Dance Vlog

Lei Stone

"one" dance vlog is the essence of my existence. It's an eternal dance and it never end...

  • what does it take?
    what does it take? I mean to revive this blog? anything... Anything, my friend... just dream it... it
    will happen...
    2 June 2010, 8:37 am
  • Say No Goodbye
    Click to view video

    When we part
    I say no goodbye
    and you keep asking me why
    and you say you don't understand

    Oh, my sweet baby
    I can't understand either
    with my human mind.

    But if you look at the first ray of the sun
    and you know
    even though I left
    I'm still there
    my kisses are still warm on your cheek
    your heart is still embracing mine

    Even though I left
    we are still one.
    since the moment we met
    I don't need to ever say goodbye.

    even if tomorrow I die
    my body turns to dust
    my soul is not lonely
    so smile
    when I say no goodbye
    23 December 2006, 12:30 am
  • Innocence

    it is Okay,
    we all have a story to tell
    the one I'm listening to
    is an old song from hell

    all the pain you've ever gone through
    no matter how unbearable
    they are all for this very moment
    this moment when I gaze at you

    16 December 2006, 1:45 am
  • Slow
    15 December 2006, 5:46 am
  • Slow

    I know this love story
    I know this love story well
    I read this fairy tale
    long time ago

    I am the princess from the midnight kingdom
    too proud was my only problem
    where are you,
    the king from the peaceful kingdom
    shows up outside of my garden
    lost in a gaze

    and I'm angry
    I'm angry at you
    for not bending your back
    to pick up my golden ball

    stop looking at me
    just pick up my ball
    and give it back
    to me
    15 December 2006, 4:22 am
  • do don't
    what we do when we don't do
    we are
    we are that whatever it is
    we are in this state of flowing
    into the known and the
    my friends
    don't do
    it is up to you
    is hot
    or cool
    or just
    22 November 2006, 5:50 am
  • The Rebirth of Dance
    So let me play at the being of writing to express the passion behind this dance video blog.

    In the spirit of an infant who danced for the very first time, dance is one of the most primal way of expressing oneself through movement of one's body.

    Anyone can dance.
    One does not require any "formal" training by other human or humans to express oneself.
    Just like any form of art, any form of training is beneficial as long as you understand that is a form of expression of others. What you are learning through studying dance is a set of tools developed by others to express themselves. You can study other people's form of expression forever. We all know there is endless to learn, but can you dance sincerely?

    To dance is to believe in the moment fully.
    Let your body takes you to wherever it wants to go.
    You go with it with faith and sincerity.
    No fear from the mind, just flow...

    Dance to the music or the silence contains the unmanifested music,
    Dance to the air you and your lover share,
    Dance to the water who found the rocks to be the waterfall
    and the water who is still looking for a bed to be.
    Dance when you feel the darkest, most painful, most disconnected from the world.
    cause deep down you know your experience is not alone, such pain is shared by thousands and millions of others you have not yet met.

    The dancer lives in the innermost heart of all of us.

    What else can I say? It's your turn...
    19 October 2006, 5:40 pm
  • FlowER
    12 August 2006, 8:47 pm
  • 命歌

    7 August 2006, 11:11 pm
  • boo1 - Vlog
    Click to view video
    how can I express in any form
    of how I died a million times to come to you?
    this moment, my dear fans,
    just like every other moment,
    unlike any other moment,
    this moment,
    I enpower you in your own image.
    This body you are given
    contain within the antitode of any poison
    comes your way.

    Just the other day,
    tired of living with a heart carved by
    thousands of blade,
    instead of opening your gift
    I took a romantic ride
    with my suicidal soul.

    yet this physical form of mine
    just like a leaf
    a billion times
    to be this leaf in this season,
    it is stubborn as usual
    and refuse to give up its host.

    so with the stars in my eye
    and the silent music
    I whispered in your ear,
    dance with me,
    the moment is here...
    2 August 2006, 6:41 pm
  • Fanning - Vlog
    21 July 2006, 9:14 pm
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