Zero Limits Podcast

Matty Morris

Zero Limits Podcast is hosted by Australian Veteran Matty Morris. Throughout these podcasts Matty will be speaking to high charging humans from around the world with the zero limit attitude. One of the best ways we can give our listeners motivation and the ability to complete any goal they set their mind to is through hearing zero limit stories from these hectic people! Lets go!

  • 4 hours 8 minutes
    Ep. 206 Jason Paterson NSW Police Officer

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    On today's Zero Limits Podcast I chat with former NSW Police Officer Jason Paterson.

    Jason joined the NSW Police in 1991 serving almost 20 years predominantly as general duties officer. During this time he also spent 10 years as a volunteer in the NSW Rural Fire Service. Over Jason’s 20 years in the Police, he was involved in multiple incidents fights, robberies, stabbings and he was also stabbed by a blood filled needle which was a catalyst in the downward spiral of his mental health which led to suicide attempt whilst on the job in uniform.

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    Host - Matty Morris


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    15% Discount Code - ZERO15
    (former/current military & first responders 20% discount to order please email [email protected]

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    2 March 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    THE DEBRIEF #15 hosted by Zero Limits Podcast Matty Morris with Ep. 114 guest Rod Henderson 3RAR & Loady - Author

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    On these debriefs we touch base with a previous guest and check in on their lives and talk about anything and everything.

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    Host - Matty Morris


    Gatorz Australia -
    15% Discount Code - ZERO15
    (former/current military & first responders 20% discount to order please email [email protected]

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    10 % Discount Code - ZEROLIMITS

    28 February 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 5 hours 42 minutes
    Ep. 205 Andrew Cox Royal Australian Artillery - IED Survivor Afghanistan

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    On today's Zero Limits Podcast I chat with  Andrew Cox Royal Australian Artillery.

    Andrew served a total of 13 years enlisting into the army in 2004 into the Royal Australian Artillery. During his service Andrew deployed to Timor Leste and on two occasions to Afghanistan. However on his second trip to Afghanistan and part of an dismounted patrol Andrew survived a Taliban targeted IED attack.

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    Host - Matty Morris


    Gatorz Australia -
    15% Discount Code - ZERO15
    (former/current military & first responders 20% discount to order please email [email protected]

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    10 % Discount Code - ZEROLIMITS

    23 February 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    THE DEBRIEF #14 hosted by Zero Limits Podcast Matty Morris with Ep. 74 guest Tom Brown 3RAR & 2CDO

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    On these debriefs we touch base with a previous guest and check in on their lives and talk about anything and everything.

    Instargram @3zeroscoffee           

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    Host - Matty Morris


    Gatorz Australia -
    15% Discount Code - ZERO15
    (former/current military & first responders 20% discount to order please email [email protected]

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    10 % Discount Code - ZEROLIMITS

    19 February 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 2 hours 47 minutes
    EP. 204 Ryan Gilbert 2nd/1st Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment (RNZIR)

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    On today’s Zero Limits Podcast I chat with Ryan Gilbert 2nd/1st Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment (RNZIR)

    Ryan grew up the oldest of three children in the Wellington suburb of Upper Hutt. A self-confessed “dweeb” he wasn’t much in to sport and spent most of his time reading and drawing. He left Heretaunga College to join the Army in 2006,Ryan served in the New Zealand Army from 2006 to 2016 as a Rifleman with 2/1 Battalion in Burnham Camp, Christchurch. Ryan served overseas in East Timor and as well as two tours in Afghanistan. Ryan currently runs his own business called ⁠Phorge_nz⁠, providing programs to help people deal with anxiety and depression.

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    Host - Matty Morris


    Gatorz Australia -
    15% Discount Code - ZERO15
    (former/current military & first responders 20% discount to order please email [email protected]

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    10 % Discount Code - ZEROLIMITS

    16 February 2025, 8:00 pm
  • 5 hours 20 minutes
    EP. 203 John Armfield Clearance Diver Royal Australian Navy

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    On today's Zero Limits Podcast I chat with John Armfield Clearance Diver from the Royal Australian Navy.John enlisted into the Royal Australian Navy in 2003 and served just over 20 years predominantly as a Clearance Diver. During his service John deployed on multiple operations including Operation Slipper with 5/7 RAR as part of the Explosive Ordinates Disposal team with army engineers.Further to John’s story, his brother Andrew joined the Australian army in 2001 deploying to East Timor as an infantryman and then later service transfer to the Royal Australian Airforce. In 2011 Andrew’s mental health had declined and he committed suicide and where this story goes south is John only found out about the existence of an internal report into his brother’s death 10 years after the traumatic event. John presented to the Royal Commission about serious failures he encountered in the ADF’s treatment of his brother and spoke about a hostile culture as he grappled with the circumstances of Andrew’s death.

    Instargram @3zeroscoffee           

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    Host - Matty Morris


    Gatorz Australia -
    15% Discount Code - ZERO15
    (former/current military & first responders 20% discount to order please email [email protected]

    GetSome Jocko Fuel -
    10 % Discount Code - ZEROLIMITS

    9 February 2025, 8:00 pm
  • 5 hours 14 minutes
    EP. 202 Dan Fortune DSC & BAR, Brigadier ret. Australian Special Forces Special Air Service Regiment

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    On today's Zero Limits Podcast I chat with  Dan Fortune DSC & BAR, Brigadier ret. Australian Special Forces Special Air Service Regiment.

