From the psychology department at Algoma University in Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada, here's Dave Brodbeck. Courses this term PSYC 3256 - Advanced Univariate Statistics, PSYC 3196 - Human Evolutionary Psychology and BIOL/PSYC 3506 - Neuropharmacology.
Where do phenotypes come from?
Music 'Today' by Dan Brodbeck and Corey Thompson
LIVE from my house. I'm sick.
Music 'Wooly Mammoth' by the Robert Farrell Band
Live from my house, it’s drugs!
Music ‘ Nothing With You’ by Less Than Jake
Repeated ANOVA
Music ‘Highway’ by Gone For Good
More drugs
Music 'Highway' by Gone For Good
We end our discussion of Factorial ANOVA
Music 'Highway' by Gone For Good
Welcome back to Canada dominating world hockey.
Oh right, school....
Music 'Stay Gold' by Annakin Slayd
Two exciting lectures for the price of one!
Music 'Stretch' by Dice
Our last one before the break!
Music 'Shot' by Stowaway
The F word
Music 'Today' by Dan Brodbeck and Corey Thompson