2 Lives

Laurel Morales

The second begins the moment we realize we have only one

  • 24 minutes 6 seconds
    ENCORE: Professor Unlearns Childhood Lessons

    TW: We describe a violent situation in this episode. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence go to thehotline.org or call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

    Darcy Alexandra course corrects and unlearns the violent messages and behaviors she was taught as a child.

    2 Lives “The second begins the moment we realize we have only one.”

    2 Lives is created by Laurel Morales. Camila Kerwin of the Rough Cut Collective edited this episode, which originally dropped in February of 2022. Valerie Shively is the assistant producer. Christian Arnder is our illustrator and website designer. Music from Blue Dot Sessions.

    Subscribe to Laurel's Substack here.

    Support 2 Lives at https://ko-fi.com/2livespodcast

    You can learn more about how to support the show here. Or order merch here.

    Drop us a note on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.  

     Find out more about Darcy Alexandra and read the episode transcript at our website.


    25 February 2025, 7:00 am
  • 30 minutes 21 seconds
    BONUS: Guide Seeks Resilience In Nature

    This is a conversation with wilderness guide Scout Wilkins about resilience of the natural world, trees specifically, and how she has found her own resiliency by being a part of it. 

    2 Lives “The second begins the moment we realize we have only one.”

    2 Lives is created by Laurel Morales. Valerie Shively is the assistant producer who reported this episode. Christian Arnder is our illustrator and website designer. Music from Blue Dot Sessions.

    Subscribe to Laurel's Substack here.

    Support 2 Lives at https://ko-fi.com/2livespodcast

    You can learn more about how to support the show here. Or order merch here.

    Drop us a note on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.  

    Find out more about Scout Wilkins and read the episode transcript at our website.


    11 February 2025, 7:00 am
  • 26 minutes 12 seconds
    Death Doula Finds Joy In A Good Ending

    Rattled by the loss of a loved one and how little she knew about death, Sairey Luterman found  her true calling as an end of life counselor to help others be more prepared.

    2 Lives “The second begins the moment we realize we have only one.”

    2 Lives is created by Laurel Morales. Valerie Shively is the assistant producer. Christian Arnder is our illustrator and website designer. Music from Blue Dot Sessions.

    Subscribe to Laurel's Substack here.

    Support 2 Lives at https://ko-fi.com/2livespodcast

    You can learn more about how to support the show here. Or order merch here.

    Drop us a note on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.  


    Find out more about Sairey Luterman and read the episode transcript at our website.


    28 January 2025, 7:00 am
  • 29 minutes 50 seconds
    Writer's Story Evolves Beyond Dad's Death By Suicide

    TW: Mention of suicide.

    Rachel Zients Schinderman helps people heal through storytelling because that is how she and her mom dealt with her dad’s death by suicide, but she’s learned to make way for new stories.

    2 Lives “The second begins the moment we realize we have only one.”

    2 Lives is created by Laurel Morales. Valerie Shively is the assistant producer. Christian Arnder is our illustrator and website designer. Music from Blue Dot Sessions.

    Subscribe to Laurel's Substack here.

    Support 2 Lives at https://ko-fi.com/2livespodcast

    You can learn more about how to support the show here. Or order merch here.

    Drop us a note on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.  

    Find out more about Rachel Zients Schinderman and read the episode transcript at our website 2lives.org.


    14 January 2025, 7:00 am
  • 30 minutes 29 seconds
    Suicide Survivor Learns To Manage Instead Of Cure His Mental Illness

    Jeff Morris has made it his mission to prevent suicide after he attempted to kill himself six times but it wasn’t until he received a bipolar 2 diagnosis and figured out how to manage instead of cure his depression that he learned how to live.

    2 Lives “The second begins the moment we realize we have only one.”

    2 Lives is created by Laurel Morales. Valerie Shively is the assistant producer. Christian Arnder is our illustrator and website designer. Music from Blue Dot Sessions.

    Subscribe to Laurel's Substack here.

    Support 2 Lives at https://ko-fi.com/2livespodcast

    You can learn more about how to support the show here. Or order merch here.

    Drop us a note on Facebook or Instagram.  

    Learn more about Jeff Morris and his book here, and read the transcript at our website.


    31 December 2024, 7:00 am
  • 29 minutes 15 seconds
    At 53, Teacher Discovers She Has Dyslexia

    2 Lives “The second begins the moment we realize we have only one.”

    For most of her life Viki Stein has struggled to learn so much that she became a teacher to help other kids who felt frustrated and dumb. It wasn’t until age 53 that she learned that she had dyslexia and became better trained to understand herself and help others like her.

    2 Lives is created by Laurel Morales. Valerie Shively is the assistant producer. Christian Arnder is our illustrator and website designer. Music from Blue Dot Sessions.

    Subscribe to Laurel's free Substack here.

    Support 2 Lives at https://ko-fi.com/2livespodcast

    You can learn more about how to support the show here. Or order merch here.

    Drop us a note on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.  

    Find out more about Viki Stein and read the transcript at our website.


    17 December 2024, 7:00 am
  • 21 minutes 35 seconds
    How One Woman Thrives With Schizoaffective Disorder

    At 31 a psychiatrist finally solved the mystery inside Joan Kopczynski and told her she could manage her mental illness. But first she had to reconcile a series of traumatic events that would plague anyone with or without schizoaffective disorder.

