Cable Comments with Vince Cable

Vince Cable &

  • 11 minutes 34 seconds
    Zero Carbon Under Attack

    Zero Carbon is one of the rare areas of consensus in British politics. Boris Johnson seems no less committed than then opposition parties. But energy security concerns now take centre stage. More serious, public support is shallow and politicians have been unable to resist popular demands to cut taxes on fuels. There is now an emerging movement demanding a referendum on zero carbon and making an issue of renewable subsidies and the supposed benefits of fracking. The companies are exaggerated or wrong but we have learnt from the Brexit experience that populist campaigns must not be underestimated.

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    Sir Vince Cable is the former leader of the Liberal Democrats and served as Secretary of State for business, innovation and skills from 2010 to 2015. He records a regular podcast ‘Cable Comments’, expanding on the themes from this column. Link here

    Vince’s new book ‘The Chinese Conundrum: Engagement or Conflict’ is available to buy online or from your local bookstore. Amazon, Bloomsbury, Waterstones, WHSmiths.

    To find out more about Vince, go to

    Follow him on Twitter: @vincecable

    Produced by

    1 April 2022, 5:00 am
  • 12 minutes
    Inflation, Inflation, Inflation

    The podcast is a look back at the Spring Statement now that the dust has settled and we have a chance to look at reactions as well as the content. A generous view is that Sunak is saving his ammunition for a fiercer economic battle in the autumn but he runs the risk of doing too little too late.

    25 March 2022, 11:47 am
  • 15 minutes 57 seconds
    Ukraine War: Watch the Neutrals

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine has mobilised and unified Europe, the NATO alliance and the majority of countries in the UN. However key countries like India and Pakistan, South Africa and Nigeria and leading Middle Eastern countries and, above all, China have declined to take sides, at least openly. How these self-declared neutrals react to a continuing war will be crucial.

    Link to article:

    Sir Vince Cable is the former leader of the Liberal Democrats and served as Secretary of State for business, innovation and skills from 2010 to 2015. He records a regular podcast ‘Cable Comments’, expanding on the themes from this column. Link here 

    Vince’s new book ‘The Chinese Conundrum: Engagement or Conflict’ is available to buy online or from your local bookstore. Amazon, Bloomsbury, Waterstones, WHSmiths.

    To find out more about Vince, go to

    Follow him on Twitter: @vincecable

    Produced by

    19 March 2022, 5:40 pm
  • 20 minutes 6 seconds
    European War or WW3

    I look at the likelihood of the conflict spreading beyond the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And in particular the unpredictable consequences of the widening sanctions net and the impact of the war on energy and food supplies.

    Link to article:

    Sir Vince Cable is the former leader of the Liberal Democrats and served as Secretary of State for business, innovation and skills from 2010 to 2015. He records a regular podcast ‘Cable Comments’, expanding on the themes from this column. Link here 

    Vince’s new book ‘The Chinese Conundrum: Engagement or Conflict’ is available to buy online or from your local bookstore. Amazon, Bloomsbury, Waterstones, WHSmiths.

    To find out more about Vince, go to

    Follow him on Twitter: @vincecable

    Produced by

    11 March 2022, 6:00 am
  • 15 minutes 25 seconds
    10 Things We Got wrong About Russia

    This podcast deals with the horrific invasion of Ukraine by Putin’s Russia; the mistakes that were made which have contributed to the war and the lessons to be learnt. Now there are key issues to be faced. Sanctions will not work if they exclude the energy sector. We have to engage countries like India and China with close links to Russia.

    We have to arm the Ukrainians as best we can being careful to avoid direct military confrontation and engagement with NATO.

    Link to article:

    Sir Vince Cable is the former leader of the Liberal Democrats and served as Secretary of State for business, innovation and skills from 2010 to 2015. He records a regular podcast ‘Cable Comments’, expanding on the themes from this column. Link here


    Vince’s new book ‘The Chinese Conundrum: Engagement or Conflict’ is available to buy online or from your local bookstore. Amazon, Bloomsbury, Waterstones, WHSmiths.

    To find out more about Vince, go to

    Follow him on Twitter: @vincecable

    Produced by


    2 March 2022, 6:29 pm
  • 19 minutes 29 seconds
    The Economic Consequences of a European War

    In this week's episode, I look at the extreme uncertainty around Russia’s intentions in relation to Ukraine, have focussed mainly on the military consequences of an invasion. There would also be an economic shock through energy and other commodity markets. We have the two oil shocks of 1974 and 1980 as a precedent. There are also potential wider implications for business if the SWIFT payments system is disrupted by sanctions and because of potential instability in financial markets. 

