Judging ourselves, judging other parents, judging our partners and judging our kids… none of these feels good, and all clog lines of communication. But this is a really tough habit to kick. The first step is owning our judgment, so in this episode we share a bunch of our own parenting fails and then (try to) forgive ourselves.
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Middle school and middle schoolers get a really bad rap and their educators are looked upon with sympathy. But what if we flip that narrative on its head and view this stage with excitement? Here to shift the perspective on this transformational age into one of opportunity and wonder is school founder, middle school principal, and author Chris Balme.
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Go to Quince.com/awkward for free shipping and 365-day returns
Head to http://lumen.me/AWKWARD for 20% off your purchase
Get 20% OFF any AquaTru water purifier when you go to AquaTru.com and use promo code AWKWARD
Visit equip.health/AWKWARD to get a free consultation from Equip
Order our book This Is So Awkward
Check out all our speaking and curriculum at www.lessawkward.com and our super comfy products at www.myoomla.com
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Produced by Peoples Media
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The study of microplastics is a rapidly expanding field because they are literally ubiquitous – in our bodies, our oceans, our food. Found everywhere from brains to testicles, from tap water to sea salt, this episode unpacks what we know and what we don’t yet know about the impact of microplastics on the human body.
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Go to Quince.com/awkward for free shipping and 365-day returns
Head to http://lumen.me/AWKWARD for 20% off your purchase
Get 20% OFF any AquaTru water purifier when you go to AquaTru.com and use promo code AWKWARD
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Your Brain is Full of Microplastics: Are They Harming You?
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Produced by Peoples Media
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When kids misbehave or act out, it’s natural for adults to react with anger, disappointment, punishment, or even disconnection. But struggling kids actually need the opposite – their behavior improves when they feel connection and belonging. Psychologist and lifelong educator Doug Bolton translates decades of experience into actionable, empathic ways forward. His book, Untethered, offers a beautiful path to change the way we all think about dysregulation, community, and raising kids.
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Go to Quince.com/awkward for free shipping and 365-day returns
Head to http://lumen.me/AWKWARD for 20% off your purchase
Get 20% OFF any AquaTru water purifier when you go to AquaTru.com and use promo code AWKWARD
Visit equip.health/AWKWARD to get a free consultation from Equip
Order our book This Is So Awkward
Check out all our speaking and curriculum at www.lessawkward.com and our super comfy products at www.myoomla.com
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To submit listener questions email [email protected]
Watch the full episode on Youtube!
Produced by Peoples Media
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Adults are baffled, bemused, and slightly horrified by what they hear about teen dating. Our 16-year-old guest, Elle Kristine, helps set the record straight on today’s teen relationships. She uses decidedly modern methods to offer teens relationship advice, like her @AskElle account on TikTok and her AI-based teen dating app. Ultimately, Elle believes that today’s teens are looking for the same things they have always sought in relationships: connection and love.
Show Notes:
Go to Quince.com/awkward for free shipping and 365-day returns
Head to http://lumen.me/AWKWARD for 20% off your purchase
Get 20% OFF any AquaTru water purifier when you go to AquaTru.com and use promo code AWKWARD
Visit equip.health/AWKWARD to get a free consultation from Equip
Order our book This Is So Awkward
Check out all our speaking and curriculum at www.lessawkward.com and our super comfy products at www.myoomla.com
To bring us to your school or community email [email protected]
To submit listener questions email [email protected]
Watch the full episode on Youtube!
Produced by Peoples Media
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The language of teen relationships is literally foreign: the glossary-requiring terms they use to describe their romantic lives vary from kid to kid, with little agreement. What do words like “situationship,” “talking” (which isn’t actually talking), and “hook-up” mean? Now layer on the virtual world in general – and social media in particular – and you can feel like you need to get a PhD in the language of young love. Journalist Lisa Phillips, author of First Love, defines it all, ultimately creating a playbook of the realities of youth romance.
Show Notes:
Go to Quince.com/awkward for free shipping and 365-day returns
Head to http://lumen.me/AWKWARD for 20% off your purchase
Get 20% OFF any AquaTru water purifier when you go to AquaTru.com and use promo code AWKWARD
Visit equip.health/AWKWARD to get a free consultation from Equip
Order our book This Is So Awkward
Check out all our speaking and curriculum at www.lessawkward.com and our super comfy products at www.myoomla.com
To bring us to your school or community email [email protected]
To submit listener questions email [email protected]
Watch the full episode on Youtube!
