Baby or Bust with Dr Lora Shahine

Dr. Lora Shahine

  • 16 minutes 45 seconds
    Ep 112 Top Tips to Boost Your Egg Quality

    Are you wondering how to improve your egg quality for better fertility outcomes? What impact do toxins, stress, and lifestyle choices have on reproductive health? And how can you take proactive steps without feeling overwhelmed or restricted?

    In this episode of Baby or Bust Fertility, Dr. Lora Shahine breaks down five actionable steps to support and improve egg quality. 

    She explains the role of limiting harmful toxins (tobacco, alcohol, marijuana) and reducing exposure to endocrine disruptors (BPA and phthalates). She also highlights the importance of managing stress, maintaining a healthy lifestyle through proper sleep, nutrition, and exercise, and considering antioxidant-rich supplements to support reproductive health.

    This episode will give listeners a clear understanding of what egg quality is, why it matters, and how age and other factors influence fertility. You will hear practical, science-backed strategies for enhancing your reproductive health AND learn how to balance the journey with joy and flexibility.

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    [0:46] Understanding egg quality

    [1:21] Factors affecting egg quality

    [7:30] 5 Tips to improve egg quality

    [12:35] Supplements are important

    [14:27] A little encouragement


    Dr. Shahine’s Weekly Newsletter on Fertility News and Recommendations

    Follow @drlorashahine Instagram | YouTube | Tiktok | Her Books

    25 February 2025, 12:00 pm
  • 19 minutes 22 seconds
    Ep 111 Ten Types of Miscarriage and Why it Matters

    Did you know there are ten types of miscarriage?! What are they? When it comes to a loss, does it really matter what kind of miscarriage you’ve experienced? (Hint: yes it does.) And how can proper diagnosis and evaluation help those facing recurrent miscarriages? 

    In this episode, Dr. Shahine breaks down the ten different types of miscarriage, including early and late, clinical and biochemical, threatened, missed, inevitable, complete, septic, and recurrent miscarriages. 

    She shares the information from the American Society of Reproductive Medicine on recurrent pregnancy loss and discusses the importance of proper evaluation for those who have experienced multiple losses.

    Listeners will come away with a deeper understanding of the causes of miscarriage, the importance of proper medical care, and the reassurance that pregnancy loss is never the fault of the person experiencing it. This episode provides knowledge, empathy, and practical guidance for those facing the heartbreak of pregnancy loss. 


    In this episode you’ll hear:

    [1:51] Understanding miscarriage

    [2:33] Emotional impact and misconceptions of pregnancy loss

    [4:07 ] Detailed breakdown of miscarriage types

    • Timing-Based Miscarriage Types

    • Clinical vs. Biochemical Miscarriages

    • Labels and Descriptions of Miscarriages

    • Recurrent Miscarriage

    [17:42] Conclusion & final thoughts


    Resources mentioned: 

    Not Broken: An Approachable Guide to Miscarriage and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Not Broken Illustrated: A Gift for Those Who Have Suffered Pregnancy Loss


    Dr. Shahine’s Weekly Newsletter on Fertility News and Recommendations

    Follow @drlorashahine Instagram | YouTube | Tiktok | Her Books

    18 February 2025, 12:00 pm
  • 14 minutes 43 seconds
    Ep 110 How Air Quality Affects Your Fertility and What You Can Do About It

    How does air pollution impact fertility and IVF success rates? What do recent studies reveal about the effects of wildfire smoke on reproductive health? What can you do to improve the air quality in your home to support fertility?

    In this episode of Baby or Bust Fertility, Dr. Lora Shahine shares the latest research on air pollution and fertility. She talks about how environmental toxins, especially from wildfires and poor air quality, can influence reproductive health. Dr. Shahine sheds light on why controlled environments are essential in IVF labs and how similar principles can be applied at home.

    Listeners will walk away with 10 actionable tips to improve their indoor environment. Tips include choosing the right air filters and minimizing exposure to harmful pollutants. Listen and share! No matter the stage we’re in, we could all use cleaner air to breathe. 

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    [:36] Wildfires & air quality

    [2:06] Air quality research & IVF success

    [4:38] Studies on air pollution & fertility

    [7:17] Male factor & air quality

    [9:22] Improving air quality in your environment

    [10:59] 10 tips to improve air quality in your home

    [14:03] Closing thoughts


    Dr. Shahine’s Weekly Newsletter on Fertility News and Recommendations

    Follow @drlorashahine Instagram | YouTube | Tiktok | Her Books


    11 February 2025, 12:00 pm
  • 15 minutes 50 seconds
    Ep 109 Your Embryo Transfer: What to Expect and Tips for Success

    What should you expect on the day of your embryo transfer? How can you best prepare to maximize your chances of success? What are some common misconceptions about the procedure? How soon will you know if you’re pregnant?

    In this episode of the Baby or Bust Fertility podcast, Dr. Lora Shahine answers these questions to guide you through this critical step in your fertility journey.

    Dr. Shahine walks through the embryo transfer process, offering insight and tips to help you feel confident and informed for transfer day. Dr. Shahine also includes why post-transfer care is an important part of the journey.

