IDC - Future Enterprise


In an era seemingly filled with uncertainty, Future Enterprise is a must-listen. It's a podcast for business and tech executives, aimed at helping you leverage technology to achieve innovative, disruptive, and productive business outcomes. The focus of the series is in-depth conversations about emergent trends in work, intelligence, and digital innovation. It also offers applied examples from the field, showing each of those trends in action. Host Joe Pucciarelli deftly takes his guests through not only what is happening now, but what the future may hold - and what it all means. Joe is a seasoned speaker and moderator, adept at guiding discussions around technology transformation strategies. Future Enterprise is brought to you by IDC.

  • 33 minutes 3 seconds
    Digital Infrastructure Awards Winners

    It’s one of the most ambitious and important projects an organization can undertake to future-proof its operations. It’s also become a key differentiator in which companies will merely survive and which will truly thrive in the years ahead. We’re talking about a “digital core transformation,” and it is a truly massive undertaking. That’s why IDC created the “Best in Future of Digital Infrastructure Awards” -- a way of recognizing organizations that have demonstrated innovation and excellence in preparing for the “next normal”. And on this episode of Future Enterprise, you’ll meet three companies that have done just that -- successfully leveraged digital technologies to dramatically improve the way they do business. Together, Joe Pucciarelli, Group Vice President and IT Executive Advisor at IDC and Rick Villars, IDC’s Group Vice-President of Worldwide Research, will hear from: Jim Diorio, Senior Vice-President of Global Technical Services at Tapestry Inc; Steve Samarge, Chief Technology Officer, Information and Digital Systems at Toyota Financial Services; and Bob Bender, Chief Technology Officer at Founders Federal Credit Union. Their stories will inform, entertain, and even inspire anyone who may be thinking about undertaking a similar transformation for their business.

    15 March 2022, 3:58 pm
  • 30 minutes 33 seconds
    Future of Digital Infrastructure

    For the better part of the past 50 years, it’s been purely a pipe dream for most CIOs: the ability to make everything available everywhere, any time, and from any device. But that promise is finally within reach thanks to a dramatic transition that’s happening before our very eyes, as businesses move away from traditional hardware, software, and data services into a world of autonomous operations, ubiquitous deployment, and cloud-centric technologies. This episode of Future Enterprise, proudly presented by IDC, features the story of a beloved American clothing company that’s gone from cutting fabric to cutting edge, by embracing The Future of Digital Infrastructure. Host Joe Pucciarelli, Group Vice President and IT Executive Advisor, is joined by John Hill, the Chief Digital and Information Officer at Carhartt, for a fascinating exploration of how the company has evolved over its 132 year history. With the help of Rick Villars, IDC’s Group Vice-President of Worldwide Research, they’ll get into the assets, applications, and investments that are needed to facilitate the shift to digital, and provide a roadmap for other organizations that are still stuck in the old 3-5 year upgrade cycle. See for privacy information.

