The work of the Holy Spirit through Christian History in the past and present. "For it is by grace you are saved through faith, not by works lest any man should boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9) Bilingual podcast (English/Spanish).
Many scholars are realizing today that some major parts of contemporary church history are missing, obscuring the truth about those who God majorly used in crucial roles. For example, William Seymour, who God used to birth the Pentecostal-Asuza Street revival is just now—almost a century later—being fully recognized for the important role he played in that movement. Likewise, Lonnie Frisbee, “the Hippie Evangelist” who God used dramatically not only in the Jesus People Revival but in the birth of two of the most significant evangelical movements of our day, is slowly starting to receive recognition—roughly a quarter century later—for the major role he played. Magazines like Christian History and Charisma, as well as scholar David Di Sabatini in a recent work, are slowly unfolding the seminal role he played.
An overview of his story and role in the birth of the Calvary Chapel and Vineyard Movements is retold in these recordings.