Walk the Pod

Rachel Wheeley

Comedian Rachel Wheeley takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog. Take 10 minutes to listen, walk and pay attention to what’s directly in front of you. “A great example of a simple, intimate format, with listener messages.” - Podnews https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley Leave a message: https://www.rachelwheeleyisfunny.com Email: [email protected]

  • 5 minutes 24 seconds
    Series 55: Courage journal prompts
    Good morning, dear friend and hello from Merton Abbey Mills in Southwest London. I’m walking on the most beautiful day in the world and inviting you to take part in Series 55 on Courage. The series starts next Monday, 10th of March. In this episode, I’ve recorded four journal prompts for you. If you do some free writing as part of your artistic practice, why not use these prompts to inspire you to write something about courage. You might want to share them when we start the series next Monday. Take care of your beautiful mind, yourselves, and each other, and I’ll speak to you then.
    3 March 2025, 9:08 am
  • 11 minutes 43 seconds
    S54E10 Inspiration: thank you for listening
    Wrapping up the series with a big thank you to all the members of the Walk the Pod lunchtime walk club. Your daily walking podcast will be back on Monday 10 March 2025.
    14 February 2025, 1:32 pm
  • 8 minutes 34 seconds
    S54E9 Inspiration round up
    Walking around the park behind the hospital this lunchtime wrapping up Series 54 and covering everything we’ve spoken about so far this month on the theme of inspiration.
    13 February 2025, 1:19 pm
  • 8 minutes 55 seconds
    S54E8 Inspiration: change your perspective
    Walking around Northampton Square in North London this lunchtime, thinking about how changing our perspective can be inspiring. Voice notes from Kiwi Rob in Auckland and Cindy in Nebraska.
    12 February 2025, 1:58 pm
  • 9 minutes 18 seconds
    S54E7 Inspiration: Do or Do Not
    Today, a voicenote from David in the US reminds me that if it isn’t a ‘hell yes’ then it’s a no! Plus a voicenote from the Mothership on doing nothing to bring on creative inspiration.
    11 February 2025, 12:03 pm
  • 10 minutes 23 seconds
    S54E6 Inspiration in what we seek
    Walking around the park behind the hospital this lunchtime pondering whether the type of inspiration we are struck by is what we seek to find.
    10 February 2025, 1:37 pm
  • 9 minutes 48 seconds
    S54E5 Inspiration: Friday round up
    Walking my local streets in the absolutely minging rain and windy conditions this lunchtime, rounding up the week’s inspiration episodes and looking forward to more walking adventures next week.
    7 February 2025, 2:55 pm
  • 14 minutes 46 seconds
    S54E4 Inspiration: Steal like an artist
    Creatives and artists often worry that they are stealing other people’s work. But today on Walk the Pod, I want to talk about inspiration and theft. To make the point that sometimes it’s necessary to steal with impunity to start with, until one find one’s own voice. Walking in local woods for Episode 4, Series 54 of Walk the Pod.
    6 February 2025, 1:19 pm
  • 10 minutes 15 seconds
    S54E3 Inspiration and ideas
    Considering the thoughts of German philosopher Fredrick Schelling on ideas providing ‘action of energy and significance’ as I walk my local street this lunchtime.
    5 February 2025, 5:19 pm
  • 12 minutes 3 seconds
    S54E2 Inspiration: an ebb and flow
    Walking local streets this lunchtime with your daily prompt to get out into nature for just 10 minutes. Inspiration is an ‘ebb and flow’ says Hils. What does inspiration mean to you? https://walkthepod.com
    4 February 2025, 1:15 pm
  • 13 minutes 34 seconds
    S54E1 Inspiration and inhalation
    Walking my local streets and enjoying the breaths of fresh air that I’m now able to enjoy after my recent treatment. Series 54 is all about inspiration. Why not send me a voice note about what inspiration means to you via walkthepod.com!
    3 February 2025, 1:22 pm
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