Growing Up Geeky


Raising the Next Generation

  • Out of town.. podcast delayed

    Hey everyone, I didn’t get an episode out because of my AC being replaced.  Wooot on working AC again!!!  We have a trip out of state to visit family going on, so at any rate… delayed podcast time.  I’m going to try to record on Monday… hopefully.  Depends on how tired I am from the so called “vacation”  HA!  Look around midweek for Episode 5!

     For now… enjoy what is left of your weekend!

    –Lady O

    23 July 2006, 5:30 am
  • Rss Feed?

    I’m not sure why, but I can’t seem to get the enclosures to work.  I’m getting rather frustrated.  I hope to have it fixed before the next podcast goes out.  Please have patience, and meanwhile check around here for updates!

    In case you missed it, here’s a link for episode 4 which is further down in the blog.  I’m currently putting together content for episode 5 to go out later this week/weekend.  Hope you guys are having a good hump day!

    Download Episode 4 now! You know you want to hear me gush about Superman Returns!

    Thanks for your patience 

    –Lady Ozma

    12 July 2006, 3:31 pm
  • Doctor Who Series 2 Finale!

    If you haven’t been watching Series 2 and are still only at the end of Series 1, you might as well look no further in this post!  I just wanted to gush about how awesome the finale was this week and wow… I loved what they did!  Dang was it freaky, too!  Them vs THEM????  AUGHHHH!  That’s like… Doctor Who worst Nightmare!  All we needed to give The Doctor night sweats for a year was to throw The Master into that mix!  Ooooh Tony Head, where are ya bro?  Sorry, Tony Head’s character in School Reunion was soooo totally Master-like!!!  HA!

     ANyway, walk do not run and get this one to see.  Holy smokes it was AWESOME!  Amazing!  And I even got a touch misty at the end with the loss of Rose as Doctor’s Assistant.  Le Sigh.  I was so sad a few weeks back when I heard the news announcement that she would be leaving.  But, in Doctor Who, that’s how things go!  Some assitant’s are great and you love them.  Sarah Jane, Nyssa, Romana.  Others you wouldn’t mind tossing.  Rose was definately the former.  I hope Freema Agyeman is also of the former.  She definately did not fare well in her first stint on Doctor Who during the finale!  ACK!

    I’m sorry to see Rose go, but they did her character justice.  I’m glad for how they worked that in.  *Flick away tear*

    Now to the ending.  Who is that bride?  How did she get in the Tardis, it was orbiting a supernova?  I cannot wait until Christmas!  Of course to tide me over until Christmas, Torchwood in October!  *SQUEEEEEEEEE*  I cannot wait to see Captain Jack again!

    Now, I need to catch up on all my Series 2 Confidentials.  I’ve really only seen about half of them.  I love the Confidentials!  But I’m so sad.  Doctor Who is over for another year!  *SIGH*  It just doesn’t last long enough.  Thank goodness that Stargate starts this week.  I will have to survive on Stargate until Torchwood.  Then Stargate to Doctor Who.  Then… well you can see how this is going!

    Watch.  The.  FINALE!!!!!!  I’d recommend from behind your sofa!!!!

    Until next time remember that a Dalek is Kelad spelled backwards!

    -Lady Ozma

    12 July 2006, 2:53 am
  • Episode 4: Superman!!!!!!!!!!

    Of course I had to do a Superman episode!  Superman rules!!!  He’s awesome!  I love him!  You know i had to go to the movie and see him when he returned to the big screen!  Plus, all the cool kids are doing it!!! So listen to me blather on and on about Superman Returns! 

    This took forever to edit.  I let the kids give their two cents worth.  HAHA  And boy did they have fun.  I seriously need another microphone if I am going to do this with any regularity.  Joram is exceptionally soft spoken for a kiddo and so I had to really muck with the sound in order to make him halfway hearable!  So enjoy that section of the podcast!

     No Con Survival Guide this week.  I figured you had heard enough of me as it was! I’ll bring that back next week!  🙂 

    Download Episode 4 now!

    Until next time, remember, Don’t tug on Superman’s cape!

     –Lady O

    10 July 2006, 3:55 am
  • Superman Returns!

    I’m hoping to go see the movie soon.  It’s been out now for two days and I’m just pining way for my favourite Kryptonian!  I noticed this weekend on tv a Superman movie.  (Three I believe?)  I set the DVR up to record as soon as I saw “Superman”  WOOT!  Tonight with nothing on TV I might have to pull out some Lois and Clark.  *SIGH* 
    Up, Up and Away!!!!

    –Lady Ozma

    29 June 2006, 5:06 pm
  • Episode 3: Gaming!

    Hey everyone!  It’s episode 3.  I actually held out posting this a few days due to server issues…

    Anyway, I decided to postpone what I was originally going to talk about because of all the fun gaming of the week.  Love the gaming so talked a bit about that because of some gaming going on the house this week after Vacation Bible School.  I’ll just do the original stuff later.  Excuse my rambling and the interruptions of the kiddos running in and out!  It’s what they do best!!

    No essay this week, instad I included a skit for you guys!  Enjoy it!  It is the original skit that sparked last week’s promos.  Did you like those promos by the way?

    In Parents Survival Guide to Conventions I talk about…. gaming!  What else?  Please let me know what games you might enjoy!  We’re always looking for cool games!

    Download Episode 3 now!

    That’s really all for now.  Remember that in the next week Superman Returns.  Don’t tug on Superman’s cape, don’t spit in the wind, and don’t pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger!

     –Lady Ozma

    26 June 2006, 5:08 am
  • Episode 2!

    Hey there everyone!  Hope you had a good week/weekend!  We were very busy, mostly with being creative types!  We've come up with some exciting content ideas.  My husband guest hosts with me for this week's podcast as well as created a great intro and some music for me!  Yay for creative husbands!  Listen for the kids inclusion in this week's podcast!

    We have an essay this week!  Hope you enjoy it!

     This week's tip from A Parent's Survival Guide to Conventions goes along with the essay!

     Thanks for tuning in.  I hope you like everything!  I also hope you can hear my husband OK.  He's kinda quiet and so I had to tweak away all the settings trying to get me to not be very loud but get him hearable!  Oh the fun! 

    Download Now

     -Lady Ozma

    13 June 2006, 1:19 am
  • Episode 1 is Here!

    Hey eveyone,

    Here it is, episode one of Growing Up Geeky!  I give a little intro to myself for those ofyou who don't know me, talk about naming the show, and what I've got for ideas for so far… feel free to let me know what you think!  I'd love to hear from you!  Listen to my essay about scifi moms and soccer moms and the first tip in my segment: A Parent's Surival Guide to Conventions.

     That's about it!

    Download Now

    Till next week remember…. there's no cow level in World of Warcraft!

    –Lady Ozma

    3 June 2006, 2:56 am
  • Greetings Everyone!

    Hey there everyone!  This is Lady Ozma, your hostess!  Welcome to the blog of Growing Up Geeky. 

    What is Growing Up Geeky?  It’s a podcast where I discuss being a sci fi fangirl and bringing up my kids to be total geeks!  Xbox?  MMORPG’s?  Doctor Who?  Bring it on!  And bring the kiddos, too!

    What kind of geek am I?  I’m the well rounded geek.  Be it tv, books, movies in the sci fi/fantasy realm to MMORPG’s to digging inside a computer to convention going… I’m so there!

    Join me for the ride in Growing Up Geeky: Raising the Next Generation!

    Until next time remember: Real Daleks don’t climb stairs, they level the building!

    –Lady Ozma 

    2 June 2006, 9:52 pm
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