The Sexy Bartender

The Sexy Bartender

Join The Sexy Bartender as she serves up a mix of lounge and liquor for your enjoyment. Learn a little and lounge a lot while The Sexy Bartender teaches you how to make a mixed drink while serving up a mix of lounge and experimental music.

  • 56 seconds
    Jack and Coke
    TheSexyBartenderJackandCoke.jpgToday The Sexy Bartender shows us how to made a Jack and Coke street style. That way you can drink it at the beach and not get in trouble.
    2 August 2006, 3:47 am
  • 1 minute 20 seconds
    TheSexyBartenderMimosa.jpgThe day after your party and you still have a little Champagne left over. What are you going to do? The Sexy Bartender serves up a Mimosa. Enjoy!
    26 July 2006, 12:10 am
  • 1 minute 22 seconds
    Champagne and Pom
    TheSexyBartenderChampagneandPom.jpgThe Sexy Bartender shows us how to make a great pre-party starter, Champagne and Pom. It is all about the sparkles.
    19 July 2006, 4:15 am
  • 3 minutes 14 seconds
    TheSexyBartenderCosmopolitan.jpgThe Sexy Bartender serves us a classic the Cosmopolitan. This drink is a favorite of the girls on "Sex in the City" and Hollywood Producer and Icon Robert Evans.
    11 July 2006, 10:03 am
  • 1 minute 9 seconds
    Tequila Shots
    TheSexyBartenderTequilaShots.jpgThe Sexy Bartender show us how to do it right and get drunk real quick by drinking Tequila Shots. 1, 2, 3, Salt, Tequila and Lime.
    4 July 2006, 10:59 am
  • 1 minute 46 seconds
    Tequila Sunrise
    TheSexyBartenderTequilaSunrise.jpgThe Sexy Bartender mixes up a summer time special, Tequila Sunrise. It is almost like heading to Mexico for a party. It id so pretty! And tasty too.
    27 June 2006, 9:47 am
  • 2 minutes 5 seconds
    Westwood Sparkle
    TheSexyBartenderWestwoodSparkle.jpgAfter a long day The Sexy Bartender whips up a home made special treat. As always it is tasty.
    20 June 2006, 9:00 am
  • 2 minutes 27 seconds
    Gin Martini
    TheSexyBartenderGinMartini.jpgThe Sexy Bartender shows you how to make one of her favorite drinks. A Dirty Gin Martini.
    13 June 2006, 10:46 am
  • 1 minute 17 seconds
    Hpnotiq and Redbull
    TheSexyBartenderHpnotiqRedbull.jpgThe Sexy Bartender makes the current mega club drink Hpnotiq and Redbull. As pretty as it is tasty. Enjoy the lounge, love and liquor.
    6 June 2006, 11:37 am
  • 24 seconds
    TheSexyBartenderIntroduction.jpgThe Sexy Bartender introduces her weekly series of pod casts that will teach you how to make all the coolest drinks.
    6 June 2006, 11:20 am
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