Following Bliss is a magical audio series that promotes mindfulness, meditation and learning through Bliss, an enchanted fairy who explores new and exciting locations around the planet.
Bliss sets off to collect soothing and calming sounds from one of America’s most majestic natural beauties, California’s Yosemite National Park! Afterwards, she guides listeners in a relaxing meditation!
Bliss sets off to collect the calming sound of desert winds in the world’s largest hot desert, the Sahara! Afterwards, she guides listeners in a relaxing meditation!
Bliss the enchanted fairy heads off to collect the soothing sound of one of the world’s most amazing waterfalls! Afterwards, she guides listeners in a relaxing meditation!
Bliss the enchanted fairy introduces Wandie her magic wand and Geo her talking map and shares her passion for collecting sounds around the world. Geo reveals their first destination.
Listen to enchanted fairy Bliss as she introduces kids to mindfulness, meditation and learning as she explores the world for calming sounds that help soothe, relax and bring joy to everyone!
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