As a trans autistic man, and a social psychology professor, Dr. Devon Price is intimately familiar with issues of masking, and the impact that masking may have on the social and emotional well-being of individuals. In this episode, Devon, Dave and Barry delve deeply into these issues and discusses skills that Devon believes are critical for helping neurodivergent individuals unmask their lives and live more authentically.
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Indigenous cultures often have a very different view of raising children who receive diagnoses of autism or other neurodivergent conditions. These differences impact how families and children are supported, but also may result in difficulties when families need to interface with non-indigenous cultural professionals and systems to acquire services that may be helpful. Barry and Dave discuss these issues with Grant Bruno and Otilia Johnson, two parent-professionals from indigenous cultures in Canada and the US. A particular emphasis in the discussion is on what non-indigenous professionals can do to better serve these communities, as well as what can be learned from indigenous values and beliefs about raising children.
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Two of the major priorities that are now being addressed in the autism and neurodivergent communities are the development of friendships and social relationships, and how to address bullying. Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson, Clinical Professor at UCLA, has focused on both of these issues over the past two decades, from a research as well as a programming perspective. She describes the PEERS program, now being implemented in over 150 countries, as well as bullying prevention with Barry and Dave.
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Neurodivergent children and their caregivers face unique challenges when a child needs to be brought into hospitals or similar medical settings. Unfortunately, many physicians working in emergency medicine and in hospital settings have little training in supporting children and families under the circumstances. Barry and Dave discuss these issues with Dr. Felix Kreier, an autistic physician working in Amsterdam, Netherlands, who has expertise and experience in working with neurodivergent children and supporting their caregivers, and who understands how critical the provision of compassionate and comprehensive care is, being neurodivergent himself.
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One of the most exciting areas of innovation over the past few decades for children and adults with communication challenges and their families is augmentative and alternative communication options. Barry and Dave discuss a wide range of issues related to AAC with Rachel Madel, a speech-language pathologist who focuses on AAC in her LA – based practice serving children and adult clients, and their families.
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Polyvagal theory has emerged over the past few decades as an important construct in psychology and neurophysiology to help explain human reactions, especially when a person is under stress. It addresses a deeper, neurological basis to for understanding fight, flight and freeze responses, that have been misunderstood for years when observed in neurodivergent individuals. Polyvagal theory also provides guidance for approaches to support individuals of all ages. Barry and Dave discuss polyvagal theory with Sean Inderbitzen, an autistic mental heah therapist who recently published a book on this topic, “Autism in Polyvagal Terms: New Possibilities and Interventions“.
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Emotional regulation is being embraced by parents, neurodivergent individuals educators and therapists as an important concept underlying respectful and developmentally informed practices for supporting autistic and neurodivergent individuals. As founder and Director of Children's Autism Services of Edmonton (Alberta, Canada), Terri Duncan, CCC-SLP has prioritized emotional regulation as foundational to services provided to children and families. From these experiences, she has recently published a book focused on implementing services with emotional regulation as a priority. Terri discusses with Barry and Dave how emotional regulation has become so central to her practice, and to her center.
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Neurodivergent children and their caregivers face a unique set of challenges in ensuring that they have access to appropriate services supporting dental and oral health. Unfortunately, due to some of these challenges, many children grow up without appropriate supports, and experience long-term negative physical and mental health repercussions. Barry and Dave do a deep dive into these issues with Dr. Rose-Marie Daly, who has a high level of expertise and experience in working with neurodivergent children and supporting their caregivers, and who understands how critical dental and oral health is for each child and the family.
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As a deeply reflective, and insightful individual, Becca Lory Hector has constructed a life and career of sharing what she has learned about growing up autistic, without a diagnosis until adulthood. With her engaging new autobiographical work, she once again demonstrates that lived experience is the best teacher, especially when shared generously with others who benefit from her wisdom. Becca, Dave and Barry have an engaging discussion that amplifies important issues of great interest for parents, professionals and autistic and neurodivergent individuals.
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