    Link to article:

    Sir Vince Cable is the former leader of the Liberal Democrats and served as Secretary of State for business, innovation and skills from 2010 to 2015. He records a regular podcast ‘Cable Comments’, expanding on the themes from this column. Link here

    Vince’s new book ‘The Chinese Conundrum: Engagement or Conflict’ is available to buy online or from your local bookstore. Amazon, Bloomsbury, Waterstones, WHSmiths.

    To find out more about Vince, go to

    Follow him on Twitter: @vincecable

    Produced by

    18 February 2022, 7:28 am
  • 16 minutes 21 seconds
    The Beijing Olympics and the New Cold War

    This week's episode deals with Chinese objectives and the Western diplomatic boycott which has so far failed in its objective to make human rights particularly in Xinjiang the focus of the Games.

    Link to article:

    Sir Vince Cable is the former leader of the Liberal Democrats and served as Secretary of State for business, innovation and skills from 2010 to 2015. He records a regular podcast ‘Cable Comments’, expanding on the themes from this column. Link here

    Vince’s new book ‘The Chinese Conundrum: Engagement or Conflict’ is available to buy online or from your local bookstore. Amazon, Bloomsbury, Waterstones, WHSmiths.

    To find out more about Vince, go to

    Follow him on Twitter: @vincecable

    Produced by

    11 February 2022, 4:14 pm
  • 15 minutes 30 seconds
    Political populism what and why

    It has become common-place to talk about ‘populism’; but what does it mean? And what is the reason why otherwise seemingly stable democracies throw ups the likes of Trump and Johnson? I draw on some recent analysis using data science which challenges some fashionable ideas: that populism originates in inequality or as a response to immigration.

    Link to article:

    Sir Vince Cable is the former leader of the Liberal Democrats and served as Secretary of State for business, innovation and skills from 2010 to 2015. He records a regular podcast ‘Cable Comments’, expanding on the themes from this column. Link here 

    Vince’s new book ‘The Chinese Conundrum: Engagement or Conflict’ is available to buy online or from your local bookstore. Amazon, Bloomsbury, Waterstones, WHSmiths.

    To find out more about Vince, go to

    Follow him on Twitter: @vincecable

    Produced by

    4 February 2022, 3:56 pm
  • 19 minutes 35 seconds
    It's the economy stupid

    Clinton's campaigning slogan seems out of place amidst the political chatter about partygate and the rumblings about war in Ukraine.  But the government's credibility hinges on economic performance. There are worrying trends: a slowdown in post covid recovery and rising inflation which has been underestimated.

    Sir Vince Cable is the former leader of the Liberal Democrats and served as Secretary of State for business, innovation and skills from 2010 to 2015. He records a regular podcast ‘Cable Comments’, expanding on the themes from this column.

    Vince’s new book ‘The Chinese Conundrum: Engagement or Conflict’ is available to buy online or from your local bookstore. Amazon, Bloomsbury, Waterstones, WHSmiths.

    To find out more about Vince, go to

    Follow him on Twitter: @vincecable

    Produced by

    28 January 2022, 8:14 am
  • 17 minutes 51 seconds
    Democracy in danger.

    Democracy is in danger on several fronts: internally, in the USA especially, with the refusal of the Republican Party to accept the results of elections; globally with a slide to semi-democratic, semi-authoritarian regimes in many countries; and physically with the threatened Russian attack on Ukraine. I discuss the prospects for President Biden’s Alliance of Democracies.

    Sir Vince Cable is the former leader of the Liberal Democrats and served as Secretary of State for business, innovation and skills from 2010 to 2015. He records a regular podcast ‘Cable Comments’, expanding on the themes from this column.

    Independent articles :

    Vince’s new book ‘The Chinese Conundrum: Engagement or Conflict’ is available to buy online or from your local bookstore. Amazon, Bloomsbury, Waterstones, WHSmiths.

    To find out more about Vince, go to

    Follow him on Twitter: @vincecable

    Produced by

    21 January 2022, 5:00 am
  • 19 minutes 24 seconds
    There is a problem with ‘levelling up’

    I discuss the choices and dilemmas the government faces in launching its ‘levelling up’ White Paper on its signature policy:  badly delayed and due early this year. The key choice is whether to prioritise left-behind people or places. The government seems primarily concerned with the latter and, within the latter, towns rather than cities.

    Sir Vince Cable is the former leader of the Liberal Democrats and served as secretary of state for business, innovation and skills from 2010 to 2015. He records a regular podcast ‘Cable Comments’, expanding on the themes from this column.

    Independent article link:

    Vince’s new book ‘The Chinese Conundrum: Engagement or Conflict’ is available to buy online or from your local bookstore. Amazon, Bloomsbury, Waterstones, WHSmiths.

    To find out more about Vince, go to

    Follow him on Twitter: @vincecable

    Produced by

    14 January 2022, 4:11 pm
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