The Genius of Thomas Sowell

Alan Wolan

Thomas Sowell might well be our greatest living Intellectual. His accomplishments span 6 decades and include over 40 books and thousands of columns and articles written on a wide range of topics, from economics to sociology to history to race and culture. It is hard to name another intellectual who has studied and written on as wide a range of topics in such a profound way. This podcast will discuss his ideas and is intended to provide a place for admirers of his work to discuss his contributions with other like minded thinkers.

  • 1 hour 49 minutes
    "Race, IQ & Sowell" with Nathan Cofnas, Part 2

    This is Part 2 of Episode 40, “Race, IQ and Sowell” with Nathan Cofnas. 

    A few weeks after I recorded my original conversation with Nathan Cofnas, which I released in Episode 40, Part 1, I hosted a live conversation with Nathan on X Spaces which opened the floor up to the public and anyone who wanted to get in on the discussion. 

    We had a great group discussion about hereditarianism and we got to hear more about Nathan’s thinking on this controversial subject, and why Nathan thinks Sowell gets it wrong on this subject. 

    If you were intellectually stimulated by Part 1 of this episode, I think you will like Part 2 as well.

    I really enjoy this format of public conversation because almost everyone who wants to speak can, and I get a kick out of hosting and moderating these conversations, so expect more of these in the future.

    I encourage you to subscribe to Nathan’s substack and read his three essays which are mentioned in the discussion:

    #1) Are smart people superior?

    #2) A Guide for the Heredarian revolution, and

    #3) Thomas Sowell’s wishful thinking about race

    If I sound like a fan of Nathan Cofnas, it’s probably because I am. What I like most about him is not his positions or conclusions but that he gets me to think and rethink my positions on some of Thomas Sowell’s diehard arguments. 

    I think they call this critical thinking, or something like that. 

    It’s kind of fun once you get used to it.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Support the show

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    24 September 2024, 1:00 am
  • 2 hours 27 minutes
    "Race, IQ & Sowell" with Nathan Cofnas, Part 1

    In today’s episode we explore the theme of "Race and IQ" and whether or not different racial groups have different levels of innate intelligence.
    Sowell explored this subject in depth in his 2013 book “Intellectuals and Race."
    Joining me to discuss this controversial topic is Professor Nathan Cofnas, who has written extensively on this subject.

    I highly recommend you read the following to get the most out of this episode:
    1) "Intellectuals and Race" by Thomas Sowell (of course you should read it!)
    "A Guide for the Hereditarian Revolution" by Nathan Cofnas
    "Thomas Sowell's Wishful Thinking About Race" by Nathan Cofnas.

    You can find Professor Cofnas's Substack at:

    • This episodes' song list
    Strange Fruit Billie Holiday 1939
    Carefully Taught South Pacific 1949
    Black Boys Hair 1964
    Birmingham Sunday Joan Baez 1964
    Mr Rogers Kiddie Pool scene 1969
    Black and White three dog night 1972
    Why can’t we be friends War 1975
    War Bob Marley 1976
    What color is God’s skin 1977
    Redemption Song Marley 1980
    Ebony and Ivory 1982
    My Hometown bruce 1984
    People are People Depeche Mode 1984
    Black or white Michael Jackson 1991
    15. C
    olored People DC talk 1995
    Changes by Tupac 1998
    Everyone’s a little bit racist 2003
    Stop the hatred Wyclef 2021


    1) Support the show financially by subscribing with a monthly contribution on Patreon:
    The money raised through Patreon supports our efforts to popularize the books and ideas of Thomas Sowell.
    2) Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. This helps a lot by nudging the show to the top of searches. I really appreciate the many positive reviews, especially this one by Jonsby: "This is one of the few podcasts that I actually slow down so I can savor it!"

    Support the show

    • Find me on X (Twitter) at @alanwolan
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    9 September 2024, 11:00 am
  • 2 hours 12 minutes
    "Honesty & Sowell" with Dan Ariely

    In today’s episode we explore the theme of “Honesty.” 

    Sowell wrote about honesty in his latest book “Social Justice Fallacies,” and also in his 2000 classic “Basic Economics.” 
    In addition, his 1993 collection of essays called “Is Reality Optional?” contains an essay about honesty which has a very unexpected spin to it.

    We learn that honesty is not just a moral virtue, it’s also a form of human capital that varies greatly from culture to culture and from group to group within a particular culture.

    I explore themes from those 3 Sowell books and I interview Dan Ariely, author of 
    "The Honest Truth about Dishonesty: How we lie to everyone, especially ourselves," published in 2012.  

