Give Me Away

Gideon Media

Welcome to radical hospitality. There's no turning back.

  • 17 minutes 22 seconds
    A Show We Love - Alpha 8

    Episode One: The Arrival

    After a crash landing on Earth, a mysterious entity named Alpha 8 keeps the NARB (National Anomaly Resolution Bureau) on edge. Michael, the lead researcher, and his team scramble to understand this new visitor. Is Alpha 8 a friend or foe to humanity?

    Alpha 8 is a sci-fi adventure audio drama podcast featuring the voices of RICHARD LEACOCK as Michael, JASMINE ASHANTI as Larson and Alpha 8, JESSI MECHLER as Samantha, TODD GAJDUSEK as Dr. Stevens and other voice, CAMERON ELIE as Daniel, MALACHI JOSIAH WHITE as Jackson, SYDNEY THOMAS as Taryn, SAM GIPSON as Ramirez and other voices, JAKE FARRAGO as Willis, STEPHANIE MAURA SANCHEZ as Summer, NAOMI CHAN as Delta Leader and other voices, OMARI WILLIAMS ad Brady and other voices.

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    16 January 2025, 5:01 am
  • 37 minutes 12 seconds
    Gideon Media Christmas Gift

    We want to share a scene from the award winning show "Almelem", where Mary, the mother of Jesus, tells the harrowing story of the birth of her first child. Kristen Vaughan, who plays Mary, and Sean Williams, the writer of Almelem, have a quick conversation to introduce the scene.

    Almelem, by Sean Willams, can be found wherever you get your podcasts.

    Starring Kristen Vaughan, Nat Cassidy and Dani Martinek

    Designed by Bart Fasbender, Music by Adam Blau

    Directed by Jordana Williams

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    23 December 2024, 5:01 am
  • 39 minutes 34 seconds
    Give Me Away, Bonus Episode: Great Me Away!

    Give Me Away is a Gideon Media Production, written by Mac Rogers, directed by Jordana Williams, and starring Sean Williams and Rebecca Comtois, along with many more talented actors and crew. 

    Greater Boston is a ThirdSight Media production, created by Alexander Danner and Jeff Van Dreason with help from Amanda McCormack, T.H. Ponders, Bob Raymonda, Jordan Stillman, and Theo Wolf. Recording and technical assistance from Marck Harmon.

    This episode was written by Alexander Danner and Jeff Van Dreason and sound designed by Alexander Danner. Dialogue editing by Bob Raymonda.


    This episode features:

    Sean Williams as Graham/Joshua

    Kelly McCabe as Nica Stamatis

    James Johnston as Dimitri Stamatis

    and Rebecca Comtoi as Liz/Robin


    Charlie on the MTA is recorded by Emily Peterson and Dirk Tiede

    Chiptune Charlie on the MTA by Neil Johnson

    All other music by Adam Blau.


    • Strong Language
    • References to alleged terrorism
    • References to incarceration
    • Discussion of death
    • References to death of a sibling
    • Depictions of anxiety & ADHD

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    26 November 2024, 5:01 am
  • 30 minutes 22 seconds
    Give Me Boston: Bonus Episode

    Give Me Away is a Gideon Media Production, written by Mac Rogers, directed by Jordana Williams, and starring Sean Williams and Rebecca Comtois, along with many more talented actors and crew. 

    Greater Boston is created by Alexander Danner and Jeff Van Dreason with help from Amanda McCormack, T.H. Ponders, Bob Raymonda, Jordan Stillman, and Theo Wolf. Recording and technical assistance from Marck Harmon.

    This episode was written by Mac Rogers and sound designed by Jeff Van Dreason. Dialogue editing by Bob Raymonda.


    This episode features:

    • Tanja Milojevic as Melissa Weatherby
    • Rebecca Comtois as Liz/Robin
    • and Bob Raymonda as T Operator


    • Farewell to Nigg and Childgrove by Adrienne Howard, Emily Peterson, and Dirk Tiede

    Content Notes

    • Discussions of asexuality and misconceptions / accusations of faking behavior 
    • Discussions of aliens and integration (two consciousnesses joining into one being)
    • Discussions of former abusive and controlling romantic partners

    Greater Boston is a ThirdSight Media Production. Give me Away is a Gideon Media Production. 

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    22 November 2024, 12:53 pm
  • 32 minutes 8 seconds
    Shocking News That Will Shock You, From Gideon Media

    Okay, it's really wonderful news but maybe not all that shocking. We've got a live show! Honest-to-God THEATER!!!!

    No Passengers runs for four performances only from November 1-3, 2024 at the Soho Playhouse in New York City (15 Vandam Street, C or E to Spring Street). Showtimes are Fri Nov 1 @7pm, Sat Nov 2 @3pm and 7pm, Sun Nov 3 @5pm. Tickets are available for purchase at this link ( Use the discount code COMFORT for 20% off. 

