Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt Podcast (.xml Format)

Alan Watt ( & )

Alan Watt gives you Both an Historical and Futuristic Tour on who runs society, gives you your thoughts, trends, your entire reality - through media, entertainment and 'education'. This is a controlled global society, planned long ago by an elite group working intergenerationally. Listen to its goals, its history, Working Groups and Techniques.

  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    March 9, 2025 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Flower of Scotland"
    --{ "Flower of Scotland"}-- This Redux originally uploaded on 5 March 2023 - Scotland the Brave - International Bagpipe Day - Alan Watt, Truth - Listening to Cutting Through the Matrix, Decision to Home School Children - Neil Foster, Reality Bytes Radio, Interview with Alan Watt (Sept. 20, 2015), Demonizing Other Cultures, Scotland, Deculturalization - Generalist versus Expert - How News is Presented - War - Ukraine, Same-Sex Marriage - Symbolism of Words - Soldiers Lost During War, Flowers - Rowdy Roddy Piper; Movie, They Live - The Corries, Flower of Scotland.
    9 March 2025, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 47 minutes
    March 2, 2025 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Changes"
    --{ "Changes"}-- "We'll Meet Again" by The Ink Spots - Remembering Alan - Alan's blurb from 28 December 2006 - How old is this agenda? - Death - Process of Waking Up - Holy Books, Destroying Old Cultures, Ra, Rea, Ritual of Fire, Druids - Marriage - H G Wells' "Open Conspiracy", Downloaded Thoughts, Culture Creation, Gorging on Fantasy - Consciousness - Predictions, Divination, Mind Imprisonment - New Age vs New Age - Pick Up Your Bed and Walk, Once You're Dead it's as though You've Never Been. (Song: "In My Life" the Beatles, "Circle Game" by Joni Mitchell)
    2 March 2025, 11:00 pm
  • 43 minutes 49 seconds
    Feb. 23, 2025 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Fabian War -- Survival Abolished as Old Ways Demolished"
    --{ "Fabian War -- Survival Abolished as Old Ways Demolished"}-- Revolutions to Create a More Powerful Totalitarian State - Planned Changes from Top Down - Jacques Attali, Takedown of America, New Nomadic Specialist Class - RIIA-CFR behind Wars - Societal Takedown, Promotion of Debauchery, Formulas to Take Down Societies - Crowding into Cities, Artificial Environment Dependent on Money - Holdren's "Ecoscience", Depopulation Methods for Third-World and West - The "Lost Generation" - Degraded Culture - Monopolization, Closure of Small Businesses and Social Clubs/Pubs. Promotion of Promiscuity, Destruction of Male-Female Bonding - Porn Industry - Men and Women Treated as Sexual Objects - "Eco-Friendly" Alkaline Hydrolysis Cremation (Liquid Body Disposal) - Dehumanization of Populations - Managed Musicians used to Influence Youth - Standardization of All Groups.
    23 February 2025, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 25 minutes
    Feb. 16, 2025 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "PredatoryPathocracy"
    --{ "PredatoryPathocracy"}-- An Update - CTTM book club, Alan Watt's "Waiting for the Miracle" - So Much to Do, When You're Doing the Right Things - "Conspiracy Theory" vs Using the Facts, H. G. Wells - Royal Institute for International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations - What is "Foreign Affairs" Magazine? - Ancient Priests' Prayer to the Sun - Astronomy - Alien Science Fiction, Government Must Terrify its Subjects to Maintain Order and Guide the Masses, George Orwell - 3 Trading Blocks with Perpetual War, PATHOCRACY - Psychology of the Psychopath - Chemtrail Clouds, Polymer Spraying: Intensifies Heat and Storms, Habitat Areas - Nightly News, Casting Spells, A Surrealistic World - Programming, Loss of Compassion and Ability to Reason - Psychological Warfare, Surrealism, Form of Schizophrenia, Dehumanization - "The Hidden Persuaders" Book - Wolves and Sheep, Psychopath Lives on Pure Ego - Hanging On to that Which is Human vs Taking a Brain-Chip, Exposing Secret Societies - (Song: "Zorba's Dance" by Mikis Theodorakis).