    Notes to help you get the most out of this episode:

    • My three favorite Dan Ariely books;
    1. "Predictably Irrational" (2008)
    2. "The Upside of Irrationality" (2010)
    3. "The Honest Truth about Dishonesty" (2012)

    • This episodes' song list:
    1. "Honesty" by Billy Joel
    2. PS22 Children's Choir rendition of "Honesty" 
    3. "A Matter of Trust" by Billy Joel
    4. "Honesty" Saxaphone Cover by  Max Sax
    5. "Honor Pledge Song" by Princeton Triangle Club
    6.  "Honesty" orchestral version by the Japanese Army Band
    7. "One Piece at a Time" by Johnny Cash
    8. "And So it Goes" by Billy Joel
    9. "Piano Man" by Billy Joel
    10. "She's Always a Woman" by Billy Joel
    11.  "Lullabye" by Billy Joel
    12. "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant" by Billy Joel
    13. "Two Thousand Years" by Billy Joel
    14.  "An Innocent Man" by Billy Joel
    15.  "Honesty" Violin cover by Shiki


    1) Support the show financially by subscribing with a monthly contribution on Patreon:
    The money raised through Patreon supports our efforts to popularize the books and ideas of Thomas Sowell.
    2) Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts. This helps a lot by nudging the show to the top of Google searches. I really appreciate the many positive reviews, especially this one by Jonsby: "This is one of the few podcasts that I actually slow down so I can savor it!"

    3) Purchase our Thomas Sowell Post It Note pads:  You can find all 300+ digital images of the post it notes HERE, feel free to download them and use them however you like.
    To purchase pads of printed post it notes, please visit our shop

    Support the show

    • Find me on X (Twitter) at @alanwolan
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    22 April 2024, 5:00 am
  • 1 hour 31 minutes
    "Social Pathologies & Sowell" with Theodore Dalrymple

    This episode features a deep dive into Theodore Dalrymple's 2001 masterpiece
    "Life at the Bottom," one of Thomas Sowell's favorite books, and one of my all time favorites as well.

    I strongly suggest you read or listen to this book as soon as possible, You can thank me later. I prefer the audiobook to the written book, just because the audiobook narrator does such a fantastic job.

    I interview Dalrymple about his book and about his thoughts on Sowell's body of work.

    Notes to help you get the most out of this episode:

    • My four favorite Theodore Dalrymple books:
    1.  "Life at the Bottom" (2001)
    2. "Our Culture, What's Left of It" (2007)
    3. "Admirable Evastions"  (2020)
    4. "Spoilt Rotton"  (2011)
    Theodore Dalrymple has published over 30 books and has a new book coming out soon.

    • This episodes' song list; all songs by Eminem.
    -Lose Yourself instrumental
    -Lose Yourself original version
    -Without Me
    -The Kiss (skit)
    -Sing for the Moment (with Aerosmith)
    -Love the Way you Lie (with Rihanna)
    -Guilty Conscience
    -River (with Ed Sheeran)
    -Lose Yourself orchestral


    1) Support the show financially by subscribing with a monthly contribution on Patreon:
    The money raised through Patreon supports our efforts to popularize the books and ideas of Thomas Sowell.
    2) Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts. This helps a lot by nudging the show to the top of Google searches. I really appreciate the many positive reviews, especially this one by Jonsby: "This is one of the few podcasts that I actually slow down so I can savor it!"

    3) Purchase our Thomas Sowell Post It Note pads:  You can find all 250+ digital images of the post it notes HERE, feel free to download them and use them however you like.
    To purchase pads of printed post it notes, please visit our shop at: 
    4) NEW! Purchase our Thomas Sowell faux postage stamps, you can see them here:
    To purchase, PayPal $4/sheet of 30 stamps to: [email protected].
    Don't forget to put your mailing address in the PayPal notes section so I know where to send them.

    I know you have thousands of other podcasts you could be listening to, and I truly appreciate the time and interest you show in mine.

    Alan Wolan

    Support the show

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    12 February 2024, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 53 minutes
    "War and Sowell" with Victor Davis Hanson

    This episode features:

    1) The Causes of WW2:
    A presentation of Sowell's essay "Intellectuals and War," from Sowell 2010 classic "Intellectuals and Society."
    In particular, I discuss the 6 causes of WWII, from Sowell's perspective.

    2) My conversation with Victor Davis Hanson, (VDH):
    VDH is a Classicist and Military Historian at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.
    You can find his books and columns at: and I highly recommend you subscribe for premium access to all his essays.

