Cardinal Casts

West Salem Elementary School

These podcasts were created by K-5 students from West Salem Elementary School in Salem, Virginia. They have created a variety of presentations including reading original stories and poems, readers theaters, and reviews for content area units. We hope you enjoy listening to these podcasts!

  • 5 minutes 17 seconds
    West Salem Announcements for June 9, 2008
    Fifth Grade students present announcements for the week
    8 June 2008, 8:06 am
  • 4 minutes 52 seconds
    The Gingerbread Man
    First Graders read The Gingerbread Man
    7 May 2008, 9:12 am
  • 6 minutes 27 seconds
    Geometry Riddles - Mrs. Hollar's Homeroom
    Fifth Graders share their original geometry riddles
    7 May 2008, 8:06 am
  • 8 minutes 9 seconds
    Geometry Riddles - Mrs. Nimmo's Homeroom
    Fifth Graders share their original geometry riddles
    7 May 2008, 8:03 am
  • 7 minutes 7 seconds
    Geometry Riddles - Mrs. Oster's Homeroom
    Fifth Graders share their original geometry riddles
    7 May 2008, 8:00 am
  • 6 minutes 51 seconds
    Geometry Riddles - Mrs. Trumbower's Homeroom
    Fifth Graders share their original geometry riddles
    7 May 2008, 7:06 am
  • 6 minutes
    First and Third Grade Buddy Riddles
    Third Graders share facts about Ancient Rome
    20 April 2008, 3:00 pm
  • 4 minutes 6 seconds
    Map Skills Facts
    Third Graders share facts about map skills
    5 January 2008, 3:25 pm
  • 4 minutes 30 seconds
    Famous Americans and Holidays
    Third Graders share facts about famous Americans and holidays
    5 January 2008, 3:20 pm
  • 3 minutes 53 seconds
    Empire of Mali Facts
    Third Graders share facts about the Empire of Mali
    5 January 2008, 3:15 pm
  • 5 minutes 27 seconds
    Early American Explorers Facts
    Third Graders share facts about Early American Explorers
    5 January 2008, 3:10 pm
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