Grace Alone

Bryan and Mercedes Marleaux

The work of the Holy Spirit through Christian History in the past and present. "For it is by grace you are saved through faith, not by works lest any man should boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9) Bilingual podcast (English/Spanish).

  • Companion Timeline--Christian History Timeline of Grace Alone Podcasts
    Use this practical Christian History timeline to view Grace Alone episodes in chronological order as they occurred throughout history from Antiquity to the Modern Period.
    30 August 2012, 1:20 am
  • 28 minutes 11 seconds
    Ep. 114: George Whitefield and the 18th Century Revivals
    George Whitefield, known as the Prince of Preachers, was one of the greatest preachers and revivalists the world has ever known. His powerful conversion, followed by his dramatic ministry, spawned revivals on both sides of the Atlantic: in England and the American colonies. One of the greatest preachers of all time who never used notes nor formally prepared his sermons. An inspiring biography!
    30 August 2012, 1:08 am
  • 27 minutes 49 seconds
    Ep. 113: The Conversion of Augustine (354-430 AD)
    One of the stalwart teachers of the early church on the grace of God, Augustine came into the Kingdom of God through a radical conversion after wrestling with the truth of the Gospel.
    26 June 2012, 10:00 pm
  • 28 minutes 34 seconds
    Ep. 112: Be Filled with Spirit
    As part of our Holy Spirit series, this episode explains what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit as well as emphasizing the importance of this experience in a believer's life.
    23 March 2011, 8:58 pm
  • Ep. 111: The Holy Spirit--Who He Is
    Part of the Holy Spirit Series--Jesus emphasized the importance and power of the Spirit in the believer’s life. Not only is it essential to be filled with the Holy Spirit but to live by His power as well. This two part series gives insight into these essential aspects of the Christian life.
    4 February 2011, 6:38 pm
  • 28 minutes 35 seconds
    Ep. 110: Live by the Spirit
    Jesus emphasized the importance and power of the Spirit in the believer’s life. Not only is it essential to be filled with the Holy Spirit but to live by His power as well. This two part series gives insight into these essential aspects of the Christian life.
    5 January 2011, 1:03 am
  • 27 minutes 11 seconds
    Episode 109: The Conversion of Paul
    Series: History of the Early Church--From the road to Damascus to the leading advocate of the faith he once tried to destroy.
    2 November 2010, 11:06 pm
  • 28 minutes 29 seconds
    Episode 108: Understanding the Father's Love for Us
    The unity that God the Father seeks is first and foremost a unity with us individually as His children, just like He has with His own Son Jesus, and His desire is that we would know His love.
    7 September 2010, 8:08 pm
  • 27 minutes 40 seconds
    Ep. 107: A Righteousness by Faith
    The righteousness that brings salvation is the righteousness credited to us by faith in Christ and His work on the cross for us. It is not a personal attempt at doing good works and trying to establish yourself as righteous. The righteousness that saves is through faith in the completed work of Christ.
    4 August 2010, 11:29 pm
  • 28 minutes 21 seconds
    Ep. 106: Lonnie Frisbee and the Birth of the Vineyard Movement

    Many scholars are realizing today that some major parts of contemporary church history are missing, obscuring the truth about those who God majorly used in crucial roles. For example, William Seymour, who God used to birth the Pentecostal-Asuza Street revival is just now—almost a century later—being fully recognized for the important role he played in that movement. Likewise, Lonnie Frisbee, “the Hippie Evangelist” who God used dramatically not only in the Jesus People Revival but in the birth of two of the most significant evangelical movements of our day, is slowly starting to receive recognition—roughly a quarter century later—for the major role he played. Magazines like Christian History and Charisma, as well as scholar David Di Sabatini in a recent work, are slowly unfolding the seminal role he played.
    An overview of his story and role in the birth of the Calvary Chapel and Vineyard Movements is retold in these recordings.

    22 July 2010, 7:32 pm
  • 29 minutes 56 seconds
    Ep. 105: Lonnie Frisbee and the Birth of the Calvary Chapel Movement
    Many scholars are realizing today that some major parts of contemporary church history are missing. Through this episode, learn about how the Calvary Chapel Movement was birthed through a revival and the untold story of the critical role that Lonnie Frisbee played in this event.
    25 June 2010, 12:36 am
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