    Notes to help you get the most out of this episode:

    • My four favorite Victor Davis Hanson books:
    1.  Mexifornia (2003)
    2. The Second World Wars (2017)
    3. The Case for Trump (2019)
    4. The Dying Citizen  (2021)
    Dr. Hanson's new book is called "The End of Everything: How wars descend into annihilation," which will be released May 2024.
    • This episodes' song list:
    - War Pigs: Black Sabbath
    -Give Peace a Chance: John Lennon
    -Let There Be Peace on Earth: Boys Choir or Harlem
    -Praise the Lord, Pass the Ammunition: Kay Kyser
    -The Flesh Failures: Galt McDermott
    -Heal the World: Michael Jackson
    -We Are the World: USA for Africa
    -Blowin' in the Wind: Bob Dylan
    -Where Have All the Flowers Gone
    -Where is the Love: Black Eyed Peas
    -Ride of the Valkyries: Richard Wagner
    -One Day: Matisyahu


    1) Support the show financially by subscribing with a monthly contribution on Patreon:
    The money raised through Patreon supports our efforts to popularize the books and ideas of Thomas Sowell.
    2) Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts. This helps a lot by nudging the show to the top of Google searches. I really appreciate the many positive reviews, especially this one by Jonsby: "This is one of the few podcasts that I actually slow down so I can savor it!"

    3) Purchase our Thomas Sowell Post It Note pads:  You can find all 250+ digital images of the post it notes HERE, feel free to download them and use them however you like.

    To purchase pads of printed post it notes, please visit our shop at: 

    I know you have thousands of other podcasts you could be listening to, and I truly appreciate the time and interest you show in mine.

    Alan Wolan

    Support the show

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    22 November 2023, 10:00 pm
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    Israel, The Jews & Sowell. With Dennis Prager.

    This episode was inspired by the outbreak of war between Israel and the Palestinians which started on October 7, 2023.

    I explore Sowell's views on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict through two columns written by Sowell, one in 2006 and the other in 2014:

    2006 Column:  “There is no Middle East Peace Process”
    2014 Column: "Cease the Cease Fires"

    Our special guest for this episode is Dennis Prager.

    Dennis Prager was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1948. He graduated from Brooklyn College with a major in Middle Eastern Studies.  In 1982, when he was 34 years old, Prager got his first big break as a radio talk show host at a local Los Angeles radio station and over the years his show was syndicated into other markets and he is now known nationally as one of America’s preeminent  conservative talk show hosts. 

    In 2009, he founded perhaps his greatest achievement yet: Prager University, also known as Prager U, which you can find online at

    I highly encourage you to explore the offerings at There are hundreds upon hundreds of extremely well-produced, educational videos on a wide range of topics, oftentimes no longer than 5 minutes each. There’s a section for adults and a section for kids. The videos cover current events, American and world history from a wholesome, positive and uplifting perspective, and they are hosted by world class scholars such as Victor Davis Hanson, Alan Dershowitz, Gad Saad, Wilfred Reilly, Rafael Mangual, Jason Riley, and many, many more great thinkers, not to mention many videos by Dennis Prager himself.  And all these videos and programs are totally free. This is one of those rare cases where you get way more than you pay for.

    Here are some extra resources to enhance your enjoyment of the episode:
    • Dennis Prager mentions this DEBATE he had with Rabbi Jonathon Sacks.
    • My favorite version of Hatikvah HERE.
    • Sowell's History of the Jews from "Migrations & Cultures" HERE.


    1) Support the show financially by subscribing with a monthly contribution on Patreon:
    The money raised through Patreon supports our efforts to popularize the books and ideas of Thomas Sowell.
    2) Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts. This helps a lot by nudging the show to the top of Google searches. I really appreciate the many positive reviews, especially this one by Jonsby: "This is one of the few podcasts that I actually slow down so I can savor it!"

    3) Purchase our Thomas Sowell Post It Note pads:  You can find all 250+ digital images of the post it notes HERE, feel free to download them and use them however you like.

    To purchase pads of printed post it notes, please visit our shop at: 

    Support the show

    • Find me on X (Twitter) at @alanwolan
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    18 October 2023, 5:00 am
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    "The Triple Package" and Sowell, with Amy Chua

    In this episode, I explore the work and ideas of Amy Chua.

    Amy is not only a tenured Professor of Law at Yale University, she is also a bestselling author of several books. Her most famous books was published in 2011 and is called "The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother."

    Amy told me that she was a huge fan of Thomas Sowell but what I didn’t know at the time is that Thomas Sowell is also a huge fan of Amy Chua.

