Infertility Feelings

Jesse and Doug from Uniquely Knitted

Jesse and Doug have suffered from infertility without success for the past decade. Throughout their struggle of infertility they have been overwhelmed with a tidal wave of uncontrollable feelings. In 2019 they founded Uniquely Knitted, a non profit organization aimed at serving all who struggle with the emotions of infertility.In this podcast they are breaking down all the things we feel during the struggle to grow our families. Understanding the psychology of the feelings that come up during infertility from licensed therapists. Hearing first hand from those who have gone through infertility.Helping everyone struggling, and those who care for someone struggling know what it FEELS like to go through infertility.

  • 59 minutes 42 seconds
    Infertility and Marriage Part 2

    In this second episode of our three part marriage series we are looking at all the ways infertility impacts our relationship when we go out into the world!

    We will be looking at how infertility impacts family dynamics, friend group dynamics, and what the future will look like as a couple.

    We are diving into all things, in-laws, brothers, sisters, friends, feeling left behind, and wondering what the future will look like for you as a couple. 

    This episode is all about the ways infertility impacts our relationship when we go out into the world. 

    Uniquely Knitted is a Non-Profit Organization serving all who are emotionally affected by infertility. We are on a mission to bring healing to the traumas of infertility and end the isolation that comes with struggling to grow your family.

    Learn more at

    14 October 2024, 3:00 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    Infertility and Marriage Part 1

    Infertility impacts every part of your Marriage!

    Literally... every part.

    Over the next 3 episodes Doug and Jesse will be looking deeply into the topic of marriage. In this first episode we are looking at the ways infertility impacts our personal relationship together!

    We will look at communication, intimacy, processing differently, fighting, and all the other ways infertility impacts the interpersonal part of marriage.

    For many, marriage plays a huge role in our life and understanding how infertility impacts it is incredibility important.

    We also know that not everyone is married. We truly believe however that these conversations will be beneficial for everyone!

    Uniquely Knitted is a Non-Profit Organization serving all who are affected by infertility. We are on a mission to bring healing to the traumas of infertility and end the isolation that comes with struggling to grow your family.

    Learn more at

    25 September 2024, 12:00 am
  • 51 minutes 47 seconds
    Infertility and Burnout

    Infertility is so stressful that it can cause you to burn out.

    But how do you know if you are approaching burnout? What do you do if you are burnt out? What does it feel like to experience burnout?

    In this special 100th episode of the Infertility Feelings Podcast Jesse and Doug are jumping into the topic of BURNOUT!

    THANK YOU to all of our listeners and thank you for making the first 100 episodes so amazing! Cheers to the next 100! ✨

    Uniquely Knitted is a Non-Profit Organization serving all who are emotionally affected by infertility. We are on a mission to bring healing to the traumas of infertility and end the isolation that comes with struggling to grow your family.

    Learn more at

    3 September 2024, 10:00 am
  • 55 minutes 36 seconds
    Infertility and Decisions

    When you struggle with infertility you are faced with many difficult decisions. Decisions about how long to try for things, when to switch things up, how much money to spend, where to seek support, and the list goes on and on. 

    These Decisions can be overwhelming, anxiety provoking, and cause us to shut down. How are we supposed to emotionally cope with all these decisions! 

    Then, on top of that! How are we supposed to make healthy decisions that we feel good about!!

    In this episode Jesse and Doug are looking at how these decisions make us feel and how we can get to a place where we are making decisions out of a healthy place. 

    Uniquely Knitted is a Non-Profit Organization serving all who are emotionally affected by infertility. We are on a mission to bring healing to the traumas of infertility and end the isolation that comes with struggling to grow your family.

    Learn more at

    31 July 2024, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 41 seconds
    Infertility and Your Body

    Jesse, Doug and all the Uniquely Knitted Process Group Leaders talk about what infertility makes us feel toward our body.

    Jesse talks about how getting pregnant was what her body was "supposed" to do.

    Doug talks about how he felt like he was the butt of a joke.

    Kelly talks about how she felt like her body had failed her.

    Krista talks about how her body is sensitive.

    Natalie talks about learning to be kind to her body.

    Infertility makes us feel a lot of things towards our body and is deeply connected to our literal bodies. If you have ever had feelings toward your body during infertility this episode is for you!

    Learn more about us at 

    16 July 2024, 10:00 am
  • 48 minutes 7 seconds
    Infertility and Stress

    Stress and Infertility seem to go hand in hand!

    Does stress cause infertility? Does infertility cause stress? How do we reduce stress during infertility? Should we reduce stress during infertility? If we reduce stress will we get pregnant? What if we reduce our stress and don't get pregnant?

    All these questions can twist you into a stress pretzel. Ugh. 😵‍💫

    In this episode Jesse and Doug look at how stress makes us feel during infertility. Specifically they look at how we should approach the connection between infertility and stress.

