The Laptop Lifestyle Podcast

Amanda Kolbye

  • 42 minutes 26 seconds
    147. 10 Lessons Learned From My Sabbatical
    This is the final episode in the sabbatical mini series, and to wrap it all up I am sharing 10 lessons I learned from my time away. I've broken the lessons down as business lessons and life lessons, and something in here is sure to be the takeaway you need at this very moment. I've loved sharing about my sabbatical and healing journey with you, and truly believe that we can all learn something from my experience!   In this episode, we cover…
    • Why we have to set realistic expectations
    • The reality that you get to make the rules
    • Playing the long game in business
    • How hitting rock bottom can be a good thing
    • Mindsets and mantras that have shifted my perspective

      Quotes "You make the freaking rules. And this is simultaneously - at least for me - a fact that is really hard and really freeing at the same time."   "Never actually hitting rock bottom might be One of the worst things that can ever happen to you."   "Taking a break is not weak. In fact, it is one of the bravest, strongest things you can do for yourself. You are the only one that has to be you, who has to live your life every day. And it's time, if you're not already, to start living for you and doing what you need."     Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode Laptop Lifestyle Co Links: Website Instagram Tik Tok YouTube Channel   Other Links Mentioned: Instagram Post
    6 August 2024, 9:00 am
  • 38 minutes 7 seconds
    146. How I Funded My Sabbatical + Money Management Tips
    One of the biggest questions I've gotten about my sabbatical is how I made it work financially. So I am pulling back the curtains and exposing how I funded my time away. This isn't just a vague explanation - I'm getting into the nitty-gritty and sharing the actual numbers. I'm covering everything from what my personal finances looked like prior to the sabbatical, to how much we spent in the business each month I was away. Plus, I'm giving you my best money management tips that helped set me up for success in this endeavor!     In this episode, we cover…
    • How I funded the seven month sabbatical
    • What my personal spending looked like during the break
    • 7 money management tips that helped me prepare
    • My business income and expenses during the sabbatical

      Quotes "Ultimately at the end of the day how I funded this was accepting that there was no other option but to take this break. And I had to do whatever it took, whatever I could do to make it work."   "I track all of the numbers in our life... And so that's really important because I'm never surprised. I always know what's going on, which gives me power. Power of choice and power to do something about my situation if I don't like it."   "Plan for this. Even if you think you don't need it, plan for the extended break or the maternity leave or the sabbatical or whatever it is. And if you don't ever need it, you just got the bank, right?"   Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode Laptop Lifestyle Co Links: Website Instagram Tik Tok YouTube Channel
    5 August 2024, 6:08 pm
  • 36 minutes 28 seconds
    145. Different Types of Breaks & How to Plan a Sabbatical
    Ever thought about taking a break from business yourself? Or maybe you didn't even realize it was a possibility? In this episode I am breaking down the three types of breaks you can take in your business, and the business and personal prep needed to make each type work. I'm giving you a framework that you can take and apply to your own situation to make sure that your time away is exactly what you need, and that the business is ready for you when you come back.     In this episode, we cover…
    • Three types of breaks: extended breaks, maternity leave, and sabbaticals
    • How to determine what kind of break you want or need
    • Six steps to prepping your business for a break
    • What personal prep and planning you need to consider

      Quotes "The hardest part is actually deciding to take the break."   "No matter what your purpose is for taking a break, everyone within that break needs space. And space is probably uncomfortable for a lot of us, so don't get stuck in filling it with a lot of things, even if it's really uncomfortable."   Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode Laptop Lifestyle Co Links: Website Instagram Tik Tok YouTube Channel
    2 August 2024, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    144. Sabbatical Q&A
    I have gotten so many questions in my DMs since announcing my return from a seven month sabbatical, and this episode is dedicated to answering those questions for you! I'm covering everything from what my business looked like while I was away to how my physical health has improved over the last few months. Whether you are planning an extended break in your future or just curious about my sabbatical experience, this episode is full of honest reflections and juicy takeaways that will get you thinking!     In this episode, we cover…
    • Why I took a sabbatical and how I knew when it was time to come back
    • How I adjusted to having less structure and routine
    • The phases of my sabbatical
    • My take on why other entrepreneurs have taken breaks
    • What my business looked like during the sabbatical
    • The physical health struggles I've dealt with and how things have improved.

