Feb. 9, 2025 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Public Persuasion, Ain't It Amazin'"
--{ "Public Persuasion, Ain't It Amazin'"}--
Era of Change, Industrial Revolution, New World Order - Planned Society, Genetic Enhancement - Control of the Mind, Authority Over Life and Death - Terrorism, War on
World. Foundation Fronts - Intergenerational Planning, Fanaticism - French Revolution, Depopulation Programs, United Nations - Darwin, Huxley Family, Eugenics -
UN Treaties. Public Relations, Predictive Programming - Internet, Information Wars - Marketing, Psychology - Beria of NKVD, Upgraded Scientific Indoctrination.
Pentagon and Military "Education" (Propaganda) - "Extremist" Groups - Pentagon Media, Psychological Operations, "Winning Hearts and Minds". Soviet System, Merger with
West - Green Party - Britain, Sammy Wilson, Climate Change Adverts - Parroted Terminology - Planetary Takeover, Regulation. "Free Flow of Capital and Labor" -
Restricted Travel (Essential Only) - Agenda 21. Loyola Science Meetings, Brain Chips and Public Acceptance, Novels, Cartoons, "Final Cut" movie. Australia, Chip
Implantation, Surveillance - Microchipped Animals, VeriChip - Human "Black Box", Tracking.
9 February 2025, 11:00 pm