Wawasee Bible Sermon Audio

Wawasee Community Bible Church

Wawasee Community Bible Church of Milford, Indiana.

  • How to Make God Angry! - Pursuing Presence
    Have you ever wondered what might make God angry? It’s fair to say that the biggest trigger is when we ignore his call on our life. Moses's experience at the burning bush gives us a clear example of this. Despite being met by God in an extraordinary way and being clearly called by him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses responds with a series of excuses, each revealing his insecurities and fears. God patiently addresses each excuse, assuring Moses of his presence, power, and provision. However, when Moses ultimately refuses and asks God to send someone else, God's anger is kindled. While we may often see our insecurities as obstacles, God sees them as opportunities he will use as he sends us.  
    9 March 2025, 12:00 pm
  • Grace Over Grit - Pursuing Presence
    Life is full of plans—some well thought out, others rushed, and sometimes even schemes to get ahead. The story of Jacob and Laban in Genesis 30-31 is a perfect example of how human plans, no matter how clever, are always subject to God's greater purpose. Jacob, known for his scheming ways, tries to outmaneuver his equally deceptive father-in-law, Laban. Both men attempt to manipulate circumstances for their own gain, but in the end, it is God who directs the outcome. Jacob, for the first time on record, realizes that his success was not due to his own efforts but because of God's faithfulness. This realization marks a turning point in his life, as he begins learning to trust in God's plan rather than his own.(But he still has a long ways to go!) Our best laid plans are superseded by Gods; so hold yours loosely and his always.
    2 March 2025, 12:00 pm
  • Barrenness to Blessing - Pursuing Presence
    Life can be messy, full of struggles, and sometimes even chaotic. But even in the middle of all that, God is still at work, shaping a future and keeping his promises. Looking at Jacob’s life in Genesis 29, it’s clear that he was no stranger to deception, family dysfunction, and personal failures. He tricked his brother Esau, was deceived by his uncle Laban, and ended up in a complicated marriage situation that led to rivalry and bitterness between his wives, Leah and Rachel. Yet, through all of this, God was still working. He was forming the twelve tribes of Israel, fulfilling his promises, and using even the brokenness of Jacob’s family for his greater plan. The same is true for us—our struggles, failures, and even the chaos in our lives don’t have the final say. God’s grace does.  
    24 February 2025, 12:00 pm
  • Living the Dream - Pursuing Presence
    After all of the events surrounding Jacob scheming with his mom to get his dad’s blessing (stealing it from his brother Esau), Jacob finds himself in a mess and on the run. His brother Esau wants to kill him, and he’s no longer safe at home. Under the guise of going to find a wife, Jacob is on his way north when God meets him in a dream and promises to be with him and bless him. Jacob was surprised at God’s nearness, but wasn’t ready to trust him on his terms and instead lays out some of his own. No matter the mess or how far we run, God still pursues us so that we would trust him on his terms.
    16 February 2025, 12:00 pm
  • Birthright and Blessing - Pursuing Presence
    Esau and Jacob had some deep sibling rivalry—think kids tussling over toys, only way more intense. Theses two brothers took rivalry to a whole new level, from fighting in the womb, trading birthrights for soup, and scheming for blessings. Chasing what we want can mess with what God’s got planned. Esau was all about instant gratification, trading something huge for a quick bite, while Jacob keeps plotting and deceiving to secure his own gain. Yet, despite all that, there’s a thread of grace—God still pursues them, and us, even in our mess. We’re all like Esau and Jacob in different ways. Sometimes we despise God’s grace, sometimes we scheme for our own gain; yet God chooses to pursue us still.
    9 February 2025, 12:00 pm
  • Tracing the Promise - Pursuing Presence
    If you were to tell the story of your life, where would you start? As we begin to consider Jacob’s life in Genesis, we’re starting with his grandpa and his parents. Life is a tapestry of ordinary moments, shaped by decisions and events that often seem mundane. Yet, God works through these ordinary moments to fulfill his extraordinary plans. Will you trust him in the ordinary of life? As we learn to do so, God shows his faithfulness. He overcomes obstacles, dysfunction, and limitations. How will you trust God in the ordinary of life so that he might work his extraordinary plans in and through you?
    2 February 2025, 12:00 pm
  • Sharing is Care(take)ing - The Good Life
    What is the “good life”? People have explored that question for millennia. Jesus tackles it as well. He emphasizes the importance of generosity as a key to living a fulfilling and meaningful life. Luke 12 is one of Jesus’s longest teachings on money and wealth, and in the parable of the Rich Fool he gives us a vivid warning not to trust in the uncertainty of riches. Life is short, and we’re to be generous with what we have. Sharing what God has entrusted to us is one of the ways we’re to care for it! In fact, sharing with those in need and giving to our church and other gospel endeavors brings freedom from fear and anxiety over money, as well as from greed and materialism. Pastor Josh lays out some practical ideas to start or grow in the practice of giving. Jesus is clear that God’s economy is eternal, and when we understand that we see that giving is truly gaining and sharing brings freedom.
    26 January 2025, 12:00 pm
  • God's Stuff - The Good Life
    What is the “good life”? People have explored that question for millennia. It can be argued that Jesus tackles it as well. All of Scripture points to the truth that God is the owner of everything—all we have belongs to God! He simply entrusts it to us to steward—to be the caretakers of his stuff. When we embrace this truth, it frees us to live a life of generosity, no matter our station or income level. Scripture doesn’t give us detailed instructions on how much we should give, but it does contain some practical principles for us to follow. Therefore we must each individually listen to God’s Spirit and discern his leading for us as it relates to stewardship.
    19 January 2025, 12:00 pm
  • More of What? - The Good Life
    What is the “good life”? People have explored that question for millennia. When we look at Scripture and the teachings of Jesus, one of the key conclusions that can be drawn is that the “good life” is found in giving and being generous. This week, we look at the role of generosity in combating greed and helping us be content. Contentment is when I'm satisfied with what I have and who I am, rooting it all in Jesus. Wealth is neither good nor bad, but it's not neutral—it's very powerful and often deceptive, drawing us away from putting our hope and finding our contentment in God. When I'm content, I recognize there is more gain in giving and more abundance in simplicity.
    12 January 2025, 12:00 pm
  • Generous Joy - The Good Life
    What is the “good life”? People have explored that question for millennia. It can be argued that Jesus tackles it as well, especially in his Sermon on the Mount. One of the key conclusions that can be drawn is that the “good life” according to Jesus is found in giving and being generous. Through the lens of generosity, we uncover the joy and contentment that comes from treasuring what lasts and being willing to share with others. Jesus’ teachings emphasize the importance of having a generous eye and not letting money or possessions become our masters. So, how can we shift our focus from accumulating wealth to embracing a lifestyle of giving and sharing with others? Start by practicing generosity, even on a small scale. When we learn to treasure what lasts we’ll be generous with what doesn’t and increase our joy!
    5 January 2025, 12:00 pm
  • Hope of a World Made New - Hope Unfolding
    Pastor Dave teaches from Revelation 21:1-7.
    29 December 2024, 12:00 pm
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