American RVer-Audio Only Version

Jim Grich

The first video podcast for the RV enthusiast!

  • 18 minutes 34 seconds
    American RVer-Webisode 127-February 2017-Audio Only Version
    February 2017 - On this show we take you to Fort Lauderdale, Florida and meet up with Brett Howard, GM of North Trail RV. Brett tells us about the state of the RV industry and what North Trail RV's two locations have to offer. Next, Jim shows us a new recreational electric folding scooter called the Triaxe Sport. It's great for cruising around the campground or anywhere you need to go. It folds into a compact unit that easily fits into your car and weighs only 55 lbs.
    1 February 2017, 4:00 pm
  • 25 minutes 47 seconds
    American RVer-Webisode 126-January 2017-Audio Only Version
    January 2017 - We travel to Sanford, Florida and speak with Nelson Figueroa, President of Millennium Luxury Coaches. Nelson tell us what it takes to make a multi-million dollar coach come to life. Next, Jim shows us a new LED lighting product called an outdoor multi-function light OR camp light! We show you how to put it together and then we light up our campsite.
    2 January 2017, 1:00 am
  • 25 minutes 5 seconds
    American RVer-Webisode 125-December 2016-Audio Only Version
    December 2016 - This month we bring you a Friends Across America show. Peggy speaks with Ray and Jan Johnson, tour guides for Adventure Caravans. They tell us about the advantages of taking a guided RV tour and describe some of their favorite places to go in North America. We then meet Peggy Groves, full time RVer and an avid quilter. She tells about her projects and how she and her husband Bill travel with four dogs in their coach!
    1 December 2016, 8:00 pm
  • 23 minutes 48 seconds
    American RVer-Webisode 124-November 2016-Audio Only Version
    November 2016 - We travel to Elkhart, Indiana in the heart of RV country and meet up with Bradd Neidhamer, owner of Bradd and Hall, a well known renovator in Elkhart. Bradd talks about popular updates to RV's and shows us around his facilities. This show may give you some ideas when it's time for your next RV renovation!
    1 November 2016, 2:00 pm
  • 22 minutes 13 seconds
    American RVer-Webisode 123-October 2016-Audio Only Version
    October 2016 - On this show we meet Greg Gerber, Editor of RV Daily Report, a news service dedicated to RV stories from around the world. Peggy talks to Greg about gathering RV news, the current state of the industry, RV manufacturer product quality and some trends, both in the industry and with consumers. Greg also talks about his other news service for RV consumers called It's an interesting show you will enjoy!
    1 October 2016, 6:00 am
  • 18 minutes 55 seconds
    American RVer-Webisode 122-September 2016-Audio Only Version
    September 2016 - We take you to Virginia where Peggy meets Farmer Minor. Paul Minor travels in his Class A motorhome inspiring kids to read more. How does he do that? By bringing his potbelly pig Daisy and two Pugs, Lily Pug and Dixie Cup to each venue! He calls his program "Pig out on Reading" and they have been to libraries and schools around the country. Peg's interview culminates in a big kiss from Daisy the pig!
    1 September 2016, 5:30 pm
  • 21 minutes 12 seconds
    American RVer-Webisode 121-August 2016-Audio Only Version
    August 2016 - In this show we meet Del Francis, survivor of the USS Frank E. Evans ship collision with the Australian Carrier HMAS Melbourne in the Vietnam War. Del is riding his bicycle from Texas to Washington DC to persuade the US Government to add the 74 sailors who died in the incident to the Vietnam War Wall. Hear how you can help!
    1 August 2016, 3:00 am
  • 26 minutes 39 seconds
    American RVer-Webisode 120-July 2016-Audio Only Version
    July 2016 - Since we are new pet owners, we thought it would be interesting to talk about pets...For those who have them and for those contemplating getting a new pet while RVing. We'll share our experiences and tell you about some do's and don'ts concerning your pet companion.
    2 July 2016, 4:00 am
  • 22 minutes 48 seconds
    American RVer-Webisode 119-June 2016-Audio Only Version
    June 2016 - On this American RVer show, we talk about something different this month. Peggy gives you her thoughts on RV dash covers. She actually shows you how to create a pattern in the event that the RV Dash Covers company does not have one for your coach. Check it out. We know you will enjoy this months show!
    1 June 2016, 11:00 pm
  • 12 minutes 35 seconds
    American RVer-Webisode 118-April 2016-Audio Only Version
    April 2016 - On this American RVer show, Ron Jones stops by and tells us about two ways to visit Alaska. One is by ferry and the other is to drive around the state via the highways. Ron discusses his two new eBooks and tells us how much he enjoys the state having traveled there three times in his motorhome. For those of us who want to make the trip, Ron tells us some tips on making it happen.
    29 March 2016, 3:00 pm
  • 26 minutes 3 seconds
    American RVer-Webisode 117-March 2016-Audio Only Version
    March 2016 - This American RVer show focuses on slide-out toppers and awnings. Chris Throgmartin from Stone Vos talks to Jim about replacing slide toppers. He tells us what you need to know about making an intelligent decision on the material to use and the thread that should be used by a topper manufacturer such as himself. This is a really informative show for anyone who has an RV with slide toppers or awnings.
    1 March 2016, 1:00 pm
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