    2 Lives “The second begins the moment we realize we have only one.”

    2 Lives is created by Laurel Morales. Valerie Shively is the assistant producer. Christian Arnder is our illustrator and website designer. Music from Blue Dot Sessions.

    You can learn how to support the show here. You can make a one-time donation at paypal.me/2LivesPodcast

    Or order merch here.

    Subscribe to Laurel's Substack here.

    Drop us a note on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.  

    Find out more about Joan Kopczynski and read the transcript at our website.

    3 December 2024, 7:00 am
  • 31 minutes 9 seconds
    'Crappy Childhood Fairy' Finds Way To Heal From Complex PTSD

    2 Lives “The second begins the moment we realize we have only one.”

    Anna Runkle calls herself the crappy childhood fairy and has helped a million people deal with their Complex PTSD. But it took 11 therapists and dozens of self help books before she found a name for what she has and a practice that worked.

    2 Lives is created by Laurel Morales. Valerie Shively is the assistant producer. Christian Arnder is our pod art illustrator and website designer. Music from Blue Dot Sessions.

    Learn how to support the show at 2lives.org/support.

    Or go to  paypal.me/2LivesPodcast to give a one-time donation.

    Or order merch here.

    Subscribe to Laurel's Substack here.

    Drop us a note on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.  


    19 November 2024, 7:00 am
  • 49 minutes 30 seconds
    Election Day Break From The Noise - Presenting Ladies Of Lore

    2 Lives “The second begins the moment we realize we have only one.”

    Subscribe to Laurel's Substack here.

    We had planned to launch season 11 today with a new episode. But at the last minute the guest we interviewed asked us to hold off. 

    At 2 Lives we share the script with the person we interview before the story is finalized to make sure we got everything right. We do that for two reasons: one, because I’m often asking people to share their worst day and I want them to feel comfortable with the way we share it. And two, because the same courtesy was shown to me when I was featured in a newspaper and I caught an error. We all make mistakes. I’ve been told by other journalists that this practice is “radical,” but these aren’t investigative exposés of corrupt political leaders, these are people’s most vulnerable personal stories and heartfelt truths.

    I thought this might be an opportunity to share with you another practice we have and that is in the pre interview with assistant producer Valerie Shively she makes sure people are in the right time in their life to share their story. And before every interview I say, while sharing stories can be therapeutic, I am not a therapist. What I ask and share might be triggering. I also say there are seasons when we are more open to sharing our stories. And there are seasons when we are closed. Obviously this was one of those for our guest; she just didn’t realize it. 

    At a time when it’s so easy to click submit and share and over share on social media in an effort to sell our book or our brand, I think we often don’t listen to that voice inside that’s saying NO don’t do it. This thing you’re about to exploit, we haven’t gotten enough distance from it yet. It feels too raw to share.

    At 2 Lives, our intention to shine a light on stories of transformation is governed by the principle that these stories shared are symbiotic in nature, mutually beneficial for both the teller and the listener. We don’t share a person’s story unless they really want to share it. We honor that, even if it is to our own detriment. And those ethics are more important than numbers. 

    So when today’s guest asked that we not share at the last minute, although we were disappointed, we understood, and saw it as a perfect opportunity to reflect on the importance of ethics in storytelling. The importance of an internal moral code that helps us live above the numbers, especially when things don’t go our way.

    So instead of a 2 Lives episode, I’m sharing with you an episode of a podcast we love called Ladies of Lore. On this most consequential Election Day, we thought we’d give you a break from the noise by casting a wink and a nod to all the ancient female powerhouses throughout time and space. 

    5 November 2024, 7:00 am
  • 4 minutes 30 seconds
    What is 2 Lives?

    2 Lives “The second begins the moment we realize we have only one.”

    2 Lives is created by Laurel Morales. Valerie Shively is the assistant producer. Christian Arnder is our illustrator and website designer. Music from Blue Dot Sessions.

    Become a 2 Lives patron at https://www.patreon.com/2lives

    Or give a donation at paypal.me/2LivesPodcast

    You can learn how to support the show here. Or order merch here.

    Subscribe to Laurel's Substack here.

    Drop us a note on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.  

    Episode transcripts are posted on our  website.


    22 October 2024, 7:00 am
  • 40 minutes 46 seconds
    Halloween Special Encore: Reluctant Psychic Solves Her Own Mystery

    Kiersten Parsons Hathcock became a medium after discovering an unexpected psychic ability. Today Kiersten helps investigators around the country solve missing children's cases, and the spirits have helped her uncover and heal from her own traumatic past.

    2 Lives “The second begins the moment we realize we have only one.”

    2 Lives is created by Laurel Morales. Valerie Shively is the assistant producer. Christian Arnder is our illustrator and website designer. Music from Blue Dot Sessions.

    Become a 2 Lives patron at https://www.patreon.com/2lives

    Or give a donation at paypal.me/2LivesPodcast

    Drop us a note on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. You can learn how to support the show here. Or order merch here. Episode transcripts are posted on our  website.

    Find out more about Kiersten, her book Little Voices, and the National Institute for Law & Justice at her website.


    8 October 2024, 7:00 am
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