      Quotes "It wasn't nourishing because I didn't have stability. I didn't have support. I didn't have community. The work for me to heal was facing every skeleton in my closet and stripping myself of my entire identity and everything I'd ever known."   "It was very challenging in terms of going from 100 miles an hour to zero miles an hour."   "You know what you have now. You know what's in front of you. And if you know that what's in front of you is not it, then you have no other choice but to try new and rest assured knowing you can always go back to what currently is. But something tells me you won't."     Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode Episode 140 - I'm Taking a Sabbatical: Why I've Decided to Take an Extended Break & How I'm Making It Happen Laptop Lifestyle Co Links: Website Instagram Tik Tok YouTube Channel
    31 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 31 minutes 13 seconds
    143. What’s Next For Me & The Business [Part 1]

    A lot has changed over the last seven months, both in my personal life and for the state of the business! And the biggest question I’ve been getting is: What’s next? In this episode I’m sharing the options I’ve considered moving forward, and filling you in on what the near future looks like. Chances are it’s not what you think!

    In this episode, we cover…

    • Why I’m letting go of decisions I made prior to my sabbatical

    • Making decisions without financial pressure

    • Why my previous business direction felt unaligned

    • Options I’ve considered for my business moving forward

    • My current decision for what’s next

    • Showing up as a work in progress and an authority


    "I'm no longer willing to do whatever it takes. I'm no longer willing to sacrifice a lot of different things or to let the pressure be the determining factor to check off those milestones or influence me to race to the finish line."

    "I'm excited to let you get to know the new/maybe more real, me as I get to know that version as well."

    "We're always in progress."

    Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode

    Episode 140 - I'm Taking a Sabbatical: Why I've Decided to Take an Extended Break & How I'm Making It Happen

    Amanda Kolbye's Links:

    Website Instagram Tik Tok YouTube Channel
    29 July 2024, 7:10 pm
  • 40 minutes 32 seconds
    142. I'm Back! The Story of Where I’ve Been + Life Updates

    I’m back!! It’s been about seven months since we’ve released a new episode, so there is a lot to catch up on. In this first episode back from my sabbatical, I’m giving an inside look at what went down in my life during the months away, including an overview of my transformative healing journey and why I’m grateful my life crumbled when it did. Consider this the start of a new era, both for me personally, and the business!

    In this episode, we cover…

    • The backstory of why I took a sabbatical

    • How things got worse before it got better

    • My experience with ketamine therapy and a healing retreat

    • Our decision to settle down in Spain

    • How this period has transformed my life


    “Entrepreneurship is like the biggest personal development journey you'll ever go on, whether you intended to or not, because it's going to bring up the shit. It's going to bring up the skeletons in the closet. It's going to make you face all your fears, and just expand constantly."

    "You finally have a chance to explore yourself without being tied to a specific outcome." 

    “This has been the biggest awakening journey of my entire life. I am a different person to my core, to every cellular level, and I've had a lot of changes, shifts, evolutions in life - nothing, nothing like this.”

    Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode

    Episode 140 - I'm Taking a Sabbatical: Why I've Decided to Take an Extended Break & How I'm Making It Happen

    Amanda Kolbye's Links:

