Seasoned vet, Matt (Geoghegan) and Gossip Girl novice Brendan Ruppel, begin their journey to the Upper East side as they dive into this Iconic teen drama. Follow along with the Lonely Boys as they cover each episode of Gossip Girl from Pilot to Reboot.
Strap in for wild one with Lindy Alumn, Travis Hurley.
Ganesh kicks off the year of Lindy Legends with our first episode of 2025!! He comes on with only the hottest and worst takes and then asks us to have a threesome with him at the end of the episode.
Brian, Brendan, and Matty G. do a table read of S2E9 of Full House, "Our Very First Christmas Show."
Brendan listens to too much Green Day so luckily Matt actually has some interesting music to bring to the table. Taylor Swift has been knocked out of both of the Cohosts' top spots!
There's no car crash this episode but someone almost dies at least! Strap in for one of the worst episodes of Gossip Girl of all time.
Kayla returns to the program after years! It seems like we somehow did not convince her to continue watching this reboot.
The dads are in big trouble this episode.
Mel is BACK for her introduction to the reboot! As adults watching a teen drama, we mostly struggle to understand why there is so much focus on adults.
This show is abysmal and I hate watching it but the podcast continues to be a ton of fun. Listen to us have fun!
The Lonely Boys are reluctantly diving into the Gossip Girl reboot for anyone that cares.
Matt and Brendan are BACK!! They ease their way back into the GG world with the Retrospective of the series before they dive into the reboot. Catch up with us as we catch up with each other!
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