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    [1:44] Preparing for your embryo transfer

    [2:19] Embryo transfer: step-by-step

    [11:19] Things that can “happen”

    [11:50] Post-transfer care and tips

    [15:26] Additional resources


    Dr. Shahine’s Weekly Newsletter on Fertility News and Recommendations

    Follow @drlorashahine Instagram | YouTube | Tiktok | Her Books

    4 February 2025, 12:00 pm
  • 17 minutes 58 seconds
    Ep 108 The HSG Test: How to Prepare and What to Expect for Your Hysterosalpingogram

    If your doctor has recommended an HSG (hysterosalpingogram), you may be feeling uncertain about what to expect.

    How does an HSG work? Will it be painful? What might the results mean for your fertility journey? How can you best prepare to make the experience as smooth and stress-free as possible?

    In this episode of the Baby or Bust Fertility Podcast, Dr. Lora Shahine goes into the details of the HSG test, a diagnostic tool commonly used to evaluate the health of the fallopian tubes and uterine cavity. 

    She explains the purpose of the procedure, what happens during the test, and why it’s an essential step for many people exploring their fertility options. Dr. Shahine also provides insight into common concerns like pain and anxiety, shares practical tips to help you prepare, and makes suggestions for self-care after the procedure. She’ll also help you understand the results.

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    [1:29] Understanding HSG: what & why

    [5:03] HSG procedure explained

    [10:21] Complications and precautions

    [12:16] Preparing for HSG

    [13:38] Post-procedure insight & tips

    [17:07] Closing thoughts and additional resources


    Dr. Shahine’s Weekly Newsletter on Fertility News and Recommendations

    Follow @drlorashahine Instagram | YouTube | Tiktok | Her Books

    28 January 2025, 12:00 pm
  • 18 minutes 15 seconds
    Ep 107 Are You Ovulating? Key Signs and Symptoms to Know for Sure

    How do you know if you’re ovulating? What are the best ways to track ovulation? How can knowing your ovulation status help you optimize your chances of conception? 

    In this episode of the Baby or Bust Fertility Podcast, Dr. Lora Shahine is talking all about ovulation––why it’s crucial for fertility, and how to when it’s happening.

    You’ll hear how to recognize the physical signs of ovulation, how to use at-home tools like basal body temperature charting and ovulation predictor kits, and the purpose of ultrasounds and blood tests to confirm ovulation.

    No matter the stage you’re in while trying to get pregnant, you’ll gain some practical tips that will empower you with new knowledge and ways to optimize your approach to getting pregnant. 

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    [1:00] Understanding your cycle

    [2:38] Physical signs of ovulation

    [5:22] Home testing for ovulation: BBT and OPKs

    [15:08] Clinic tests for ovulation: Ultrasounds and blood tests

    [17:27] Recap & concluding thoughts


    Dr. Shahine’s Weekly Newsletter on Fertility News and Recommendations

    Follow @drlorashahine Instagram | YouTube | Tiktok | Her Books

    21 January 2025, 12:00 pm
  • 11 minutes 59 seconds
    Ep 106 Implantation Bleeding vs Periods: How to Tell the Difference

    You’re in the two-week-wait, analyzing every single little cramp, possible symptom, any little difference that could indicate pregnancy. If you’ve been on a fertility journey and trying to get pregnant for any amount of time, this will probably be familiar.

    Then comes some spotting or light bleeding–is this your period? Or could it be implantation bleeding? It can be hard to tell.

    So in this episode of Baby or Bust Fertility, Dr. Lora Shahine goes over how to tell the difference and what exactly to look for. After this episode, implantation bleeding will feel less like a mystery and you’ll have a clearer perspective on your pregnancy journey. 

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    [1:25] Implantation bleeding explained

    [4:53] Different types of bleeding associated with early pregnancy

    [6:54] 6 clues for implantation bleeding

    [9:50] Recognizing warning signs

    Dr. Shahine’s Weekly Newsletter on Fertility News and Recommendations

    Follow @drlorashahine Instagram | YouTube | Tiktok | Her Books

    14 January 2025, 12:00 pm
  • 17 minutes 6 seconds
    Ep 105 Surviving the Two-Week Wait: Coping Strategies and Insights on Infertility

    Are you struggling with the anxiety and uncertainty of the two-week wait? Wondering what you should or shouldn’t do during this emotionally charged time? How can you take care of yourself while waiting for answers? 

    In this episode of Baby or Bust Fertility, Dr. Lora Shahine guides listeners through the two-week-wait, the time between potential conception and pregnancy confirmation. She shares both professional expertise and personal insight and has practical advice on managing this challenging time. 

    You’ll walk away from this episode with practical tips for self-care, ways to stay distracted, and strategies for planning for either outcome. This episode is helpful for those actively trying to conceive and those supporting someone through their journey. This is a great one to share since the two-week-wait can be stressful and emotional for many involved.

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    [2:32] Why is the two-week wait so tough?