    16 February 2025, 11:00 pm
  • 45 minutes
    Feb. 9, 2025 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Public Persuasion, Ain't It Amazin'"
    --{ "Public Persuasion, Ain't It Amazin'"}-- Era of Change, Industrial Revolution, New World Order - Planned Society, Genetic Enhancement - Control of the Mind, Authority Over Life and Death - Terrorism, War on World. Foundation Fronts - Intergenerational Planning, Fanaticism - French Revolution, Depopulation Programs, United Nations - Darwin, Huxley Family, Eugenics - UN Treaties. Public Relations, Predictive Programming - Internet, Information Wars - Marketing, Psychology - Beria of NKVD, Upgraded Scientific Indoctrination. Pentagon and Military "Education" (Propaganda) - "Extremist" Groups - Pentagon Media, Psychological Operations, "Winning Hearts and Minds". Soviet System, Merger with West - Green Party - Britain, Sammy Wilson, Climate Change Adverts - Parroted Terminology - Planetary Takeover, Regulation. "Free Flow of Capital and Labor" - Restricted Travel (Essential Only) - Agenda 21. Loyola Science Meetings, Brain Chips and Public Acceptance, Novels, Cartoons, "Final Cut" movie. Australia, Chip Implantation, Surveillance - Microchipped Animals, VeriChip - Human "Black Box", Tracking.
    9 February 2025, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 4 seconds
    Feb. 2, 2025 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Who Writes the Page for Planned Outrage?"
    --{ "Who Writes the Page for Planned Outrage?"}-- Media's Format and Presentation - News Anchors - Edward Bernays, Mass Marketing - PT Barnum and Self-Promotion - Hyped Emotive Topics - Simple War Propaganda - Technique of Left and Right - Plunder of Africa - Nigeria and Africom - Amalgamation of Countries into Globalized System - Creation of "Outrage" - UN, NATO and Prostitution Rackets - Definition of "Freedom" - Leveson Inquiry and Muzzling Journalists - Factory Towns - Well-Rewarded Bureaucrats - Bertrand Russell - Politically-Incorrect Questions - Free Trade - Using Memory and Logic - Symbol of the Pyramid and the Wasteland - Groups of Businessmen - Human Adaptation - Group Conformity - Use of Organizations - Fixed Populations - System of Interdependence - News "Over There" - Authoritarianism - "Democracy" and Voting - Study of Populations - Elite's Utopia - Identity Crisis and the Id - Controlled Society - Escapism into Fiction - History Down the Memory Hole - Global Dimming.
    2 February 2025, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    Jan. 26, 2025 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Artificial Intelligence and the New World Order"
    --{ "Artificial Intelligence and the New World Order"}-- Where are the billionaires taking us now? - How will Artificial Intelligence be used? - Who was Jeff Bezos' grandfather? - Is there competition at the top? - What is The Stargate Project? - What are the Five Pillars to Enslave Humanity? - This week's Redux includes segments from seven of Alan Watt's talks/interviews where he discusses Artificial Intelligence.
    26 January 2025, 11:00 pm
  • 2 hours 13 minutes
    Jan. 19, 2025 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Leisure Versus Tunnel Vision"
    --{ "Leisure Versus Tunnel Vision"}-- An article, The Technocratic Blueprint - Is Leisure necessary for our survival as cultures and individuals? - Cryptocurrency - World of the Individual - Pre-made Tunnels - Tunnel Vision and Thinking - Curiosity of Childhood, Psychological Tunnel Syndrome - Leisure Class Philosophers - Ancient Mysteries - Study of Control of People - Creation of Low-level Masonry - Intelligentsia to Rule Public - Parallel Secret Government running Show, Some People are Born knowing Something is Wrong - Reece Committee - Investigation of Philanthropic Foundations funding Communist Groups - Carroll Quigley -Dialectic - Supra-Government In Charge - One Dominant Minority - Deception of the "Great Unwashed Masses" - Planned Conflict through Mass Migrations - Circuses of Ancient Rome - Deviancy, Government Authorized Casinos - Selling Fear - Gold and Silver - Work on Oneself - Analyzing - Real Experiences, New Age Deactivation - Craving for Supernatural and Power, Religion and Science, Facing the Facts, Asking the Right Questions, Forgiving Oneself, Empathy for Others - Survival Instincts. (Song: "There But For Fortune" by Phil Ochs - Live at Vancouver 1968).
