Come Out Wherever You Are with Sean Szeps


Come Out, Wherever You Are is a podcast about the coming out experience, told by the people who’ve done it. Host Sean Szeps is a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community. In each episode he speaks with guests across Australia’s gender and sexual spectrum to learn about their unique experiences and understand what it’s like to come out for the first time (and every time after that). For more episodes download the free LiSTNR app.

  • 17 minutes 30 seconds
    What this podcast has taught me
    I started this podcast to learn more about the LGBTQIA+ community. I felt like I had a pretty good grasp on the 'G' but I didn't know as much about the L, or B or QTIA+ Over the course of almost 50 interviews I've become a better father, husband, friend, ally and advocate for the community. This is what I've learned ❤️ Also just a heads up - this is the final episode of this season. But you can always stay in touch with me on Instagram @seanszepsSee for privacy information.
    29 December 2022, 5:00 pm
  • 38 minutes 46 seconds
    "You've had sex with MEN!?" Rob Mills on masculinity, fluidity and *that* night with Courtney Act
    Can you have sex with someone of the same gender and not have it define your life or even your sexuality? Rob 'Millsy' Mills thinks you can. Rob came out about having a threesome with Shane Jenek (aka Courtney Act) to normalise the conversation about sexual fluidity among men. Sean speaks with Rob about growing up with speculation over his sexuality simply because he was in the performing arts, why he decided to share the story about Courtney, how he told his partner about it, and what kind of future he wants for men exploring their sexuality. Follow Rob on Instagram: @robmillsymills Check out Rob's book 'Putting On A Show: Manhood, Mates and Mental Health'  Follow us on Instagram: @comeoutwhereveryouare Email us: [email protected] If this episode brought up any feelings for you or you want more information, these resources may help you: QLife: Call 1800 184 527 for a free phone service every day from 3pm – midnight. Visit their website for a free webchat Minus18: Australia’s LGBTQIA+ charity. Follow them on social @minus18youth or visit their website on for resources, events and training for your school or workplaceSee for privacy information.
    27 December 2022, 5:00 pm
  • 16 minutes 53 seconds
    Your cheat sheet to surviving family Christmas as a queer person
    Merry Christmas my beautiful friends. You asked: “Help! My family isn’t accepting of my sexuality. They won’t let me bring my girlfriend home either, which makes me not want to go home for Christmas. Any tips?” So Sean reached out to his queer brain's trust to get their advice on how you can navigate the holiday season when your family doesn't accept your gender, sexuality, pronouns, partner or the way you dress. What do you do when someone uses your deadname? How do you answer when someone asks about your girlfriend (but you're gay)? Is it ever okay to skip family Christmas entirely? The holidays can be hard but we've got you ❤️ Get in touch with us on Instagram: @comeoutwhereveryouare Email us: [email protected]See for privacy information.
    22 December 2022, 5:00 pm
  • 43 minutes 22 seconds
    Jesse Dutlow was kicked out of church for being queer
    Jesse is a queer, non-binary actor and performer. They learned to sing, and fell in love with performance, in the Pentecostal Church as a kid and after school they studied songwriting for two years at Hillsong College. Jesse knew they were queer all that time but knew they couldn't come out and live authentically if they wanted to remain in the church. Jesse opens up to Sean about attempting to "pray the gay away", coming out via Facebook before they told their parents, and why they still miss church in spite of everything that's happened. Follow Jesse on Instagram: @jessedutlow See Jesse in '& Juliet' next year:  Jesse recommends the book 'UnClobber: Rethinking Our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality Paperback' by Colby Martin Follow us on Instagram: @comeoutwhereveryouare Email us: [email protected] If this episode brought up any feelings for you or you want more information, these resources may help you: QLife: Call 1800 184 527 for a free phone service every day from 3pm – midnight. Visit their website for a free webchat Minus18: Australia’s LGBTQIA+ charity. Follow them on social @minus18youth or visit their website on for resources, events and training for your school or workplaceSee for privacy information.
    20 December 2022, 6:00 pm
  • 22 minutes 22 seconds
    "Are you sure it's not a phase?" and other inappropriate questions with Robyn Lambird
    Robyn Lambird is a non-binary athlete and the first out non-binary Paralympian to win a medal at the Games. Impressive, right? So why are people so obsessed with asking them how they have sex or if being non-binary is all a big experiment? In today's Queer Question, I ask Robyn the most inappropriate questions they get about sexuality, gender, disability and relationships, to find out if these questions are ever okay to ask, and what's a better alternative. Follow Robyn on Instagram @robynlambird Check out the post that inspired this episode for privacy information.
