Fit, Healthy, Happy

Short Form Podcast by Dave Stevens

Short episodes to teach, inspire, motivate and bring a smile - that will help you live a long, fit, healthy and happy life! 3 to 5 new episodes every week. 

  • 1 minute 33 seconds
    20, 30, 40 year olds - This ain't just for old folks...

    RiversZen 5% Club isn’t just for senior citizens.

    That’s right—20, 30 and 40 year olds, I’m talking to you!

    I wish someone had whispered this in my ear when I was younger.

    If I had known, I would have started some simple daily practices.

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    Trust me, I’d have avoided a lot of pain and health issues.

    Wouldn’t we all like to dodge those pesky problems?

    Life can be tough enough without the extra baggage!

    Now, you might be wondering, what exactly is the 5% Club?

    It’s about taking care of yourself early on.

    Getting into good habits now means a happier future.

    Imagine enjoying life without aches and pains!

    It’s like saving up for a sunny vacation instead of waiting until the last minute.

    Pro tip: start small!

    Even just five minutes a day can make a huge difference.

    Do some stretches, go for a quick walk, or even drink more water.

    Every little bit counts!

    And who knows?

    You might just find that you enjoy it.

    So, why wait?

    Join the 5% Club today and start taking care of your future self!

    You’ll thank yourself later!

    Let’s get moving and make healthy choices together!

    Your body will appreciate it—trust me!

    Cheers to a healthier you!

    Move well, stay healthy, be happy, find your purpose and live every day with passion.

    The 5% Club is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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    7 November 2024, 11:08 am
  • 2 minutes 14 seconds
    Are you tired of living with chronic pain?

    Chronic Pain can feel like a heavy weight, dragging you down and limiting your happiness.

    But here’s some great news: contracted stretching could be your ticket to relief.

    Thousands have discovered how this technique can help ease their pain and improve their mobility.

    In fact in 2007 I discovered this amazing technique and saved myself from multiple surgeries!

    So, what is contracted stretching?

    It’s a simple yet effective method that involves stretching a muscle while it’s in a contracted state.

    Instead of just relaxing a muscle and then stretching it, you keep it engaged and tight.

    This technique enhances flexibility and helps release tension stored in the muscle.

    Here’s how it works:

    When you contract a muscle and then stretch it, you send a clear message to your brain.

    It signals that this muscle is ready to lengthen, resulting in a deeper and more effective and safer stretch.

    Let’s say you’re dealing with tight hamstrings.

    (Don’t we all???)

    To use contracted stretching, lie on your back and lift one leg straight up keeping the opposite leg long on the floor.

    Now, flex your foot and pull your toes towards you while keeping your hamstrings engaged.

    Now using either a strap or your hand behind your leg kick away making the muscles work as you lower the leg against that pressure

    At the bottom…

    Keep the muscles engaged and pull in against the resistance to a full deep stretch.

    Feel the difference?

    Repeat that 5 to 7 times to strengthen and stretch your central hamstrings.

    This method doesn’t just feel good; it can help release chronic tension and pain.

    Incorporating contracted stretching into your routine can transform how your body feels.

    Whether it’s tight shoulders, achy hips, or sore back muscles, this technique can help you regain your mobility and ease discomfort.

    So, why not give it a try?

    You have nothing to lose but the pain!

    Start with just a few minutes a day, and see how your body responds.

    Remember, relief is within your reach.

    Get started with contracted stretching and join the many who’ve found their path to pain-free living!

    Move well, stay healthy, be happy, find your purpose and live every day with passion.

    The 5% Club is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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    5 November 2024, 11:29 am
  • 1 minute 33 seconds
    Good Posture Supercharges Your Immune System

    Did you know that standing tall doesn’t just make you look confident—it can actually boost your immune system?

    It’s true.

    When your body is aligned the way it’s meant to be, you open up pathways that let things flow smoothly inside.

    And one of the biggest winners? Your lymphatic system.

    Think of it as your body’s own personal clean-up crew, fighting off viruses, bacteria, and other unwanted junk.

    Good posture keeps your lymph moving, helping that crew do its job like pros.

    Now, slouching, on the other hand, can slow things down.

    It’s like having a team ready to clean, but they’re stuck in traffic.

    Your immune system can’t work as well when your alignment is off.

    So, yes… good posture doesn’t just look good. It’s great for your health too!

    Want to test it out?

    Try this today: roll your shoulders back, lift your chest, and imagine a string pulling you up from the top of your head.