    Dan Fortune was born in Perth Western Australia and he enlisted in the Army in 1981 and following initial training, served in 6th Battalion the Royal Australian Regiment (RAR) as a soldier. In 1984 he attended selection, and served in the Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) as an operator in Air (HALO/HAHO) and Land Counter Terrorist (CT) roles, achieving the rank of Corporal. He was selected for Officer training and entered The Royal Military College Duntroon in January 1989.  In 1992 he re-attended SAS selection as an officer and upon completing selection he served in SASR as an Air Operations and Land CT Troop Commander.

    Dan deployed on multiple occasions including Commanding Officer of SOTG, Director - Operations Support, Senior ISAF SOF Commander, Chief of Staff/ Deputy Commander - Special Operations Command and Commander ISAF SOF in Afghanistan.

    Instargram @3zeroscoffee           

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    Host - Matty Morris


    Gatorz Australia -
    15% Discount Code - ZERO15
    (former/current military & first responders 20% discount to order please email [email protected]

    GetSome Jocko Fuel -
    10 % Discount Code - ZEROLIMITS

    2 February 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 2 hours 4 minutes
    Ep. 201 Chris Binch 2PARA British Army / Private Contractor, current firefighter - The Old Paratrooper Podcast

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    On today's  Zero Limits Podcast I chat with Chris Binch former 2PARA British Army / Private Contractor, current firefighter -Host of The Old Paratrooper Podcast

    Chris joined the Parachute Regiment at the age of 17. Serving 7 years with 2PARA, and completing 3 tours of Northern Ireland and exercises in Macedonia & Sierra Leone, Chris decided to move onto the Close Protection and Private Security Circuit. Some kinetic taskings and close calls on land and onboard ships fo anti-piracy work, Chris returned to the UK and pursued a career in the Fire & Rescue Service. 

    Chris is the host of ‘The Old Paratrooper Podcast’

    A no frills podcast, just an ex Paratrooper, mercenary and firefighter chatting to a wide variety and diverse range of guests. From actors to sports personalities to military guests and veterans covering a multitude of topics from there careers ,life in general to how people cope with various forms of mental health. Sometimes funny , sometimes emotional but hopefully entertaining and something people can relate to

    Instargram @3zeroscoffee           

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    Host - Matty Morris


    Gatorz Australia -
    15% Discount Code - ZERO15
    (former/current military & first responders 20% discount to order please email [email protected]

    GetSome Jocko Fuel -
    10 % Discount Code - ZEROLIMITS

    27 January 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 3 hours 3 minutes
    Ep. 200 Shane Donaldson Victoria Police Special Operations Group - Youth Coordinator at Victoria Police Legacy

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    On today's Zero Limits Podcast Shane Donaldson Victoria Police Special Operations Group - Youth Coordinator at Victoria Police Legacy

    Shane is a former member of the Victoria Police joining in 2010. He spent time on the road as a general duties officer before moving into the elite Special Operations Group (SOG), a unit dedicated to Counter Terrorism and high risk incidents. He was also significantly injured in a rappelling accident which saw him battle physical and mental injuries for over a year before getting BACK into the SOG. 

    He now works for Police Legacy as well as public speaking engagements to share his experience and the perspectives gained.

    Instargram @3zeroscoffee           

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    Host - Matty Morris


    Gatorz Australia -
    15% Discount Code - ZERO15
    (former/current military & first responders 20% discount to order please email [email protected]

    GetSome Jocko Fuel -
    10 % Discount Code - ZEROLIMITS

    19 January 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    THE DEBRIEF #13 hosted by Zero Limits Podcast Matty Morris with Ep. 158 guest former 2RAR Dean Caswell - Content Creator of In The Trenches With Cas

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    THE DEBRIEF #13 hosted by Zero Limits Podcast Matty Morris with Ep. 158 guest former 2RAR Dean Caswell - Content Creator of In The Trenches With Cas

    On these debriefs we touch base with a previous guest and check in on their lives and talk about anything and everything.

    Instargram @3zeroscoffee           

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    Host - Matty Morris


    Gatorz Australia -
    15% Discount Code - ZERO15
    (former/current military & first responders 20% discount to order please email [email protected]

    GetSome Jocko Fuel -
    10 % Discount Code - ZEROLIMITS

    16 January 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 2 hours 1 minute
    Ep. 199 Yahya Mahamid Israel Defense Forces - Arab Israeli Zionist Muslim

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    On today's Zero Limits Podcast I chat with Yahya Mahamid Israel Defense Force.

    Yahya Mahamid is an Israeli-Arab Zionist and was born in Umm Al Fahm, an Arab city in northern Israel,  Yahya had an Arab upbringing.

    Like many vocal anti-Zionist activists, he was indoctrinated from childhood to hate Jews and deny Israel’s statehood. However, Yahya began to have regular interactions with “everyday” Israelis which challenged the negative views he had been encouraged to develop. After realizing that he had been intentionally misled, he decided to do everything within his power to combat the negative stereotypes and demonization of Israel.

    Yahya served two years in the IDF in the infantry, then as a shooting instructor and a disciplinary officer. After his service, he was asked to participate in a special mission. He knew little about the specifics but discovered he would be part of a delegation in Dubai working toward the Abraham Accord, the treaties normalizing diplomatic relations between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco. Yahya is currently a IDF reservist serving the role as an intelligence officer.

    Instargram @3zeroscoffee           

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    Host - Matty Morris


    Gatorz Australia -
    15% Discount Code - ZERO15
    (former/current military & first responders 20% discount to order please email [email protected]

    GetSome Jocko Fuel -
    10 % Discount Code - ZEROLIMITS

    12 January 2025, 4:00 pm
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