Fairy Meadow


In 1970, three-year-old Cheryl Grimmer was taken from an Australian beach. No-one knows what happened. Fifty years on - can the mystery be solved?

  • 34 minutes 49 seconds
    Bonus Episode: A New Lead

    Jon Kay updates his investigation into the disappearance of 3 year old Cheryl Grimmer from an Australian beach in 1970. Cheryl's family are determined to get her case back into court.

    Produced for BBC Audio in Bristol by Chris Ledgard

    20 November 2023, 12:01 am
  • 26 minutes 21 seconds
    8. The Girl With Blonde Hair And Blue Eyes

    It's the 50th anniversary of Cheryl's disappearance and the police have an announcement to make.

    Fairy Meadow is presented by BBC News correspondent Jon Kay Produced for BBC Audio in Bristol by Chris Ledgard Music by Elizabeth Purnell Studio engineer, Jacques Sweeney Editor, James Cook

    2 February 2022, 7:00 am
  • 25 minutes 49 seconds
    7. Mercury's Story

    Jon tries to approach Mercury to hear his side of the story.

    Producer: Chris Ledgard Music: Elizabeth Purnell Studio engineer: Jacques Sweeney Editor: James Cook

    26 January 2022, 7:10 am
  • 26 minutes 32 seconds
    6. The Walk Through

    Frank has left the police but can't let go of Cheryl's story. Jon Kay continues to investigate what happened to 3 year old Cheryl Grimmer, who vanished from a beach New South Wales, Australia more than 50 years ago.

    Produced for BBC Audio in Bristol by Chris Ledgard Music: Elizabeth Purnell Studio engineer: Jacques Sweeney Editor: James Cook

    26 January 2022, 7:05 am
  • 24 minutes 57 seconds
    5. A Judgement

    Two years after he's arrested and charged with abducting Cheryl Grimmer, Mercury appears in court in Sydney. BBC News Correspondent Jon Kay continues his investigation into Cheryl's story.

    Produced for BBC Audio in Bristol by Chris Ledgard Music is by Elizabeth Purnell Jacques Sweeney is the studio engineer and the editor is James Cook

    26 January 2022, 7:00 am
  • 33 minutes 35 seconds
    4. I Was Never There

    Nearly half a century after 3 year old Cheryl Grimmer goes missing from an Australian beach, the police make an arrest. Meanwhile, Ricki heads to the other side of the world. BBC News Correspondent Jon Kay meets him in Bristol, where he visits his old family home and catches up with his British relatives as the trial looms.

    Produced for BBC Audio in Bristol by Chris Ledgard Music: Elizabeth Purnell Studio Engineer: Jacques Sweeney Editor: James Cook

    19 January 2022, 7:05 am
  • 20 minutes 17 seconds
    3. Somebody of Interest

    The Grimmer family have always hung on to the idea that somehow Cheryl might still be alive. Then, out of the blue, Ricki gets a call from the police which seems to put an end to their hopes. BBC News Correspondent Jon Kay continues his investigation into the disappearance of 3 year old Cheryl Grimmer from an Australian beach in 1970. He meets one of the two detectives involved in a cold case review. There's someone the police want to talk to.

    Produced for BBC Audio in Bristol by Chris Ledgard Music: Elizabeth Purnell Studio engineer: Jacques Sweeney Editor: James Cook

    19 January 2022, 7:00 am
  • 29 minutes 3 seconds
    2. A Ransom Note

    The Grimmer family are thousands of miles from home, and the Fairy Meadow migrant hostel is a lonely place in the days after Cheryl's disappearance. Then a note arrives from someone claiming to be the kidnapper. There's a rendezvous and a demand for cash... BBC News Correspondent Jon Kay continues his investigation into the abduction of 3 year old Cheryl Grimmer from a beach in New South Wales, Australia in 1970.

    Produced for BBC Audio in Bristol by Chris Ledgard Music: Elizabeth Purnell Studio engineer: Jacques Sweeney Editor: James Cook

    11 January 2022, 6:05 pm
  • 27 minutes 57 seconds
    1. When the Wind Changed

    The Grimmer family moved from the UK to Australia in 1969. They were "ten pound poms" - part of a huge wave of migration down under. Months later, Three-year-old Cheryl Grimmer disappeared from Fairy Meadow beach in New South Wales. She was never seen again. In the moments before she vanished, she was being looked after by her oldest brother, Ricki. He was just seven. This is the story of that day, and of its impact in the months, years and decades that followed. It's Ricki's story - his desperate search for answers, and his battle with guilt. And it's the story of an extraordinary police enquiry that was dramatically re-started almost 50 years after Cheryl was taken.

    BBC News Correspondent Jon Kay has been investigating the case in Australia and in the UK since 2016. With exclusive access to the family and the investigating officers, he begins an eight-part exploration of this moving, gripping tale.

    Produced for BBC Audio in Bristol by Chris Ledgard Music: Elizabeth Purnell Studio engineer: Jacques Sweeney Editor: James Cook

    11 January 2022, 6:00 pm
  • 2 minutes 52 seconds
    Coming Soon

    A summer's day, 1970, and a mum and her four kids are on a beach in Australia. They're migrants, newly arrived from the UK, part of the generation of "ten-pound poms" looking for a fresh start down under.

    The oldest child, Ricki, takes his little sister, Cheryl, up to the changing blocks. Cheryl is never seen again.

    This is the story of what really happens to a family after a child goes missing. It's the story of Ricki's guilt and how it changed his life. And it's the story of a mystery that won't go away. Because nearly half a century after Cheryl disappeared, the case is moving again...

    Fairy Meadow is presented by BBC News correspondent Jon Kay and produced for BBC Audio in Bristol by Chris Ledgard.

    5 January 2022, 11:34 am
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