pdf?sequence=1
• Greg Pattillo: http://www.pattillostyle.com/
• Three Beats for Beatbox Flute – Greg Pattillo: https://store.payloadz.com/details/2515986-music-classical-three-beats-for-beatbox-flute.html
• March of the Women: https://elizashephard.com/march-of-the-women
• Wirripang: https://www.australiancomposers.com.au/
• Mungala – Brenda Gifford: https://www.australianmusiccentre.com.au/workversion/gifford-brenda-mungala/35636
• Claire Chase: http://www.clairechase.net/
• Ned McGowan: https://www.pearlflute.com/artists/ned-mcgowan
Opening music: Heaven Only Empty (2014) – Damien Ricketson
Closing music: Light for the First Time (2017) – Bree van Reyk
The Offcast is hosted by Claire Edwardes OAM, and produced and edited by Ben Robinson.
Ensemble Offspring: https://ensembleoffspring.com/
UK-based Australian composer, artist, and writer/broadcaster Julian day talks about reconsidering classical music traditions, interactive music and his studies overseas.
Julian Day treats sound as a powerful socio-political agent. Since 2007 they have co-facilitated Super Critical Mass, a radically inclusive orchestra project in which temporary communities of untrained participants develop sonic actions in civic spaces, drawing on aspects of emergence and game theory.
Julian Day: https://www.julianday.com/
– Discussed in this episode –
• ABC Classic FM: https://www.abc.net.au/classic/
• Music Australia: https://musicaustralia.org.au/
• Marco Fusinato: http://marcofusinato.com/
• La Biennale di Venezia (Venice Bienale): https://www.labiennale.org/en
• Elegy: https://ensembleoffspring.com/event/o4a-elegy/
• Louis Andriessen: https://www.boosey.com/composer/Louis+Andriessen
• Super Critical Mass: https://www.supercriticalmass.com/
• Damian Barbeler: https://www.australianmusiccentre.com.au/artist/barbeler-damian
• Music After the Fall: Modern Composition and Culture Since 1989 – Tim Rutherford-Johnson: https://johnsonsrambler.wordpress.com/music-after-the-fall/
• David Lang: https://davidlangmusic.com/
• Sticky Notes: https://ensembleoffspring.com/event/sticky-notes/2022-03-15/
• Ciaran Frame: http://www.ciaranframe.com/
• Game On: https://ensembleoffspring.com/event/game-on-backstage/
• Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane: https://ima.org.au/
• La Monte Young: https://www.melafoundation.org/lmy.htm
• Phillip Glass: https://philipglass.com/
Opening music: Heaven Only Empty (2014) – Damien Ricketson
Closing music: Light for the First Time (2017) – Bree van Reyk
The Offcast is hosted by Claire Edwardes OAM, and produced and edited by Ben Robinson.
Ensemble Offspring: https://ensembleoffspring.com/
Treasured Australian-American soprano and composer Jane Sheldon talks about transitioning from performer to composer and NOT composing a masterpiece.
As both soprano and composer, Jane Sheldon creates and performs exploratory chamber music, and has established an international reputation for highly specialised contemporary opera and art music for voice. She has worked extensively with composers to create new works for voice. Described as “riveting” (New York Times), Jane’s compositions focus on the body in altered or transformative states.
Jane Sheldon: https://www.janesheldonsoprano.com/
– Discussed in this episode –
• Wild Swans (2002) – Elena Kats-Chernin: https://open.spotify.com/album/5oWQiWLn6DWgqcQ0yBW5Yd?si=1zDqqrLdRvS1OwybQZYpFg
• The Australian Marimba Composition Kit – Claire Edwardes: https://www.australianmusiccentre.com.au/product/the-australian-marimba-composition-kit
• Seven Stories: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4v0M8CP-Dc
• Australian Piano Quartet: https://australiapianoquartet.com/
• Adam Szabo: https://www.adamszabo.com/
• Manchester Collective: https://manchestercollective.co.uk/
• Sydney Conservatorium of Music Composing Women Program: https://www.sydney.edu.au/music/industry-and-community/community-engagement/composing-women.html
• Clara Ianotta: http://claraiannotta.com/
• The Howling Girls (2018) – Damien Ricketson: https://www.australianmusiccentre.com.au/work/ricketson-damien-howling-girls
• Ekmeles: https://ekmeles.com/
• Damien Ricketson: https://curiousnoise.com/
• Sydney Observatory Residency (MAAS): https://www.maas.museum/sydney-observatory-residency-program/
• Eucalyptusdom: https://www.maas.museum/event/eucalyptusdom/
Opening music: Heaven Only Empty (2014) – Damien Ricketson
Closing music: Light for the First Time (2017) – Bree van Reyk
The Offcast is hosted by Claire Edwardes OAM, and produced and edited by Ben Robinson.
Ensemble Offspring: https://ensembleoffspring.com/
Berlin violinist, performer and music mediator Daniella Strasfogel talks about musical identities, music for children and international new music trends.
Through her years of development as an artist, Daniella has consistently sought to deepen her understanding of her body as a vessel for interpretation, through the instrument and the voice as well as through physicality of movement and gesture. She is a founding member of the Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop Berlin and was artistic director of the ensemble from 2010-2015.