Produced by Peoples Media
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It can be increasingly hard to find valid, science-based health guidance in this age of rampant misinformation and now missing information. This episode zooms in on the prevention of pregnancy and STI/STD transmission, one corner of health and sex education that is in the midst of erasure from many government websites. We cover everything from abstinence to barrier methods, hormonal contraception, and IUDs. And if for some reason the content of this podcast gets censored, it’s all in our book: This Is So Awkward!
Show Notes:
Go to Quince.com/awkward for free shipping and 365-day returns
Head to http://lumen.me/AWKWARD for 20% off your purchase
Get 20% OFF any AquaTru water purifier when you go to AquaTru.com and use promo code AWKWARD
Visit equip.health/AWKWARD to get a free consultation from Equip
Order our book This Is So Awkward
Check out all our speaking and curriculum at www.lessawkward.com and our super comfy products at www.myoomla.com
To bring us to your school or community email [email protected]
To submit listener questions email [email protected]
Watch the full episode on Youtube!
Produced by Peoples Media
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Teens can be so brutally honest at some moments and utterly clueless at others. Chip Leighton, the self-described middle aged dad influencer Leighton Show and author of What Time Is Noon, memorializes it all with a hefty dose of barb-filled humor. Chip lays bare a hilarious, unvarnished view into the experience of parenting teenagers.
Show Notes:
Go to airdoctorpro.com and use promo code AWKWARD to receive UP TO $300 off air purifiers
Go to Quince.com/awkward for free shipping and 365-day returns
To celebrate Phyla’s exciting new launch, we’re offering 25% off your first order. Go to phyla.com and enter the code "puberty" at checkout.
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@the_leighton_show
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_leighton_show/
Order our book This Is So Awkward
Check out all our speaking and curriculum at www.lessawkward.com and our super comfy products at www.myoomla.com
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To submit listener questions email [email protected]
Watch the full episode on Youtube!
Produced by Peoples Media
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Parenthood is complicated by a million complex issues, only ramping up in the tween + teen years. Then layer on the common truth that any two people can disagree. Adults bring their own knowledge and history to parenting – their upbringing, temperament, and even values can differ radically, often landing them on different sides of the same question. So what are co-parents to do when they don’t see eye-to-eye on issues like substance use, screen time, clothing choices, or just general independence-seeking?
Show Notes:
Go to airdoctorpro.com and use promo code AWKWARD to receive UP TO $300 off air purifiers
Go to Quince.com/awkward for free shipping and 365-day returns
To celebrate Phyla’s exciting new launch, we’re offering 25% off your first order. Go to phyla.com and enter the code "puberty" at checkout.
Managing Divorce with Adolescents
Order our book This Is So Awkward
Check out all our speaking and curriculum at www.lessawkward.com and our super comfy products at www.myoomla.com
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To submit listener questions email [email protected]
Watch the full episode on Youtube!
Produced by Peoples Media
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Life is messy. Tyler Moore AKA Instagram’s The Tidy Dad helps families declutter not just their physical messes but also their emotional baggage too. Everything from middle school mayhem to toilet bowl hygiene, this episode is chock full of practical advice. But there’s no judgment for those who have a ways to go before they qualify as tidy!
Show Notes:
Go to airdoctorpro.com and use promo code AWKWARD to receive UP TO $300 off air purifiers
Go to Quince.com/awkward for free shipping and 365-day returns
To celebrate Phyla’s exciting new launch, we’re offering 25% off your first order. Go to phyla.com and enter the code "puberty" at checkout.
Order our book This Is So Awkward
Check out all our speaking and curriculum at www.lessawkward.com and our super comfy products at www.myoomla.com
To bring us to your school or community email [email protected]
To submit listener questions email [email protected]
Watch the full episode on Youtube!
Produced by Peoples Media
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
This is not a political episode but sex education is a political issue. At the start of a new presidential administration we are already seeing shifts in what can and cannot be taught in schools. Our guest, Jaclyn Friedman, helps clarify the facts and project what the future of sex ed may look like.
Show Notes:
Go to airdoctorpro.com and use promo code AWKWARD to receive UP TO $300 off air purifiers
Go to Quince.com/awkward for free shipping and 365-day returns
To celebrate Phyla’s exciting new launch, we’re offering 25% off your first order. Go to phyla.com and enter the code "puberty" at checkout.
Order our book This Is So Awkward
Check out all our speaking and curriculum at www.lessawkward.com and our super comfy products at www.myoomla.com
To bring us to your school or community email [email protected]
To submit listener questions email [email protected]
Watch the full episode on Youtube!
Produced by Peoples Media
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices