No Fate: A Terminator Podcast

Michael John Petty and Tanner Radwick

  • 43 minutes 21 seconds
    Episode 46 - Back Again

    Hey folks, it’s been a while! Please excuse the delay, but having finally finished covering Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, we needed a break to deal with some more personal things going on in our lives. We wanted to interrupt our sabbatical though to bring you a mailbag episode where we talk about not only your fanmail, but the upcoming TERMINATOR ZERO anime series as well as the upcoming TERMINATOR: SURVIVORS video game, both of which we’ll be covering on the show this fall. Not only that, but we have an update on where No Fate is going next as a podcast (hint: we’re talking another series), and we also discuss our opinions on what James Cameron’s seventh Terminator film could be. We’re very excited to be back, and we hope you’re ready to tune back in with us.

    TERMINATOR ZERO drops on Netflix on August 29, 2024

    TERMINATOR: SURVIVORS drops on your favorite gaming platforms on October 24, 2024

    12 July 2024, 3:39 am
  • 49 minutes 17 seconds
    Episode 45 - The Sarah Connor Chronicles: “Born To Run”

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! The episode of NO FATE you’ve been waiting for since we started this podcast, this time around Michael & Tanner discuss the impromptu series finale of TERMINATOR: THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES titled “Born To Run.” That’s right, everything TSCC-related is on the table now. The Skynet vs John Henry conflict, Weaver outing herself to the Connors, Cameron’s sudden but inevitable betrayal, and the Reece family reunion between John, his father, and his uncle… IN THE FUTURE! We talk about it all here (and especially those final words Sarah Connor utters that somehow break through time and space), with more conversations about what could have happened in a proposed Season 3 being saved for future NO FATE episodes. We don’t wanna give everything away…

    Also, be sure to listen to the December 7th episode of the Jacked Up Review Show Podcast, where Michael, Tanner, and a host of Terminator fans rank the franchise as best they can.

    30 December 2023, 5:07 am
  • 57 minutes 27 seconds
    Episode 44 - The Sarah Connor Chronicles: “Adam Raised A Cain”

    Another episode of NO FATE! As the guys near the end of their TSCC coverage, Michael & Tanner discuss the penultimate episode “Adam Raised A Cain,” which no doubt shocked many of you first-time viewers. They talk about everything here from John Henry’s future to Derek Reese’s final moments to that shocking ending. Nothing is off-limits here, and the guys are sure to cover every detail they can think of. Oh, and the first half of the episode dives deep into new fan mail and a brief discussion on the new teaser trailer for Netflix’s upcoming Terminator: The Anime Series.

    Also, be sure to listen to the December 7th episode of the Jacked Up Review Show Podcast, where Michael, Tanner, and a host of Terminator fans rank the franchise as best they can.

    21 December 2023, 8:00 am
  • 54 minutes 8 seconds
    Episode 43 - The Sarah Connor Chronicles: “To The Lighthouse”

    Another episode of NO FATE before the new year! As the guys continue to finish their TSCC coverage before the end of December (can they do it?), Michael & Tanner discuss the excellent episode “To The Lighthouse,” which is a real tear-jerker. This episode changes the game. Sure, we said that about the past two episodes, but this time there’s no going back as the war with Skynet comes to a head. As the guys discuss the back half of TSCC, stay tuned for further thoughts on the final two episodes of The Sarah Connor Chronicles (coming soon). All this and more on the latest edition of NO FATE! Oh, and the guys respond to a shocking piece of fan mail…

    Also, be sure to listen to the December 7th episode of the Jacked Up Review Show Podcast, where Michael, Tanner, and a host of Terminator fans rank the franchise as best they can.

    12 December 2023, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 14 seconds
    Episode 42 - The Sarah Connor Chronicles: “Today Is The Day, Part 2”

    Welcome back to NO FATE! As continue the final leg of our TSCC coverage, Michael & Tanner discuss the second half of the “Today Is The Day” two-parter. This episode is where everything comes to a head. Sure, there are some great plotlines here that the guys explore, but the main event is that confrontation between John Connor and Jesse, and what happens afterwards. As the guys discuss the back half of TSCC’s only true two-parter, stay tuned for further thoughts on the final three episodes of The Sarah Connor Chronicles (coming soon). All this and more on the latest edition of NO FATE!

    7 December 2023, 4:29 am
  • 47 minutes 42 seconds
    Episode 41 - The Sarah Connor Chronicles: “Today Is The Day, Part 1”

    Welcome back to NO FATE! As we shift back into our TSCC coverage, Michael & Tanner discuss the first half of the “Today Is The Day” two-parter. This episode has it all from the fallout of Riley’s death to John’s struggle grieving through it to an efficient Ellison plotline that foreshadows the series’ end. As the guys talk through this epic first part, they also share their thoughts on how the Terminator franchise could continue into animation and beyond. All this and more on the latest edition of NO FATE!

    17 October 2023, 7:00 am
  • 54 minutes 26 seconds
    Episode 40 - A Long Awaited Return

    Welcome back to NO FATE! After a prolonged absence, Michael and Tanner are back to talk about all things TERMINATOR. And you know what that means… Lots of FAN MAIL! As the guys go through all of your thoughts and theories on the franchise, they discuss more of their hopes for the future of the Terminator, the potential updates on James Cameron’s seventh installment, and how cool a dog-like Terminator would be. All this and more on our long-anticipated comeback episode!

    26 September 2023, 5:00 pm
  • 39 minutes 45 seconds
    Episode 39 - The Sarah Connor Chronicles: "Ourselves Alone"

    Welcome back to NO FATE! On this SEASON FINALE episode, Michael & Tanner round out our 4th podcasting season by covering the groundbreaking TSCC episode “Ourselves Alone,” a real game-changer for the series as it nears its close. Though we’ll be taking a break for a bit, never fear! We discuss everything from the episode—namely Cameron’s arc, the sharp tension, and everything with Riley—and so much more. For those waiting for Tanner’s commentary on the Super Bracket Bros “T-800 vs Punisher” episode, it’s finally time! All this and more as we wrap up this season… But don’t worry, we’ll be back!

    21 March 2023, 7:00 am
  • 36 minutes 51 seconds
    Episode 38 - The Sarah Connor Chronicles: “Some Must Watch, While Some Must Sleep“

    Welcome back to NO FATE! On this edition, Michael and Tanner continue their coverage of Season 2 of TERMINATOR: THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES with the episode “Some Must Watch, While Some Must Sleep.” The guys are a bit all over the place here as they reminisce on the ALIEN and PREDATOR franchises for a bit, but never fear, they return to the TERMINATOR universe shortly. As they cover Sarah’s dual plotlines, her relationship with John, and some interesting John/Cameron moments, they mostly gripe about how this episode would’ve worked better if the roles had been reversed. Hot take: this might be the worst episode of TSCC to date.

    19 March 2023, 5:31 am
  • 6 minutes 58 seconds
    SUPER BRACKET BROS: Epic 8: T-800 v Punisher

    Michael and Tanner were invited to return to the Super Bracket Bros Podcast where they debated whether the T-800 from T2 or the Punisher from Marvel’s Netflix shows would win in an ultimate battle. Sadly, Tanner was unable to make it, so Michael flew solo as he joined hosts Jay Davis & Eliah Stokes to talk about all things Terminator, the previous T-800 vs Sarah Connor battle, and if the Punisher could actually take a cyborg.

    Don’t miss this one and be sure to tune into the Super Bracket Bros show for more wacky and exciting battles between your favorite fictional characters. There can only be one, and while we’ll always vote for the Terminator, that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of interesting competitors out there!

    Check out the Super Bracket Bros episode “Epic 8: T-800 v Punisher”!

    21 February 2023, 6:30 pm
  • 44 minutes 30 seconds
    Episode 37 - The Sarah Connor Chronicles: “Desert Cantos“

    Welcome back to NO FATE! On this edition, Michael and Tanner continue their coverage of Season 2 of TERMINATOR: THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES with the episode “Desert Cantos.” The guys are a bit all over the place in this one but have no fear, they cover everything from your fanmail, the alternate version of Alien3, the lack of the “Terminator feel” in this episode, the Connor family’s clothing choice, James Ellison, and plenty more as they defend their standards for rating each episode. Don’t miss this one!

    19 February 2023, 7:26 pm
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