    They offer a fresh perspective on approaching the management of stress in our life in light of infertility.

    Uniquely Knitted is a Non-Profit Organization serving all who are emotionally affected by infertility. We are on a mission to bring healing to the traumas of infertility and end the isolation that comes with struggling to grow your family.

    Learn more at

    4 June 2024, 10:00 am
  • 51 minutes 19 seconds
    Infertility and Feeling Numb

    Sometimes Infertility can make you feel numb.

    Whether it's the chaos of trauma or the forever-long process of struggling to conceive, infertility can leave you feeling emotionally numb. When your foot falls asleep it gets a funny fuzzy feeling. When you struggle with infertility that funny fuzzy feeling seems to land on your brain, making it hard to think, feel, and be present.

    In this episode, Jesse and Doug look into what it feels like to feel numb during infertility. Where does it come from? How do we identify when we are feeling numb? What can we do when we feel numb? Will we feel numb forever? Feeling numb sucks, it's as if your emotions have collapsed and you are left struggling to feel anything at all, good or bad.

    If you are in this position, we are sorry, and we made this episode for you.

    Uniquely Knitted is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing research, education, and direct emotional support to people suffering from infertility, miscarriage, and loss. 

    Infertility has created a mental health crisis in our world, but it doesn't have to be like this forever. We believe that together, we can change the experience of infertility!

    Uniquely Knitted

    Uniquely Knitted Process Groups

    15 May 2024, 10:00 am
  • 51 minutes 50 seconds
    Infertility and Life Change with Dr. Lora Shahine

    Infertility is life-changing, let’s talk about what that feels like!

    From physical changes in your body to emotional changes in your sense of purpose, infertility can MESS with YOUR LIFE.  For many the first step in figuring all this out is going to a Fertility Doctor!

     So in this episode, Jesse and Doug are joined by Dr. Lora Shahine

    Dr. Lora Shahine is a fertility doctor, author, and speaker who shatters stigmas about miscarriages and fertility. She is double board-certified in reproductive endocrinology and infertility as well as obstetrics and gynecology. She is a leading voice in the infertility community.

    Together we explore what it's like to struggle with the life change of infertility from the perspective of patient and doctor.  

    Follow Dr. Lora Shahine on Instagram HERE

    Get connected with Dr. Lora Shahine by visiting her website

    Uniquely Knitted is a registered Non-Profit Organization dedicated to providing emotional support for people suffering from infertility, miscarriage, and loss. We believe that infertility doesn't have to feel this way forever, together we can change the experience of infertility for ourselves and others! 

    Learn more at

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    23 April 2024, 10:00 am
  • 47 minutes 12 seconds
    Infertility and Loneliness

    Infertility can be an incredibly lonely and isolating experience.

    The pain and anxiety of struggling to get pregnant can isolate even the most connected person. The loneliness can become unbearable, it's so hard to know what to do.

    You add in the isolating nature of Covid, a culture of independence, and an epidemic of loneliness, it can be overwhelming.

    In this episode Jesse and Doug are talking all about it!

    If you have ever felt like infertility is lonely this episode is for you.

    Uniquely Knitted is a Non-Profit Organization serving all who are emotionally affected by infertility. We are on a mission to bring healing to the traumas of infertility and end the isolation that comes with struggling to grow your family.

    Learn more and find support at

    2 April 2024, 10:00 am
  • 39 minutes 41 seconds
    Infertility and Grief

    What does the grief of infertility feel like?

    In this episode Jesse and Doug explore the difficult topic of grief. They look at the unique nature of grieving infertility, and how share how they each approach grief in different ways.

    They look at how Doug overly avoids grief and Jesse dives to deep into grief.

    If you have ever grieved infertility, this episode is for you.

    Uniquely Knitted is a Non-Profit Organization serving all who are emotionally affected by infertility. We are on a mission to bring healing to the traumas of infertility and end the isolation that comes with struggling to grow your family.

    Learn more at

    19 March 2024, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Infertility and Ethics

    If you ever wondered about the ethical issues within infertility and reproductive technologies then this episode is for you!

    In this episode Doug and Jesse dive straight into the ethical issues someone might face during infertility. They look at some simple (this is sarcasm) questions like: What are ethical issues? Does someone even face ethical issues when they use reproductive technologies? What are the different thoughts about when life begins?

    One special note! This episode is not arguing any one view point, but instead, it is a tour though the different ethical thoughts about infertility and reproductive technologies. 

    Uniquely Knitted is a Non-Profit Organization serving all who are emotionally affected by infertility. We are on a mission to bring healing to the traumas of infertility and end the isolation that comes with struggling to grow your family.

    Learn more at

    5 March 2024, 11:00 am
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