    Hold it for a minute.

    Feel the difference? It’s that simple.

    Little things like this, done daily, can keep you feeling strong and energized.

    Remember, stand tall, stay healthy, and give your body’s clean-up crew a clear path.

    Your immune system will thank you.

    Until we talk again, move well, stay healthy, be happy, find your purpose and live with passion.

    The 5% Club is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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    4 November 2024, 11:59 am
  • 2 minutes 1 second
    A Pescatarian's Carnivorous Cravings

    I was not raised having a steady diet of fish. It was a rarity but always appreciated when it happened.

    I was raised on a farm with your basic meat and potatoes diet. I loved beef and poultry and just about any and all vegetables (except celery, try as I might, I never was able to enjoy it).

    Life goes on, I get older and find that many of the foods I enjoyed in my youth are no longer user-friendly.

    So, I no longer eat them.

    I find that if I eat a small portion occasionally, I am ok.

    As I found out earlier this week, the word occasionally is truly key. I had beef liver two days in a row.

    Truly a mistake.

    I recently listened to a podcast about the value of eating organ meat.

    I always enjoyed liver and onions (yes, it can really be a tasty meal) so decided to give it a try.

    You can no longer buy it from the butcher’s counter.

    It is in the frozen food section of the grocery store.

    Since it is frozen you need to prepare the whole package once it is thawed.

    I am the only one who likes it, so that means two days in a row of eating beef.

    Something I have not done in years.

    Suffice to say, day two was not a pleasant experience.

    I will not bore you with the details.

    It was hours of intense abdominal pain. It still feels like my stomach was forcibly removed, stomped upon, and put back in. Each day it feels a tad better, thank goodness.

    Lesson learned. For me, I will only eat meat once a month.

    We are all different and need to figure out our own path. We are going to be sharing a side of beef next month from a local farm who has been our neighbor for decades.

    We know it has been raised without all the questionable things that are fed to commercially raised cattle.

    I will try beef again when it arrives.

    There is a good chance it is not the beef but the additives that my body is rebelling against.

    I will keep you posted.

    Bottom line, listen to your body in your path to cleaning up your diet.

    At least for me, it is not worth the pain and suffering of eating foods which I know are reactive.

    There are lots of options.

    Do not hesitate to take notes in a journal to keep track of your food experience history.

    Till next time, Move Well, Stay Healthy, Be Happy and every day identify at least one thing for which you are grateful.

    The 5% Club is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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    2 November 2024, 10:55 am
  • 2 minutes 10 seconds
    Fit, Fun, and Feeling Young! Outlast the Rest

    It’s your high school reunion, and everyone’s catching up, checking each other out, seeing who’s held up and who’s… well, maybe hasn’t.

    Want to be the last one standing at that party, looking like you just stepped out of the fountain of youth?

    It’s actually not as hard as it sounds.

    The secret? Stay fit. Eat right. And—maybe most importantly—keep that sense of humor alive.

    Think of it as the ultimate triple threat.

    Staying fit doesn’t mean running a marathon every week or lifting weights like a superhero.

    A little movement every day goes a long way.

    It could be walking, stretching, doing a few squats during commercials, or just busting out your best dance moves in the kitchen.

    Because really, who’s watching?

    Next, let’s talk about food.

    You don’t have to eat like a saint. Just keep it simple and whole, focusing on fresh, low-carb choices.

    Go for those colorful above ground veggies, meat, butter and eggs… and skip the processed stuff and sugar.

    Remember, red meat is your friend… unlike that bowl of pasta calling your name.

    Lastly, humor.

    Yep, laughing keeps you young! Seriously, studies back it up.

    And isn’t it more fun anyway?

    Laugh at yourself, laugh with others, and don’t take things too seriously.

    That easygoing attitude shows.

    You’ll be the one everyone’s drawn to, the one still standing and still grinning, no matter what life throws your way.

    So go ahead—let the others try and keep up.

    You’ve got this.

    And when you walk into that reunion, you’ll be the one everyone’s wondering about… and maybe a little jealous of.

    Because who doesn’t want to look and feel that good?

    Action step? Start today. Pick one thing—a walk, a healthy meal, or just a good laugh—and make it happen.

    Get ready to impress, because you’re just getting started!

    Until we talk again, move well, stay healthy, be happy, find your purpose and live every day with passion!

    The 5% Club is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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    1 November 2024, 10:18 am
  • 2 minutes 10 seconds
    Evening Mindful Movement

    Ever find yourself lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, hoping sleep just magically arrives?

    Yeah, we’ve all been there.

    But here’s the truth—good sleep doesn’t start the second your head hits the pillow.

    It starts way before that.

    Let’s talk about setting yourself up for the best sleep possible with some mindful evening movement.

    You don’t need an intense workout or a fancy routine.

    What you need is to slow down.

    Give your body a gentle reminder that it’s time to chill.

    A few simple stretches, some deep breaths, and a little body awareness can work wonders to quiet your mind and prep your body for a restful night.

    Think of it as the “closing shift” for your day.

    Just like you wouldn’t leave your kitchen a mess (okay, maybe sometimes), you don’t want to leave your body all wound up before bed either.

    Start with something easy, like stretching your arms up, side to side, and feeling a nice lengthening through your body.

    Breathe in deep.

    Then, gently exhale out any tension you’ve picked up during the day.

    Focus on where you feel tight.

    Got a stiff neck? Roll it gently.

    Hips feel locked up? Do some gentle twists or hip circles.

    And hey, if you feel silly doing a few neck rolls and twists before bed, just remember, no one’s watching.

    This isn’t about doing “exercise.” It’s about feeling good.

    About sending a signal to your body that says, “Hey, it’s safe to relax now.”

    When you go to bed relaxed, sleep comes easier, and it’s deeper, too.

    Try this out tonight:

    Before bed, spend 5-10 minutes doing some gentle movements and breathing.

    Let your body unwind.

    Let your mind ease.

    Then crawl into bed, and notice the difference.

    Goodnight, sleep tight—no counting sheep required.

    Till we talk again, move well, stay healthy, be happy, find your purpose and live every day with passion.

    The 5% Club is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    Get full access to Move Well, Stay Healthy at
    31 October 2024, 10:53 am
  • 1 minute 50 seconds
    Why RiversZen Contracted Stretching Is More Effective Than Slow Eccentric Weight Lifting

    If you’re familiar with weight lifting at all, you know that the strengthening phase of any exercise is the concentric movement—the part where you lift the weight.

    And the release? That’s called the eccentric movement. It’s when you lower the weight slowly, controlling the movement.

    Instead of a special stretching technique why not just focus on the eccentric phase of weight lifting?

    Seems like a solid plan, right?

    Well, here’s the thing. While the eccentric phase is important, it’s only part of the equation.

    When it comes to stretching muscles and building strength at the same time, you need something more.

    And the answer is simple—it takes twice the force to stretch a muscle as it does to build one. Yep, twice.

    That’s why a piece of equipment, no matter how fancy or expensive, could never duplicate the power of your body’s own resistance.

    Nothing compares to it!

    Think about it. When you contract a muscle while you stretch, you’re using your body’s natural resistance.

    This makes stretching not only more effective but also much more powerful than simply lifting weights.

    No machine, no tool can mimic that.

    The best tool you have is right here—your own body.

    So, why settle for half the benefit when you could have it all?

    Here’s something to try: The next time you’re doing a stretch, any stretch, focus on contracting the muscle as you go deeper into the stretch. Feel the difference.

    Now pull out of it making the muscle work the entire way.

    That’s your body working with you, not against you.

    Give it a shot today.

    Your body will thank you!

    Until we talk again move well, stay healthy, be happy, find your purpose and live every single day with passion.

    To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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    29 October 2024, 12:21 pm
  • 2 minutes 24 seconds
    Contracted Stretching??? What In The World Is That?

    You hear me talk about it all of the time… so let's talk about one of our favorite techniques: RiversZen Contracted Stretching.

    Sometimes we call it resistance stretching, but that seems to confuse folks.

    Most people think we’re talking about those stretchy resistance bands.

    Nope, that’s not it at all!

    Contracted Stretching is something different and very special.

    It’s all about contracting the muscle while you stretch.

    Sounds simple, right?

    But trust me, this little twist makes all the difference.

    This technique doesn’t just stretch your muscles, it builds strength and flexibility at the same time. It’s one of those great 2 for 1 deals.

    We’ve seen it work wonders for people of all ages.

    85-year-old grandmas, great grandmas, have used it to regain ease of movement.

    Professional athletes have used it to improve their explosive power and totally up their game.

    And guess what? We’ve worked with both and seen the amazing results first hand!

    This isn’t just some new fad. We’ve been using Contracted Stretching since 2007, and let me tell you—it saved our aching bodies.

    Years of sports injuries, had us hurting pretty bad.