    Website Instagram Tik Tok YouTube Channel


    29 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 43 minutes 33 seconds
    [REPLAY] Feeling Stuck? You Need To Hear This
    This is a replay of a top downloaded and raved-about favorite episode from the past few years! This episode was chosen very intentionally as an episode that I know everyone needs to hear right now whether for the first or second time, so tune in and enjoy!   Many of you in my audience have been expressing feeling stuck in one way or another. All of us in this entrepreneur online space have also been experiencing many changes within the industry. Even if it's not that, this is a natural season of entrepreneurship, and sometimes it's a day, sometimes it's a week, sometimes it's months.     In this episode, we will talk about what it means to be stuck, what's happening with us in those times, and why and how many of us end up stuck. There are many different ways, so one of them will relate to you. And then lastly, we're going to talk about how to move out of being stuck. So if you're someone who's feeling pretty stuck in your business or just in one area of your business, you need to hear this episode.   In this episode, we cover… • What does it mean to feel stuck • Letting go of situations, we have no control over • Setting up your business for growth • How overwhelm and burnout play into feeling stuck • Recognizing underlying contradictory beliefs • Navigating this stuckness    "Sometimes, this is just a label for a period where not much is happening. It doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong or you're not capable of doing what you could do before."   "Many of us tend to freak out and feel like, " Oh my gosh, okay, I don't have the same momentum or sales as I was before, you know, so I must be stuck. And that almost creates the reality that didn't exist for you."   "The definition of stagnation is continuing to do the same things. And being very hesitant to change and essentially adapt as you go right."   "Comparison makes you feel stuck. It doesn't mean you are stuck."    "The mentality of being stuck is almost always what is fueling 99% of your stuckness. Right?"   Thanks for listening, and if you like what you've heard, feel free to share this episode with your friends! There are so many amazing women waiting to discover the Laptop Lifestyle, and I'd love you to help me spread the word.    Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode Laptop Lifestyle Co Links: Website Instagram Tik Tok YouTube Channel  
    18 March 2024, 9:00 am
  • 45 minutes 19 seconds
    [REPLAY] Do You Ever Feel Like Your Success Is A Fluke? Part 1
    This is a replay of a top downloaded and raved-about favorite episode from the past few years! This episode was chosen very intentionally as an episode that I know everyone needs to hear right now whether for the first or second time, so tune in and enjoy!   *Listen to the original Episode 113 - Part 2 once you finish this episode!*   This episode is on what to do if you feel like your success is a fluke, and there is a lot to this conversation! Because this episode is a long one, we’ve broken it into two separate episodes to make it easier for you to take in. This is Part 1, so make sure to tune into Part 2 when you are finished listening.   We are diving into the feeling that your success is a fluke - something that so many entrepreneurs feel at some point in their journey. I go deep into why this thought might be occurring for you, as well as addressing how you can start to shift away from this mentality by understanding the origins and taking action to change your mindset. I’m sharing the ways that your beliefs and perspectives, your brain, and even your business structure can play into you questioning your own success, and give you the tools you need to start believing in yourself and your business for good.    In this episode, we cover… • What it means to feel like your success is a fluke • Six possible factors that contribute to this mentality (imposter syndrome, perfectionism, arguing for your limitations, safety/fear of success, low self-image, low self-worth) • How your beliefs impact how you view your successes • Shifting your perspective to focus more on where you want to go   Quotes “What would have to happen for you to believe that you can keep doing your success? ‘Believe’ is the keyword there. What proof do you need? How do you need to feel? What would have to happen for you to believe that you are contributing to the success and can keep doing it?”   "You cannot listen to and you cannot believe everything you think.”   "Ultimately, your success was always up to you. Your results were always up to you… You are the one that showed up every f***ing day. You are the one that pushed through in those hard times. You are the one that came up with those creative ideas."   Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode Laptop Lifestyle Co Links: Website Instagram Tik Tok YouTube Channel
    11 March 2024, 10:00 am
  • 56 minutes 17 seconds
    [REPLAY] How to Use Your Enneagram in Business, Sales, Hiring & More with Sarah Wallace
    This is a replay of a top downloaded and raved-about favorite episode from the past few years! This episode was chosen very intentionally as an episode that I know everyone needs to hear right now whether for the first or second time, so tune in and enjoy!   With today's guest, Enneagram expert Sarah Wallace, we are diving into all things Enneagram and entrepreneurship. There are so many ways you can use the self-awareness that comes with knowing and understanding your own Enneagram type to improve the way you run your businesses - from learning how to best manage stress, to finding a sales routine that works for your personality, and helping team communication and productivity. The Enneagram is more than a trendy personality test, and in this episode we are exploring how this tool can be applied to make a real difference for you as a leader and business owner.   Sarah Wallace is a Certified Enneagram Coach, host of the Enneagram MBA podcast, speaker, and workshop facilitator. With over 15 years in relationship building roles working with government agencies and companies like the US EPA, Federal Reserve Bank, John Deere, and adidas Outdoor, now small business owners, corporations, and event organizers work with Sarah to help them use the Enneagram to develop confident, empathetic, and emotionally intelligent leaders with powerful, productive, and happy teams   In this episode, we cover…
    • Designing your business with your Enneagram type in mind
    • The parts of the Enneagram you should pay attention to (besides just your type)
    • Improving communication and leadership by understanding your's and your team members' Enneagram types
    • How your type may influence your decision making
    • Leaning on your strengths to approach sales
    • Using the Enneagram as a tool for hiring and managing your team