    11 November 2021, 3:46 pm
  • 30 minutes 34 seconds
    Future of Industry Ecosystems
    It seems like a simple concept. How do companies get products and services from one point to another as effectively as possible? In this episode of ‘Future of Industry Ecosystems,’ we unpack that seemingly innocent idea and unravel the complex web of logistics, processes, and interdependent industries that shape our world. Companies and organizations have had to rapidly evolve to meet the demands of their customers, and those that have learned to manage their ecosystems around them well are still faced with issues that haven’t been encountered before. On this episode of Future Enterprise, host Joe Pucciarelli, Group Vice President, and IT Executive at IDC gains insights from Jeff Hojlo, Research Vice President for Future of Industry Ecosystems and Product Innovation Strategies. They’ll be joined by John Comacchio, the Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer for Teknion, a global manufacturer that designs, markets and installs custom office environments. Together they reveal the strategies and tips for navigating a continually more interconnected and challenging future. See for privacy information.
    8 October 2021, 5:57 pm
  • 31 minutes 4 seconds
    Future of Operations
    They’re questions that can keep even the most savvy of business leaders awake at night:: Which decisions can be left to AI and which ones still require humans? How is the role of middle management set to evolve in the years ahead? How can I foster a culture that embraces creative destruction? You’ll find the answers and much, much more, on this episode of Future Enterprise, proudly presented by IDC. To discuss The Future of Operations, host Joe Pucciarelli, Group Vice President and IT Executive Advisor, sits down with the Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer at one of the oldest life insurance companies in the United States; Nimesh Mehta from National Life Group. Along with IDC’s Kevin Prouty, Group Vice-President, Energy and Manufacturing Insights, the trio tackles everything from data governance and decision-making to the importance of agile, humble, and vulnerable leadership. They even squeeze in a football metaphor, an obscure movie quote, and a reference to the pandemic -- the Spanish Flu of 1918, that is. See for privacy information.
    16 August 2021, 6:10 pm
  • 29 minutes 28 seconds
    Future of Customers & Consumers
    In our high-tech world, it’s become both a crucial consideration and a potential competitive differentiator for any business: the way you engage with your customers. Gone are the days when things like product function and price were the key criteria behind purchasing decisions -- today, brands compete for loyalty based on the experience the customer receives, and that battle is only going to get more competitive in the months and years ahead. On this episode of Future Enterprise, proudly presented by IDC, host Joe Pucciarelli, Group Vice President and IT Executive Advisor, sits down with IDC’s Program Vice President, Digital Strategy and Customer Experience, Alan Webber, to discuss the Future of Customers and Consumers.  They’ll also be joined by Devon Valencia, the Chief Information Officer at CareSource, a healthcare provider that’s gained national recognition for its leadership in patient-centric care. Together, they’ll examine the ways in which the B2B and B2C relationship has evolved and must continue to evolve if organizations hope to succeed in the long-term. See for privacy information.
    30 June 2021, 7:21 pm
  • 29 minutes 5 seconds
    Future of Connectedness
    In the ranking of agenda items for CEOs, they used to sit at the bottom of the priority list -- then came the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, connectivity programs are seen as one of the top three strategic elements for business leaders in the months and years ahead. And for good reason. On this episode of Future Enterprise, host Joe Puciarelli, Group Vice President and IT Executive Advisor at IDC, dives into a timely and relatable topic; The Future of Connectedness. With the help of Angela Yochem, the Executive Vice-President, Chief Transformation and Digital Officer at Novant Health, and Carrie MacGillivray, Group Vice President and General Manager, Worldwide Telecom, Mobility and IoT Research at IDC, they look at the critical importance of connectivity through the lens of the healthcare sector. From tele-health and remote access to the challenge of bridging the ‘digital divide’, there’s no topic left untouched in this must-listen podcast for any business leader or IT professional trying to navigate our increasingly digital world. See for privacy information.
    7 June 2021, 5:37 pm
  • 29 minutes 33 seconds
    Future of Trust
    It’s something that’s been considered a business and technology priority for organizations for a while now, but has taken on an even greater urgency in the wake of several high-profile security breaches, like the recent Solar Winds intrusion: trust. On this episode of Future Enterprise, join host Joe Pucciarelli, Group Vice President and IT Executive Advisor at IDC, as he explores The Future of Trust with the help of Nathan Rogers, the CIO of SAIC, and IDC’s Program Vice President, Security and Trust, Frank Dickson. Together, the trio discusses the challenges and opportunities facing business leaders as they strive to safeguard critical data from threats both internal and external. Over the course of their conversation, they tackle topics including; the current threat landscape, the evolving concept of ‘zero-trust’, and how proper cybersecurity can actually be an enabler to innovation. Listen closely and you’ll even catch a reference to Douglas Adams’ classic novel, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”... no Babel Fish required. See for privacy information.
    26 May 2021, 8:43 pm
  • 28 minutes 27 seconds
    Future of Work
    The future of work is remote, and the hybrid workforce is here to stay. But what exactly will this look like? In this episode of Future Enterprise, host Joe Pucciarelli of IDC speaks with Holly Muscolino, Research VP at IDC, and David Behen, VP and CIO of La-Z-Boy,  about emergent trends in the post-COVID workplace. From intelligent digital workspaces powered by strategic analytics to digital co-workers, remote payroll, and virtual happy hour, how companies create space for collaboration and monitor security in this new hybrid work environment will ultimately determine their productivity. The possibilities abound, and it's easy to get overwhelmed by the rapidity of the disruption. The key, though, is to lean into the change.  For more information visit Future of Work, by IDC. See for privacy information.
    4 December 2020, 2:01 pm
  • 24 minutes 44 seconds
    Future of Digital Innovation
    IDC defines “digital innovation” as an organization’s ability to rapidly develop its own software to reshape their industry with digital and digitally-enhanced products, services, and experiences. Take the trucking industry, where conventional logistics are meeting the demands of tomorrow through increased digitization and software analytics. On this episode of Future Enterprise, Julie Ragland, Senior VP and CIO at Navistar Incorporated, and Al Gillen, group VP Software Development and Open Source at IDC, join host Joe Pucciarelli, IDC Group Vice-President, to talk about how emerging trends in digital innovation are affecting the growth of industries like truck and tractor manufacturing and distribution.  For more information visit Future of Digital Innovation, by IDC.  See for privacy information.
    3 December 2020, 2:04 pm
  • 28 minutes 25 seconds
    Future of Intelligence
    We all know data-driven intelligence is the new currency, and those who use it well can gain a competitive advantage. But in a sea of information, how do companies learn to pay attention to the right kind data, in the right way? IDC defines ‘future of intelligence’ as an organization's capacity to learn combined with its ability to synthesize and apply the resulting insights at scale. In this episode of Future Enterprise, host Joe Pucciarelli -- Group VP and IT Executive Advisor at IDC -- will talk about how to do just that. He's joined by Brad Clay, the CIO of Lexmark, and members of his data science team, along with Dan Vesset, VP of Analytics and Information Management at IDC.  For more information visit Future of Intelligence, by IDC. See for privacy information.
    2 December 2020, 2:02 pm
  • 28 minutes 23 seconds
    Future Enterprise - Series Intro
    There you were -- minding your own business -- when 2020 came knocking. In light of the new economic reality caused by COVID, future-focused leadership has never been more important. Which is why IDC is pleased to bring you Future Enterprise, a new podcast for business and tech executives, aimed at helping you leverage technology to achieve innovative, disruptive, and productive business outcomes. The series features in-depth conversations about emergent trends in work, intelligence, and digital innovation. It also offers applied examples from the field, showing each of those trends in action.  In this inaugural episode, host Joseph Pucciarelli, IDC Group Vice-President, sits down with Meredith Whalen, IDC Chief Research Officer, and Crawford Del Prete, IDC President (former COO), to talk about Future Enterprise, and how businesses can build back with greater resiliency to face down whatever curveballs are coming next. They’ll also predict which pandemic-related pivots could potentially stick around for a while -- and which changes and trends are headed for the dustbin of history. It’s all in a day's work.  For more information visit Future Enterprise.  See for privacy information.
    1 December 2020, 2:00 pm
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