    Find out why in this episode, as I explore Amy's ideas about political tribalism and why some groups succeed more than others, a theme which is right up Sowell Alley.

    Amy just wrote her first novel called "The Golden Gate," which I highly recommend you read. Here are her other, non-fiction books:

    2002: World On Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability.

    2007: Day of Empire: How Hyperpowers Rise to Global Dominance – and Why They Fall.

    2011: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.

    2014: The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in America.

    2018: Political Tribes: Group Instinct and the Fate of Nations.


    1) Support the show financially by subscribing with a monthly contribution on Patreon:
    The money raised through Patreon supports our efforts to popularize the books and ideas of Thomas Sowell.
    2) Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts. This helps a lot by nudging the show to the top of Google searches. I really appreciate the many positive reviews, especially this one by Jonsby: "This is one of the few podcasts that I actually slow down so I can savor it!"

    3) Purchase our Thomas Sowell Post It Note pads:  You can find all 250+ digital images of the post it notes HERE, feel free to download them and use them however you like.

    To purchase pads of printed post it notes, please visit our shop at: 

    I know you have thousands of other podcasts you could be listening to, and I truly appreciate the time and interest you show in mine.

    Alan Wolan

    Support the show

    • Find me on X (Twitter) at @alanwolan
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    19 September 2023, 6:00 am
  • 1 hour 28 minutes
    "Maverick" A Biography of Thomas Sowell, with Jason Riley

    This episode features my conversation with Jason Riley, author of THE definitive Thomas Sowell biography published in 2021:
    "Maverick: A Biography of Thomas Sowell"

    I give a broadstroke overview of the 9 chapters of Maverick, then talk  about the book - and Thomas Sowell  in general - with Jason Riley himself.

    He and I also talk about Sowell's new book "Social Justice Fallacies" which is coming out on September 19, 2023.

    Jason Riley is a Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing OpEd columnist at the Wall Street Journal.

    He has published 4 other books besides Maverick:
    • Let Them In: The Case for Open Borders (2008)
    • Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed (2014)
    • False Black Power? (2017)
    • The Black Boom (2022)


    1) Support the show financially by subscribing with a monthly contribution on Patreon:
    The money raised through Patreon supports our efforts to popularize the books and ideas of Thomas Sowell.
    2) Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts. This helps a lot by nudging the show to the top of Google searches. I really appreciate the many positive reviews, especially this one by Jonsby: "This is one of the few podcasts that I actually slow down so I can savor it!"

    3) Purchase our Thomas Sowell Post It Note pads:  You can find all 250+ digital images of the post it notes HERE, feel free to download them and use them however you like.

    To purchase pads of printed post it notes, please visit our shop at: 

    I know you have thousands of other podcasts you could be listening to, and I truly appreciate the time and interest you show in mine.

    Alan Wolan

    Support the show

    • Find me on X (Twitter) at @alanwolan
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    10 September 2023, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 46 minutes
    Gad Saad: Courage, Authenticity & Sowell

    I met Dr. Gad Saad at the Stanford Academic Freedom conference last November.
    See Episode #27.

    Lo and behold, Gad Saad is a big fan of you-know-who!
    Plus he has a lot in common with Sowell, as you will learn by listening to my interview with him today.

    We talk about two of Gad Saad's books:

    1) The Parasitic Mind (2020)
    2) The Saad Truth about Happiness (new)

    I discuss 4 themes of the James Bond character which I connect with both Sowell and Saad:
    1) Saving the world
    2) Love of country
    3) Intense masculinity
    4) Tragic hero

    We talk about Courage and Authenticity, two vital ingredients for happiness.

    Here are some useful links to enhance your enjoyment of the episode:
    The Danish National Symphony performs Dr. No.
    The Palm Springs Air Museum
    "No Time to Die" by Epic Orchestra

    I hope you will be both shaken and stirred by this discussion!


    1) Support the show financially by subscribing with a monthly contribution on Patreon:
    The money raised through Patreon supports our efforts to popularize the books and ideas of Thomas Sowell.
    2) Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts. This helps a lot by nudging the show to the top of Google searches. I really appreciate the many positive reviews, especially this one by Jonsby: "This is one of the few podcasts that I actually slow down so I can savor it!"

    3) Purchase our Thomas Sowell Post It Note pads:  You can find all 250+ digital images of the post it notes HERE, feel free to download them and use them however you like.

    To purchase pads of printed post it notes, please visit our shop at: 

    I know you have thousands of other podcasts you could be listening to, and I truly appreciate the time and interest you show in mine.