    And in other news -

    Check out the Signal Awards here-

    Check back here for updates on our next season. And to hear our crossover episodes, out in November, 2024.

    Check out Ask Your Father here -

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    30 October 2024, 4:01 am
  • 17 minutes 8 seconds
    A Show We Love - The Wandering Path

    The Wandering Path is an  actual-play podcast putting complex characters, resonant themes and  engaging new mechanics at the heart of immersive adventures. We’re  making the stories we want to see in the world, one game session at a  time! New episodes every other Monday, starting May 13th, 2024.

    Join  GM Mischa and players Bex, Lyn, Ian & Mayanna for our 1st season,  as we dive to the heart of the City of New Prosper: a techno-magical  metropolis on the rise, where those who seek to craft themselves a new  future will first have to settle the debts they owe the past.

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    29 August 2024, 4:01 am
  • 4 minutes 24 seconds
    A Show We Love - Sanctuary

    Starring Lily Rabe (American Horror Story). A woman wakes up on a future terraformed Mars, only to discover her husband has become its dictator.

    Sanctuary is a production of Voyage Media. Starring Lily Rabe, as Reya. Produced by Nat Mundel, Robert Mitas and Dan Benamor. Executive Produced by Levar Kelly. Featuring Albie Robles as Christopher, Veronica Warner as Misha, Rachel Pate as Nan, Jerome St. Jerome as Kerkov, Cheryl Chong as Madame Gao, and Dale Chung as President Wei. Based on an original story by Levar Kelly and a screenplay by Mehul Desai. Podcast story by Adisakdi Tantimedh. Podcast written by Adisakdi Tantimedh, with additional revisions by Matt Altman and Dan Benamor. Directed by Matt Altman. Edited, sound designed and mixed by Nick Messitte.

    If you're enjoying the show, please leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts, or anywhere you're listening, and subscribe now for future episodes. 

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    19 August 2024, 4:01 am
  • 47 minutes 27 seconds
    Episode 0208.5: Two Characters, One Actor

    Actors will play a new character every time they start a new show, and the best actors are able to play multiple roles in the same production, but it takes a rare talent to pull off multiple characters that share the same brain and body. Our wonderful cast reunites to talk with Mac and Jordana about what it was like to build a friendship, a relationship, even a love affair! between two people (or more!) that live in the same vessel.

    Featuring Jordana Williams, the director of Give Me Away, and Mac Rogers, the writer, who guide the conversation and ask questions to -

    Lori Elizabeth Parquet

    Rebecca Comtois

    Hennessy Winkler

    Lauren Shippen

    Sean Williams

    Kristen Vaughan

    Nat Cassidy

    Music by Adam Blau

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    8 August 2024, 4:01 am
  • 45 minutes 5 seconds
    Ep 0208: This Family Will Never Be Over

    Travis and The Committee come roaring back into Red Camp on a dual mission of destruction and twisted love, while Graham and Joshua face the horrifying realization that their own plans may have caused the undoing of everything they love. 

    Written by Mac Rogers

    Directed by Jordana Williams

    Designed by Bart Fasbender

    Music by Adam Blau

    Production Manager Katie Kosma

    Produced by Sean Williams and Gideon Media

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    1 August 2024, 4:01 am
  • 23 minutes 38 seconds
    A Show We Love - Vigil

    We will finish up Season Two soon, but in the meantime - here's another show we love: VIGIL

    Maria Kennedy begins her investigation of the previously unknown support hero Vigil with his very first recorded case. Vigil attempts to stop a super-criminal plaguing The Safeguard but doesn't get the support he was expecting.

    Content Warning: This episode contains depictions of violence, alcoholism, surveillance, alcohol consumption, physical restraint, and forcing someone to become inebriated against their will, as well as mentions of death, murder, theft, crime, assassination, and alcohol poisoning. There are some sudden, loud noises. It also contains strong language and themes that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listener discretion is advised. 

    The Transcript for Part 1 of Vigil is too large to fit in our show notes, but you can find it here: Episode Transcript (May Contain Spoilers)

    Vigil is a superhero, audio fiction thriller in ten parts from Adam Qutaishat (Button Podcasts) and All In Productions.

    Subscribe on your feed to be the first to listen to Vigil, and learn more about the series and creators by checking out our website at

    You can follow us on social media at buttonpods on Instagram and Facebook.

    You can drop us a line at [email protected].

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    25 July 2024, 4:01 am
  • 35 minutes 49 seconds
    Ep 0207: Everybody Talks

    Travis and The Committee, with McKillop's help, move the pieces into place to take down Red Camp forever. But Graham and Joshua can't deal with that today, because they're busy facing down the greatest terror of all: lunch with a very angry Morgan. 

    Written by Mac Rogers

    Directed by Jordana Williams

    Designed by Bart Fasbender

    Music by Adam Blau

    Production Manager Katie Kosma

    Produced by Sean Williams and Gideon Media

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    18 July 2024, 1:57 pm
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