    Surgeries were in our future, but this technique turned everything around.

    It’s that powerful.

    Now here’s your challenge: Think of one area of your body that feels stiff or tight. Today, give Contracted Stretching a try.

    Start small. Focus on contracting the muscle as you stretch it.

    You might be surprised at how good it feels—and how quickly you start noticing a difference!

    Your body deserves to move with ease, no matter your age.

    So, why not start now?

    Need help? Watch for future installments where I’ll be posting videos where you can stretch with the oldie :-)

    Couldn’t resist, I put on a 50s playlist for class a couple of days ago and wanted to channel Richard Simmons… he used to call his classes Stretch to the Oldies.

    But my little slip up gave me a whole new saying… Stretch with the oldie to the oldies (I am 71 so chronologically I am an “official oldie”)

    With that until I talk to you next time may you move well, stay healthy, be happy, find your purpose and live with passion!

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    28 October 2024, 10:30 am
  • 1 minute 45 seconds
    Give Yourself Permission to Take the Time to Heal

    Take the time it takes to heal, learn to relax, and retrain your brain to trust yourself, one step at a time.

    Those are not my words; but a sentence from a recent email I received talking about horse training. 

    That statement is true regarding people as well. 

    When we are working with students in class or during our one-on-one training sessions, it is important that the stress of the past be left behind. 

    Some attend because they are accustomed to movement and find our methods helpful or nurturing or supportive of their overall mobility program. 

    Others come because they are seeking a solution to whatever malady their body has been experiencing. 

    Whatever the catalyst that may have led you to our studios or on-line to our website we know that it can be painful, physically, mentally or both. 

    We know that you may feel responsible for the manner in which your body has failed you. 

    Know that you are in a safe place and that we too had to realize there was no one size fits all method to healing our bodies.

    Each person’s healing process is unique.

    It took time to find the path, to accept the need for patience and allow the body and mind time to follow that path to the point we are at today. 

    The process was life changing for us and we are living in bodies that feel way younger than they did 20 years ago.

    If you are looking for some guidance to help you make a similar life changing difference in your life, feel free to reach out [email protected]

    We are here to help. 

    Move well, stay healthy, be happy.  Live your life with passion.  Bye Bye!!

    To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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    26 October 2024, 12:30 pm
  • 1 minute 23 seconds
    Our Biggest Health and Fitness Misstep

    What was the number one mistake we made when fixing our health?

    For years, we allowed cheat meals.

    We thought it was no big deal.

    In fact our trainer recommended it for our mindset on track.

    But here’s the thing.

    It’s impossible to beat an addiction if you don’t cut it off completely.

    Cheat meals often turned into cheat days.

    Then cheat weekends.

    It was pure insanity…

    And before we knew it, we were back to square one.

    The truth is, you can't fully improve your health and fitness if you keep making exceptions.

    It turns out our trainer was wrong.

    Real change comes when you commit to long-term habits.

    We didn’t see real results until we embraced lifelong change.

    No more cheat meals.

    No more excuses.

    Just consistent effort every day.

    Think about it.

    Are you really ready to make a change?

    Then take that first step today.

    Leave the cheat meals behind.

    And embrace YOUR lifelong health and fitness.

    Until we talk next time move well, stay healthy, be happy, find your purpose and live every day with passion.

    To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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    24 October 2024, 11:23 am
  • 1 minute 12 seconds
    Stop Emotional Eating by Talking to Yourself (Yes, Really!)

    Think about it. Every time you reach for that bag of chips, ask yourself, “Is this food going to make me feel better tomorrow? Will this fuel my body, or just weigh me down?”

    That’s the key. Start talking to yourself. Out loud, if you have to.

    Every time temptation hits, remind yourself: “I want to be healthy. I won’t eat that.”

    It’s simple. It’s firm. It’s the voice you need to hear when your mind starts playing tricks on you.

    The more you practice this, the less effort it takes.

    What starts as a conversation becomes a habit.

    Suddenly, you’re not fighting with food.

    You’re making choices that support your goals.

    Remember, food is fuel and medicine.

    You wouldn’t dump junk in your car’s gas tank, so why would you do that to your body?

    Stay firm with yourself.

    Keep that conversation going until it becomes second nature.

    Give it a try right now.

    Get firm with your choices and watch how much easier it gets.

    Until next time move well, stay healthy, be happy, find your purpose and live every day with passion.

    To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. at

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    22 October 2024, 11:13 am
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