    [4:15] Don’t #1 - Don’t Google

    [5:40] Don’t #2 - Don’t test early

    [6:10] Don’t #3 - Don’t (dramatically) change your lifestyle 

    [11:29] DOs during the TWW

    [16:21] Closing thoughts


    Dr. Shahine’s Weekly Newsletter on Fertility News and Recommendations

    Follow @drlorashahine Instagram | YouTube | Tiktok | Her Books

    7 January 2025, 12:00 pm
  • 22 minutes 51 seconds
    Ep 104 A New Year, A New Fertile You: 5 Steps to Take Now

    Are you looking for practical strategies to boost your chances of conceiving? Wondering how to fine-tune your lifestyle for reproductive health? Curious about common mistakes to avoid on your fertility journey?

    In this episode of Baby or Bust, Dr. Lora Shahine shares five essential strategies to enhance fertility. You’ll hear tips on optimizing nutrition, tracking ovulation and menstrual cycles, managing stress, improving lifestyle habits, and knowing when to seek specialized care. Dr. Shahine also highlights common pitfalls to avoid when trying to conceive. 

    Whether you're actively planning for a family or simply curious about reproductive health, this episode provides valuable tips and encouragement for your journey.

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    [1:32] Tip #1 Optimizing nutrition

    [4:38] Tip #2 Tracking ovulation & cycles

    [7:00] Tip #3 Managing stress & mental health

    [10:40] Tip #4 Optimize your lifestyle

    [14:51] Tip #5 When to see a fertility specialist

    [18:33] Common mistakes

    Dr. Shahine’s Weekly Newsletter on Fertility News and Recommendations

    Follow @drlorashahine Instagram | YouTube | Tiktok | Her Books

    31 December 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 43 minutes 43 seconds
    Ep 103 Stop Telling Me It's 'In My Head’': It's NOT Hysteria with Author Karen Tang

    Can birth control really cause infertility? Is the obsession with hormonal balance grounded in fact or fiction? Does hovering over a public toilet protect you from disease? Don’t let “medical” myths affect your health decisions!

    Dr. Karen Tang, board certified OBGYN, founder of Thrive Gynecology and women’s health expert, is back for an eye-opening conversation that will tackle these questions and more, addressing the widespread misinformation about women’s health. 

    In this episode, Dr. Lora Shahine and Dr. Tang explore how social media influences health narratives, for bad and good. They also emphasize the importance of individualized care, empowering women to make informed choices about their health and well-being. 

    After this episode, you’ll have a deeper understanding of women's health topics, including painful periods, endometriosis, PCOS, and the myths surrounding tampons, fertility, and toilet etiquette. Learn why severe pain should never be dismissed, how to address "butt pain" during menstruation, and why patient advocacy is vital. This episode is packed with actionable advice and empowering insights to help you take charge of your health.

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    [3:31] Birth control myths

    [16:03] Understanding hormonal balance

    [22:31] Do you have painful periods?

    [27:34] The truth about tampons and endometriosis

    [29:32] Public toilet etiquette: to hover or not to hover

    [35:46] PCOS & the misconception of weight and symptoms

    [38:04] Advocating for your health


    Resources mentioned:

    It’s Not Hysteria: Everything You Need to Know About Your Reproductive Heath (But Were Never Told)

    Follow @karentangmd on Instagram | YouTube | Tiktok 


    Dr. Shahine’s Weekly Newsletter on Fertility News and Recommendations

    Follow @drlorashahine Instagram | YouTube | Tiktok | Her Books

    24 December 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 54 minutes 51 seconds
    Ep 102 Endometriosis Explained: Learn How to Advocate for Your Care with Dr. Karen Tang

    Have you been told your debilitating period pain is normal?

    Have you ever wondered if you have endometriosis?

    Maybe you’re curious how you can find out for sure?

    In this conversation Dr. Karen Tang, author of It’s Not Hysteria and founder of Thrive Gynecology, joins Dr. Lora Shahine to delve into the complexities of endometriosis, a common, often-misdiagnosed condition that affects many women. In this episode you’ll hear the symptoms, challenges, myths, and various treatment options available. 

    Drs. Tang and Shahine share their experiences caring for women with endometriosis for years - Dr. Tang’s perspective as a minimally invasive gynecology surgeon and Dr. Shahine as a reproductive endocrinologist and fertility specialist. They share how little they learned about endometriosis in early medical training, patient stories of doctor’s dismissing obvious symptoms of the disease, and how much we still need to learn and research to help.

    You’ll finish this episode empowered to advocate for your care and find the right doctor to help you with your next steps.

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    [3:46] Understanding endometriosis

    [9:18] Causes and theories for endometriosis

    [17:24] Diagnosis & surgical confirmation

    [26:57] Treatment options 

    [35:32] Advocating for yourself and your health


    Resources mentioned:

    It’s Not Hysteria: Everything You Need to Know About Your Reproductive Heath (But Were Never Told)

    Follow @karentangmd on Instagram | YouTube | Tiktok 

    Dr. Shahine’s Weekly Newsletter on Fertility News and Recommendations

    Follow @drlorashahine Instagram | YouTube | Tiktok | Her Books

    17 December 2024, 12:00 pm
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