Dec. 8, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Hey Diddle-Diddle, The Hole's in the Middle"
--{ "Hey Diddle-Diddle, The Hole's in the Middle"}--
What's the update on problems and upcoming property tax bill? - Please support my work, visit - What's the latest from the Aspen
Security Forum? - Why is The Leftovers unwatchable? Will the Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire last? - What is dispensational millennialism and how is connected to
The Rapture? - Alan Watt guest hosting for John Stadtmiller's RBN show, "National Intel Report" - Trading Blocs - The Agenda - Waking Up, Reactions - Hiram Abiff
(Abyss) - Points of Light, The Owl, Sophia - Unconscious Mind - Perception becomes Reality - Meaning of Revelations - Prophecy vs. Revealing - Medici Family,
New Gospel, Vaticanus. Expected Riots, Rising Costs - Genetics, Eugenics, The Herd. Science, Seance - Channellers, Mediums, Viril and Thule Society - Hour 2: What do
the 'Elites' think about the 'inferiors'? - Welfare System, Destruction of Family Unit and Bonding - Underground Orgies - Albigensians and Cathars - Fall of Tower of
Babel. "Family Planning" - Overpopulation, Population Reduction - "Hole in the Wall" - American and French Revolution, Benjamin Franklin - Ancient Greece, Wars,
Child Sacrifice - Christianity - Abortions of First-Born - Consciousness - "Born Again" - "Civilization", Nimrod, Cities, Money - Temple of Diana, The Mint. Righteous
Indignation. Going, Donation and Ordering Information at
8 December 2024, 11:00 pm