Get ready to hear Chiquis like never before. In her new podcast, “Chiquis and Chill,” the Latin Grammy winner shares her experience growing up in a famous household, how she’s managed to be so successful in the male-dominated music industry and how she navigates relationships. We’ll also explore health, beauty, entrepreneurship and some spicier topics with special guests.
Hi, everyone! I’m coming at you this week with a brand-new episode! Today, I’ll be talking about a major life update: I’ve finally changed my last name! Tune in to hear why I decided to take Emilio’s last name, what the process was like and whether I’m happy with my decision.
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Welcome to a new season of Dear Chiquis, a podcast where I answer questions from my listeners. This week, an anonymous listener doesn’t know what to do after she recently had a baby and her husband told her he’s not as attracted to her anymore; Alex wants to support his dad’s new relationship but feels like he’d be betraying his late mother; Natalia is curious about how I take care of my body while drinking alcohol; and Sasha wants my advice on how to properly forgive her mom.
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Hello and welcome back to another season of the podcast! I’m so grateful to be back and even more grateful for your continued support. I wanted to kick things off with an episode revealing some upcoming changes that’ll be happening in my life – everything from my music career, family planning and cutting back on alcohol. 2025 is going to be a wild ride and I can’t wait for you all to come along with me.
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Welcome to this season’s final bonus episode of Dear Chiquis. This week, Lex asks for tips on how to get over her anxiety and talk herself into doing things that scare her; Ari wants to know how I used to spend my time when I was in my 20’s; and Melissa asks me how I separate my professional life from my personal life.
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I’m happy to bring you this bonus episode of Dear Chiquis. This week, Juli is wondering if she should stay with her boyfriend after he slept with someone else while they were on a break and possibly got the other woman pregnant; Irene loves my manifestation methods and asks me which one I think is the most effective; and Marisol asks me about the best piece of advice I’ve ever received.
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Hello and Welcome to Dear Chiquis! This week, Loly has recently been grieving her mom, years after her passing, and is wondering if I’ve experienced something similar; Luisa has yet to tell her husband she was sexually abused when she was a kid and needs my advice on whether she should tell him; and Chris wants to know if I have a favorite scary movie.
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Hi everyone! Welcome to our season finale! I’m excited to close out our third season with two of my favorite people: my sisters Jacqie and Jenicka! Join us for a candid conversation about how our relationship with our mom and dads have shaped who we are today. We’ll also talk about some of the steps we’re taking to actively heal ourselves and how that’s working out.
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Welcome back to a new episode of Dear Chiquis! This week, an anonymous listener needs my advice on how to deal with her husband’s gambling addiction; Jessica wants to know what the most memorable moment of my recent tour was; and Adri is frustrated because her family treats her kid with autism differently and is wondering if she should speak up.
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Hello to all my beautiful listeners! Today, we’re going to talk about how I’ve evolved, and how much I’ve evolved, over the years. We’ll get into all sorts of topics like marriage, finances, my relationship with food and so much more.
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I’m excited to answer a new batch of your questions. Today, an anonymous listener is having a hard time letting her partner take care of her financially so I give her my thoughts on the idea of feeding the king in her man; Reina asks me about my relationship with my Tía Pita; and another anonymous listener asks for my thoughts on politics and whether I like to talk about that topic.
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Hi, guys! Thank you for joining me for another episode of Chiquis and Chill. If you’re like me, not every day is perfect – but there are steps we can take to set ourselves up for success. Tune in to hear my favorite tips and why they work.
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