    15 December 2022, 5:00 pm
  • 50 minutes 50 seconds
    Ellia Green is living in the body he's meant to be in
    Ellia knew he was different before he ever had the language to describe how he felt. He knew he was different when he was winning gold for Australia at the 2016 Rio Olympics in the women's Rugby 7's team. But Ellia had a job to do. He had to represent his country, support his family, and fulfil a dream he'd had since he was a kid. It wasn't until Ellia retired from professional sport in 2021, and with the support of his partner Vanessa, that he had the time to comprehend the feelings he'd had since childhood and research what he could do to affirm his gender. Ellia sits down with Sean to share about his childhood sporting dreams and the athletes he looked up to, coming out as a trans man to his family in Fiji and his teammates post surgery, and why he didn't come out sooner. Follow Ellia on Instagram: @elliagreen Follow us on Instagram: @comeoutwhereveryouare Email us: [email protected] If this episode brought up any feelings for you or you want more information, these resources may help you: QLife: Call 1800 184 527 for a free phone service every day from 3pm – midnight. Visit their website for a free webchat Minus18: Australia’s LGBTQIA+ charity. Follow them on social @minus18youth or visit their website on for resources, events and training for your school or workplaceSee for privacy information.
    13 December 2022, 6:00 pm
  • 27 minutes 14 seconds
    Is it transphobic to call yourself bisexual?
    Today's Queer Question comes from you! You asked: how is bisexuality not transphobic and/or erasing to non-binary people? And we brought in friend of the podcast, non-binary content creator, actor, DJ and trainer, Kath Ebbs, to chat it through. Follow Kath on Instagram @kathebbs Listen to Kath's episode of Come Out Wherever You Are here See for privacy information.
    8 December 2022, 6:00 pm
  • 49 minutes 55 seconds
    If it makes Jack Vidgen feel hot, he'll wear it
    Where's the line between gender, sexuality and self-expression? Jack dresses to feel good. Some days that means wearing a crop top and heels and he's no less of a man for doing so. But when Jack recently posted a photo of himself wearing a crop top, he lost followers. Jack sits down with Sean to explore why he thinks it happened, as well as coming out in the national spotlight, finding comfort in religion and dealing with constant (mostly unwanted) attention on the way he looks. Follow Jack on Instagram: @jack.vidgen Jack has a new track called 'Solo'  Follow us on Instagram: @comeoutwhereveryouare Email us: [email protected] If this episode brought up any feelings for you or you want more information, these resources may help you: QLife: Call 1800 184 527 for a free phone service every day from 3pm – midnight. Visit their website for a free webchat Minus18: Australia’s LGBTQIA+ charity. Follow them on social @minus18youth or visit their website on for resources, events and training for your school or workplaceSee for privacy information.
    6 December 2022, 5:00 pm
  • 17 minutes 38 seconds
    My kid came out to me...what do I do?
    This one's for the parents. Every week you guys will DM me saying "my child has come out as gay or lesbian or trans or non-binary or "I don't know what I am but I feel different", what do I do!?" And every week, I reply with advice and resources and reassurance that it's all going to be okay, for your and for your child. So for this week's Queer Question, I take it out of the DMs, and into the podcast to help you.See for privacy information.
    1 December 2022, 5:00 pm
  • 34 minutes 1 second
    Dennis Altman shaped the gay liberation movement in Australia & USA
    From the HIV/AIDS epidemic, to marriage equality, to the current treatment of gay refugees in Australia, Dennis Altman has been there for all of it. He is a writer, an academic, Vice Chancellor's Fellow and Professorial Fellow in the Institute for Human Security at LaTrobe University in Melbourne. His first book 'Homosexual: Oppression and Liberation' is considered THE definitive text on the gay liberation movement. In his subsequent books he tackles sexuality, politics, the relationship between Australia and the United States and HIV/AIDS. In this far-reaching chat, Sean & Dennis discuss Dennis' experience of living in the USA when AIDS first emerged, Australia's treatment of LGBTQIA+ refugees, the commercialisation of Mardi Gras, his thoughts on marriage and Heartbreak High. Dennis' most recent books are: 'Unrequited Love: Diary of an Accidental Activist' 'God Save The Queen: the strange persistence of monarchies'  Follow us on Instagram: @comeoutwhereveryouare Email us: [email protected]See for privacy information.
    29 November 2022, 5:00 pm
  • 12 minutes 47 seconds
    Isaac Humphries & caring about male athletes coming out
    Last week Melbourne United basketball player, Isaac Humphries, came out as gay. This makes him the only openly gay male player in a top tier men's basketball team. In an emotional video posted to Humphries' Instagram, he shared that coming to terms with his sexuality forced him into a very dark and lonely place. "I hated it about myself. I was disgusted at myself. I thought that I could not be that person within our environment, within a basketball environment," he said. The news made headlines around the world, but left some people asking: do we care more about male athletes coming out than female athletes who do the exact same thing. And if so, why? In this week's Queer Question, Sean asks (and hopefully answers) that very Queer Question! Watch the video on Isaac's Instagram: Get in touch with us on Instagram: @comeoutwhereveryouare Email us: [email protected]See for privacy information.
    24 November 2022, 5:00 pm
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