A true crime podcast where two friends journey through true crime cases in a lighthearted and in-depth way. That means we give the details without being boring as hell. Sometimes we cuss, but murderers are dicks.
This serial killer case was a highly publicized case that took place in the Ypsilanti/Ann Arbor Michigan area from 1967-1969. This case even resulted in some interesting case law due to being one of the first where there were questions of fair trial considering how highly public the case had become.
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Music By: Michael Drzewiecki
Cover Art By: Charnell
John Norman Collins | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
Clippings from The Ann Arbor News, Ypsilanti Press, Detroit News, and Detroit Free Press, 1967-72.
John Norman Collins: The Co-Ed Killer: By Katherine Ramsland
The Michigan Murders, Edward Keyes (Pocket, 1976).
Killer among Us: Public Reaction to Serial Murder by Joseph C. Fisher.
Encyclopedia of Serial Killers by Brian Lane and Wilfred Gregg (Headline Books, 1992).
The timing of this interview could not have been more Divine! This week Judge Megan spoke at our annual Child Abuse and Prevention charity ball about domestic violence and what generational abuse is and how it leads to familial issues. Erica is a survivor of domestic violence and shares with us her powerful story of not only her mother's suspicious death, but how she recognizes now what lead her to engage in and stay in her own violent relationship before leaving thankfully with her life.
Join Patreon here to binge bonus content! Crime Curious is creating a kick-ass exclusive listener experience | Patreon
Music By: Michael Drzewiecki
Cover Art By: Charnell
Interview completed with Erica February, 2025.
Jimmy "Jay" Lee was a beautiful 20-year-old soul that had just graduated from college where he majored in social work and had plans to help change the world. That all ended when his life was taken in what prosecutors believe was an effort to cover up a secret relationship. As a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community Jay was a brilliant light that shone down on the world- showing there is no reason for judgment or hate simply because of differences. His life was taken too soon over imagined fears brought on by social and religious programming.
Join Patreon here to binge bonus content! Crime Curious is creating a kick-ass exclusive listener experience | Patreon
Music By: Michael Drzewiecki
Cover Art By: Charnell
Family wants justice after Jimmie ‘Jay’ Lee’s remains found
Mistrial declared in case of missing gay Ole Miss student Jimmie Lee
Jimmie''Jay" Lee's family one step closer to closure after discovery of remains
After 2 1/2 years, Jimmy Jay Lee's remains have been found - The Oxford Eagle | The Oxford Eagle
Kaylea was a spunky and independent child that was determined not to let her spina bifida condition hold her back from life. Unfortunately when the pandemic hit, Kaylea's parents neglected to properly care for her and ultimately neglect her to the point of death.
Join Patreon here to binge bonus content! Crime Curious is creating a kick-ass exclusive listener experience | Patreon
Music By: Michael Drzewiecki
Cover Art By: Charnell
Woman in Wales admits manslaughter by letting daughter become obese | Wales | The Guardian
Kaylea Titford: Fiercely independent girl died alone due to parent’s neglect | The Independent
Killing of Kaylea Titford - Wikipedia
Experienced pilot Leftenant Desmond Arthur left this earthly plain during a training flight that went wrong, and he was ejected from the aircraft and plummeted to his death. A government inquiry into the crash resulted in Desmond being placed at blame for the crash. This did not settle with the pilot's spirit or friends who knew him. In what was called a government "whitewash" (cover up) take a listen to how Desmond came back and haunted the training airbase until his name was cleared of wrongdoing once and for all.
Join Patreon here to binge bonus content! Crime Curious is creating a kick-ass exclusive listener experience | Patreon
Music By: Michael Drzewiecki
Cover Art By: Charnell
6 Ghosts Who Solved Their Own Murders | Cracked.com
Christopher Pittman was only 12 years old when he was prescribed anti-depressants and murdering the two people he loved most in the world, Joe and Joy Pittman or as he would call them. Nana and Pop Pop.
Join Patreon here to binge bonus content! Crime Curious is creating a kick-ass exclusive listener experience | Patreon
Music By: Michael Drzewiecki
Cover Art By: Charnell
South Carolina’s youngest killer remains in prison | Rock Hill Herald (heraldonline.com)
48 hours episode: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=christopher+pittman&view=detail&mid=FA2FE8819690A54690ACFA2FE8819690A54690AC&FORM=VIRE