Daniella Strasfogel: https://www.daniellastrasfogel.com/
– Discussed in this episode –
• Schrumpf!:https://www.loudsoft.de/schrumpf/
• Ensemble Adapter: http://www.ensemble-adapter.de/
• Splitter Orchester: https://splitter.berlin/
• Splinter Orchestra: https://www.splinterorchestra.com/
• Kaleidoskop: https://kaleidoskopmusik.de/
• Ernstalbrecht Steibler: http://www.ernstalbrecht-stiebler.de/
• Ethan Braun: https://www.ethanbraun.com/
• Entartete Musik (Degenerate Music): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degenerate_music
• György Kurtág: https://www.boosey.com/composer/gyorgy+kurtag
• Darmstädter Ferienkurse für Neue Musik (Darmstadt Summer Course for New Music): https://internationales-musikinstitut.de/en/ferienkurse/
• Thomas Meadowcroft: http://www.thomasmeadowcroft.com/
• Donaueschinger Musiktage (The Donaueschingen Festival): https://www.donaueschingen.de/musiktage
• Max Richter: https://www.maxrichtermusic.com/
• André Rieu: https://www.andrerieu.com/
Opening music: Heaven Only Empty (2014) – Damien Ricketson
Closing music: Light for the First Time (2017) – Bree van Reyk
The Offcast is hosted by Claire Edwardes OAM, and produced and edited by Ben Robinson.
Ensemble Offspring: https://ensembleoffspring.com/
Specialist windband composer, music educator and equality advocate Jodie Blackshaw talks about growing up as a female composer and her mission to share diverse wind band programs.
Jodie grew up in the south-east of rural Australia and formed a very personal relationship with music early in life. Today, she continues to seek creative experiences for students so they, too, may enjoy the personal relationship she discovered in her formative years. In addition to composing and presenting music education workshops, Blackshaw is passionate about fostering equality in concert programs, including schools.
Jodie Blackshaw: https://www.jodieblackshaw.com/
– Discussed in this episode –
• Larry Sitsky: https://www.australianmusiccentre.com.au/artist/sitsky-larry
• David Worrall: https://www.australianmusiccentre.com.au/artist/worrall-david
• NSW Public Schools Symphonic Wind Ensemble: https://www.artsunit.nsw.edu.au/program/nsw-public-schools-symphonic-wind-ensemble-swe
• Frank Ticheli: https://www.manhattanbeachmusiconline.com/frank_ticheli/
• Julie Giroux: https://www.juliegiroux.org/
• ColourFULL Music: https://www.colourfullmusic.com/
• Donne Foundation: https://donne-uk.org/
• Institute of Composer Diversity: https://www.composerdiversity.com/
• Midwest Clinic: https://www.midwestclinic.org/
• Richard Gill: https://www.australianmusiccentre.com.au/artist/gill-richard
• John Lynch: http://c-alanpublications.com/brands/Lynch%2C-John-P.-%28b.-1963%29.html
Opening music: Heaven Only Empty (2014) – Damien Ricketson
Closing music: Light for the First Time (2017) – Bree van Reyk
The Offcast is hosted by Claire Edwardes OAM, and produced and edited by Ben Robinson.
Ensemble Offspring: https://ensembleoffspring.com/
Yuwaalaraay storyteller, performer and composer Nardi Simpson talks about First Nations voices and musical perspectives, and being Ensemble Offspring's 2021 composer in residence.
Nardi Simpson's early music training at the Eora Centre in Redfern saw her begin a career as a musician, songwriter and performer with vocal duo Stiff Gins. She started composing for the Ngarra-Burria: First Nations Composers program, most recently creating -barra for Sydney Festival 2021. Her 2020 debut novel Song of the Crocodile was received with great acclaim.
Nardi Simpson: https://www.nardisimpson.com/
– Discussed in this episode –
• Mirri Mirri Cultural Awareness Training: http://www.mirrimirri.com.au/
• Ngarra-Burria: https://www.moogahlin.org/ngarra-burria
• Christopher Sainsbury: https://www.sainsburymusic.com/
• Ngarra-burria : new music and the search for an Australian sound – Christopher Sainsbury: https://www.australianmusiccentre.com.au/product/ngarra-burria-new-music-and-the-search-for-an-australian-sound
• Song of the Crocodile – Nardi Simpson: https://www.hachette.com.au/nardi-simpson/song-of-the-crocodile
• -barra: https://ensembleoffspring.com/event/barra/
Opening music: Heaven Only Empty (2014) – Damien Ricketson
Closing music: Light for the First Time (2017) – Bree van Reyk
The Offcast is hosted by Claire Edwardes OAM, and produced and edited by Ben Robinson.
Ensemble Offspring: https://ensembleoffspring.com/
The Offcast is a podcast by Sydney's new music group Ensemble Offspring, and hosted by Artistic Director and international percussion powerhouse Claire Edwardes. In these punchy and upbeat interviews, Claire chats to musical pioneers from close to home (Australia) and across the globe to find out what makes them tick, asking them about their roots, their inspiration to change our musical landscape and their innovative plans for the future.
Season 1 guests are: Jodie Blackshaw, Nardi Simpson, Jane Sheldon, Daniella Strasfogel, Julian Day, Eliza Shephard, Catherine Haridy, and Kyla Matsuura-Miller.