Weather with Cliff Mass

Cliff Mass

Atmospheric scientist Cliff Mass provides a weekly weather forecast for the Pacific Northwest, details current and future weather topics, and discusses related topics. Podcast is released every Friday at 9am. Support this podcast and ensure it remains ad-free on Patreon!

  • 16 minutes 28 seconds
    My Views on Global Warming and Climate Change

    Several of you have asked me about my viewpoint on global warming and climate change. This podcast will outline my thoughts on this important subject and give you a bit of history and perspective.

    5 September 2023, 3:59 am
  • 13 minutes 51 seconds
    A Wet Weekend Ahead and Why the New York Smoke Had Little to Do With Climate Change

    This week the weather will be near normal and relatively dry, but that changes radically over the weekend, as a strong Pacific low center moves in and sticks around in our area. I will briefly describe this situation before turning to a detailed analysis of the major smoke event that hit the East Coast, including an explanation of why global warming was only a minor player.

    14 June 2023, 4:48 am
  • 10 minutes 57 seconds
    Where do you get the best weather forecasts? And a cool weak ahead.

    This podcast answers the question: where can you get the best weather forecast? Your smartphone?, from the National Weather Service website?, from your local TV weathercasters? or what? The answer may surprise you. And I also talk about the cool weak ahead.

    17 April 2023, 7:26 pm
  • 8 minutes 27 seconds
    Why is freezing at 32°F? And a snowy mountain forecast for this weekend.

    This podcast answers an interesting question: why is freezing at 32°F? Why not 50 or 0? And I talk about a return of moisture to the Northwest, with heavy snow expected in the mountains.

    31 March 2023, 5:44 pm
  • 7 minutes 42 seconds
    The end of La Nina and an El Nino Winter Ahead

    This podcast talks about the recent termination of a 3-year La Nina and the near certainty of El Nino conditions ahead. The weather implications of the change are discussed as well.

    19 March 2023, 2:25 pm
  • 10 minutes 37 seconds
    Are cold waves increasing over the Northwest? And a transition to meteorological spring ahead.

    Several blog readers have asked whether global warming is increasing West Coast cold waves.  The answer is no, and in this podcast I explain why.  Plus, I talk about an encouraging forecast for more normal conditions in our region.

    8 March 2023, 4:02 am
  • 9 minutes 19 seconds
    How long are weather forecasts skillful?

    This podcast answers the question:   how long are weather predictions skillful?   The answer may surprise  you....

    1 March 2023, 4:34 am
  • 11 minutes 41 seconds
    Wind, Cold, and Snow Ahead. Plus a Primer of Northwest Gaps

    This podcast tells the story of a cold, windy, snowy week ahead.  And I provide the basics on the mountain gaps of the region and their influence on our weather.

    20 February 2023, 5:06 am
  • 8 minutes 33 seconds
    A Deep Dive into the Upcoming Snow Event over Western Washington and Oregon

    We are in the tail end of the lowland snow season west of the Cascade crest.  But tomorrow and Tuesday some lowlands locations will see some snowflakes.  This podcast does a deep dive into the event, explaining the complex meteorology that will occur over the next few days.

    13 February 2023, 1:22 am
  • 10 minutes 14 seconds
    Plenty of rain and mountain snow this week. Plus, the two types of Northwest precipitation.

    A series of weather systems will come through this week.  I will provide the details. Major enhancements in mountain snowpack are expected.  And there is the potential for much colder weather in about a week.   In the second half of the podcast I describe the two types of rain we get in our region and tell you why.

    6 February 2023, 1:12 am
  • 10 minutes 45 seconds
    Why Does High Pressure Produce Low Clouds in the Northwest?, Plus the Latest Forecast

    Several folks have asked my why high pressure produces low clouds in our region....this podcast explains why.  Plus, a chilly, but sunny forecast.

    29 January 2023, 9:24 pm
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