    Alan Wolan

    Support the show

    • Find me on X (Twitter) at @alanwolan
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    25 July 2023, 4:00 am
  • 2 hours 32 minutes
    Love & Marriage

    This episode explores Thomas Sowell's views on love and marriage.

    In his 1980 book "Knowledge and Decisions," Sowell tells the story of two farmers working one plot of land, and we use that story as a metaphor for the foundations of marriage.

    I interview Dovid Feldman, who I view as a true expert on the subject of marriage.
    Dovid is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. His specialty is the institution of marriage and what couples can do to strengthen their marriages. 

    He recently published a book called 52 Tweets to a Great Marriage; you're going to want to read this book and you can find it HERE.
    You can find Dovid on Twitter here: @dovidfeldman, his tweets always inspire me.
    His website is:
    If you're looking for a great couple's therapist, your search is him.

    Dovid and I discuss many related subjects:
    • Family and children
    • Sowell's views on gay marriage
    • Intermarriage
    • The differences between men and women

    The podcast takes an unexpected twist when our wives join us toward the end of the episode:
    Dovid's wife is Miriam Feldman and you can find her book "God Said What?" HERE.
    Alan's wife is Priyanka Wolan and you can find her Substack "Strap on a Pear"  HERE.


    1) Support the show financially by subscribing with a monthly contribution on Patreon:
    The money raised through Patreon supports our efforts to popularize the books and ideas of Thomas Sowell.
    2) Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts. This helps a lot by nudging the show to the top of Google searches. I really appreciate the many positive reviews, especially this one by Jonsby: "This is one of the few podcasts that I actually slow down so I can savor it!"

    3) Purchase our Thomas Sowell Post It Note pads:  You can find all 100 digital images of the post it notes HERE, feel free to download them and use them however you like.

    To purchase pads of printed post it notes, please visit our shop at: 

    We have two editions of the quotes available:
    Edition #2: Quotes 1 - 50.
    Edition #3: Quotes 51 - 100

    I know you have thousands of other podcasts you could be listening to, and I truly appreciate the time and interest you show in mine.

    Alan Wolan

    Support the show

    • Find me on X (Twitter) at @alanwolan
    • Email me at [email protected]
    • Support the show at
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    28 May 2023, 12:00 pm
  • 2 hours 28 minutes
    "Disparate Impact" with Heather Mac Donald

    Thomas Sowell calls "Disparate Impact" ideology the "grand dogma" of our time.

    But what is disparate impact and why is it so important?

    On this episode we take a deep dive into disparate impact ideology and how it has changed America.

    Joining me to discuss this important subject is Heather Mac Donald.

    Heather is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research based in New York City. Much like  Sowell , Heather does research into domestic policy and urban affairs and tries to figure out what’s working and what’s not working. She then writes articles and books sharing what she has learned.

    Her first book was published in 2000 and was called “The burden of bad ideas : how modern intellectuals misshape our society”

    Three years later she wrote a book called “Are Cops Racist?”

    This was followed with another book about policing in 2016 called The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe.”

    I first discovered Heather Mac Donald in 2018 with the publication of her book The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture.” I loved that book and I remember finishing it then immediately starting it over and reading it a second time. 

    Her latest book which just came out this month is called “When Race Trumps Merit, How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives.”

    • More podcast-related links here:
    • How to calculate the "Birthday Problem": Ted-Ed Video HERE
    • "Birthday Problem Khan Academy explanation HERE
    • You can purchase Heather Mac Donald's new book HERE
    • Photos of the CalTech Turtle Pond HERE
    • Jerry MacGuire "Show Me the Money" scene HERE
    • Heather Mac Donald Wikipedia page HERE
    • Classical Music featured in this episode:
    "Cello Suite No 1" by Bach, "Für Elise" by Beethoven,  "Canon in D" by Pachelbel, "Humoresque" by Dvorak,  "Caprice No. 24" by Paganini, "Symphony No. 5" by Beethoven,  "Die Zauberflöte" by Mozart, "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" by Mozart, "Theme from Schindler's List" by John Williams, "Hungarian Dance No. 5" by Brahms, "Gymnopedie No. 1" by Satie, and "Ode to Joy" by Beethoven.


    1) Support the show financially by subscribing with a monthly contribution on Patreon:
    The money raised through Patreon supports our efforts to popularize the books and ideas of Thomas Sowell.
    2) Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts. This helps a lot by nudging the show to the top of Google searches. I really appreciate the many positive reviews, especially this one by Jonsby: "This is one of the few podcasts that I actually slow down so

    Support the show

    • Find me on X (Twitter) at @alanwolan
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    23 April 2023, 4:00 am
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