A show all about the science of puberty without any of the awkward tension from Health Class
This may seem like a weird topic to end the season on, but it’s actually not. After discussing so many aspects of puberty throughout this podcast, this is just one more that provides real and relevant information. As a developing young person, you deserve to know what may lie ahead and also understand ways that you can protect yourself from Sexually Transmitted infections and HPV. Trust me, you’ve got this.
Sex. That’s right. We’re gonna talk about it. Because for all of the mystery, interest and excitement that surrounds sex, it’s actually a pretty basic and natural topic. On this episode we discuss sex and consent because, just like puberty, sexual activity operates on different timelines for different people -- and that’s totally normal!
Early puberty is when many individuals start feeling sexual attraction toward others. With that attraction may come attraction to the same gender, the opposite gender or all genders. On this episode we dig deep into what sexual orientation is, and explain why puberty is the time when someone first explores sexual orientation.
Have you felt it yet? The butterflies in your chest? The stomach flip? The excitement of passing a certain someone in the hall at school? Or how about…skin flushing, dry mouth, fumbling for words and sweaty palms? Developing crushes and sexual attraction is a totally normal part of puberty, and on this episode, we dig into what sexual attraction means, and what’s happening in our bodies to make us feel that way.
As if body changes aren’t enough to deal with, relationships (and I’m not just talking romantic ones) generally undergo some major adjustments during puberty. These relationship changes may be exciting, uncomfortable or stressful, but they all tend to follow a fairly predictable pattern. In this episode we break down why relationships change so much during puberty, and examine all the different types of relationships we may encounter.
So this episode...might feel a little awkward for some listeners. I’m going to address all parts of self-pleasure that are natural and healthy and why these urges seem to arise during puberty. Even if this topic makes you a little uncomfortable right now, remember -- the whole point of this show is talking about things that are normal during puberty. And masturbation? Totally normal.
Vaginal discharge is TOTALLY NORMAL. I know we haven’t always talked about it as a major part of puberty, but it is a MAJOR part of having a vagina. Why? Tune in to find out!
Everyone experiences some degree of voice changes throughout puberty. Voice drops, voice squeaks, breaks and cracks all happen during puberty. Tune in to this week’s episode to learn why voice changes happen, and why they are totally normal!
On this episode…growth spurts and the skin changes that go along with them. Whether you’re the super tall girl or the shorter guy waiting for his growth spurt, this episode is for you!
Everybody sleeps. We NEED sleep. In this episode we break down why we need sleep, and give you some tips and tricks to make sure you get the best sleep possible.
This week, we talk all about the basics of periods! Not only is this a topic that half of the world population deals with, will deal with or has dealt with EVERY MONTH, but we also have a special guest joining us for this episode! Kamilah Kashanie is the host of “Feeling My Flo,” a podcast that is ALL ABOUT PERIODS. She and I will have a chat about what it means to menstruate and what we want you to learn from our experiences.
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