      Quotes "There's so much great advice, it's just not every piece of advice is great for you. And so it really helps you get clear on what you need to focus on."   "Understanding your strengths, and also what you enjoy, and then applying it to 'Okay, how do I come across on a sales call?'"   "Growth is going to look different, and the Enneagram kind of shows us what growth looks like for different personalities."   Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode Laptop Lifestyle Co Links: Website Instagram Tik Tok YouTube Channel   Sarah's Links: Sarah's Website Sarah's Instagram Sarah's YouTube Channel Sarah's Overview For The 9 Types   Other Links Mentioned: Enneagram Test
    4 March 2024, 10:10 pm
  • 43 minutes 35 seconds
    [REPLAY] The 4 Buyer Types (And How to Sell to Them) with Natasha Zoryk
    This is a replay of a top downloaded and raved-about favorite episode from the past few years! This episode was chosen very intentionally as an episode that I know everyone needs to hear right now whether for the first or second time, so tune in and enjoy!   Successful high-ticket launches and booked-out services with waitlists are not luck or a fluke. A lot of things come into play when entrepreneurs see success in their business and sales. There are skills and strategies involved, and one of these highly effective strategies is psychology around sales and buyer types. Implementing marketing strategies that speak to all buyer types has been proven to benefit sales in your business.    Today's guest Natasha Zoryk is a business mentor who has scaled her business to achieve massive growth, reaching $200k + launches (without even posting on her IG Grid). Natasha has mastered the tactics of sales psychology and buyer types. In this episode, Natasha breaks down the different buyer types and explains the psychology of selling to each type effectively.    In this episode, we cover… • The four different buyer types • Where most people get stuck in the sales process • How to implement sales psychology  • Creating content to target each buyer type • How to sell high-ticket without posting every day   "A lot of people say, sell the way you would buy. I couldn't agree less with that. Because no, that's the issue, you sell the way you think people will buy, but you don't know them. The best thing about sales psych is its customization to the person. It's not about you; it's about them." "You have to be consistent in the beginning but test things out. Don't let anyone ever tell you, you have to do something and believe there is only one way. There are 1,000,001 ways to scale and be successful. I'm living proof, and you're living proof." Connect with Natasha Zoryk Instagram   Thanks for listening, and if you like what you’ve heard, feel free to share this episode with your friends! There are so many amazing women waiting to discover the Laptop Lifestyle, and I’d love you to help me spread the word.   Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode Laptop Lifestyle Co Links: Website Instagram Tik Tok YouTube Channel
    26 February 2024, 10:00 am
  • 34 minutes 51 seconds
    [REPLAY] How to Position your Business as the High-Level "Go-To" Brand in Your Niche
    This is a replay of a top downloaded and raved-about favorite episode from the past few years! This episode was chosen very intentionally as an episode that I know everyone needs to hear right now whether for the first or second time, so tune in and enjoy!   There are many go-to people in every nook and cranny of a specific type of market; there is probably at least one 'go-to' person that comes to mind in the niche or industry that is relevant to you. Today we're going to be talking about a whole different way of standing out and how to position yourself and position your business as a high-level, high-ticket, go-to brand in your industry.    In this episode, I will discuss a bunch of different strategies that, when combined, will impress people at every stage and build that unwavering 'go-to person' brand reputation.   In this episode, we cover… • Highlighting your authority & positioning yourself  • What a stand out factor is  • What makes a person a go-to person • Character traits to embody  • Personal brand & likeability  • Building a high-quality reputation    "There are many go-to people. Not everyone is a go-to person, right? There are many go-to people in every nook and cranny of a certain type of market that you have positioned yourself into and dominated. Still, I'm never going to compare a high-level luxury vibe designer to a designer that's known for like her playful template shop. And that's the corner of the market that she dominated. They can both be the go-to, but you have to decide intentionally how you're going to position yourself within the designer market, and then go and dominate that."   "No one is the go-to person that sits on the sidelines, and that sits on the bench, and that doesn't play, and that doesn't show up, right? The go-to person is visible. Everyone knows who they are. They're known for both their skill set and their execution in just this unmatched way that makes them, even when the competition knows about them.”   Thanks for listening, and if you like what you’ve heard, feel free to share this episode with your friends! There are so many amazing women waiting to discover the Laptop Lifestyle, and I’d love you to help me spread the word.    Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode Laptop Lifestyle Co Links: Website Instagram Tik Tok YouTube Channel
    19 February 2024, 10:00 am
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