    19 January 2025, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 37 minutes
    Jan. 12, 2025 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Fire! Reptilian Brain, and This Century of the Great Transition"
    --{ "Fire! Reptilian Brain, and This Century of the Great Transition"}-- Fires in Los Angeles - How does Entertainment Program Us? - Promotion of Drug Use - This Century of the Great Transition - Taught to Emulate What We See on Television - Living Through Controlled Change - Go to My Website to Order My Books and Discs - The Current State of Alternate Media and Radio - Old Documentary on 19th Century Conditions in England for the Working People - Lack of Sanitation, Cholera - During the Boer War, the Poor Physical Condition of the Troops Frightened the Elite into Feeding them Better - Poverty in Industrial Britain - Diggers, Communism - The Brute Nastiness of Real History - India's Class System - Real-Time Studies of Us with Electronics - China is the Model State for the World - Many Ways to Get You to Conform - Lifelong Education - Curtail Electricity Use, Raise Prices - Bertrand Russell on a Token System - A Society Based on Privileges -Forest Fires to the North of Me - NGOs - Psychological Persuasion - Aldous Huxley - Bernays - CFR, Council of Councils - WiFi, 5G Wireless - Self-Policing, Political Correctness - The Dangers of Cell Phones, Wireless Microwave Radiation - 'Prostitutes, Orgies': Ex-Wife of Former Maori Leader says He Led a Paedophile Ring - Eugenics, Depopulation, Euthanasia.
    12 January 2025, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 34 minutes
    Jan. 5, 2025 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Entertainment Zoo is Destroying You"
    --{ "Entertainment Zoo is Destroying You"}-- Palestinians in flooded camps, suffering hypothermia. - Who is Michael E. Mann? The Hockey Stick graph of global warming. - What is consensus science? - Conspiratainment and Conspirituality - Feeling Called to Seek Truth and Share Knowledge - Global Warming Scam - Cultural War - The War for Your Mind - System of Money, Debt and Slavery - Psychological Operations - Ad Hominem Attacks - Weaponized Entertainment - Population Media Center - Radio and Soap Operas for Depopulation - Deindustrialization of the West and Austerity - Memes and Slogans - Destruction of Small Business - Standardized Media - CFR on Global Governance, US, China and Iran - Frankfurt School and Psychiatry - Elimination of "Bad Genes".
    5 January 2025, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 43 minutes
    Dec. 29, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "The Sun is Risen"
    --{ "The Sun is Risen"}-- Taxes and the stresses of life - Biodigital convergence - Why do some people prefer AI interaction over communicating with humans? - Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy and the H-1B Visa program - Does Texas have a new spate of babies left in dumpsters? - 'Be decent'. Is this a good thing to remember in the increasingly hostile world of social media? Alan's blurb from 27 Dec 2006 - The Observer, Brain Chip, Making People Happy, Planned by Economists and Psychologists, New Ethical Society, Huxley, Granite Stone Universities, British Welfare System, Big Brother, Freemasonry, Building Bridges, Building Cathedrals, Chip Off the Old Block, Guiding our Thoughts, Programming by Slogans. (Song: "California Dreaming" by the Mamas and the Papas, "Poems, Prayers, Promises" by John Denver)
    29 December 2024, 11:00 pm
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