The Village


In the early 1990s, as AIDS tightens its grip on major cities around the world, the relative safety of Montreal’s nightlife becomes a magnet for gay men. But when they start turning up dead in hotel rooms, beaten lifeless in city parks, and violently murdered in their own homes, the queer community has more to fear than the disease. While the city’s police force dithers over the presence of a serial killer, a group of queer activists starts making connections, and rises up to start a movement that would end up changing thousands of lives. Hosted by Francis Plourde. For the best in true crime from CBC, ad-free, visit

  • 35 minutes 44 seconds
    The Village Introduces: Resurrection — Episode 1: San Francisco, 1979

    Daryl Allen always wanted to be a playwright, but before his art found success, his life was cut short by HIV. Before he dies, he leaves one of his scripts with an ex-boyfriend, asking his ex to do something with the play. 25 years later, the script is given to Dane Stewart, a playwright living in Montreal, and he falls down the rabbit hole. Listen to the next episode of Resurrection on all podcast platforms, and learn how you can support Resurrection here:

    15 June 2023, 12:10 pm
  • 33 minutes 7 seconds
    S3 E7: Atonement
    Years of sustained pressure finally pay off as the policing culture shifts to include activists’ input into their investigations. For transcripts of this series, please visit:
    19 July 2022, 8:10 am
  • 35 minutes 25 seconds
    S3 E6: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
    When one of its priests is found murdered in Montreal, the Anglican Church has to publicly reckon with its sins. For transcripts of this series, please visit:
    12 July 2022, 8:10 am
  • 42 minutes 52 seconds
    S3 E5: Out With Them All
    Faced with a deadly disease, surrounded by death, AIDS activist Roger Leclerc resorts to controversial tactics to confront discrimination and violence against gays and lesbians. For transcripts of this series, please visit:
    5 July 2022, 8:10 am
  • 27 minutes 23 seconds
    S3 E4: A Murder is a Murder is a Murder
    A married man is murdered while on a business trip in Montreal. The case highlights the challenges of investigating the murders. Delayed investigations and unsolved cases are a dear price to pay when a serial killer may be on the loose. For transcripts of this series, please visit:
    28 June 2022, 8:10 am
  • 27 minutes 37 seconds
    S3 E3: Chicken Little
    Montreal, 1991 – Fearing a serial killer, activists decide to take matters into their own hands. For transcripts of this series, please visit:
    21 June 2022, 8:10 am
  • 38 minutes 1 second
    S3 E2: Sex Garage
    Scores of police remove their badges and slip on rubber gloves before beating and arresting queer partygoers in downtown Montreal. The violence escalates in the coming days, and many more are beaten and jailed. A stronger front emerges. For transcripts of this series, please visit:
    14 June 2022, 8:10 am
  • 44 minutes 52 seconds
    S3 E1: La Vie en Rose
    Joe Rose, a queer activist living with AIDS, is murdered in cold blood on a city bus. So public, so brutal – the city is shocked. The killing becomes a catalyst for ACT UP’s takeover of the 1989 Montreal AIDS conference. For transcripts of this series, please visit:
    7 June 2022, 12:40 pm
  • 2 minutes 42 seconds
    S3: Introducing: The Montreal Murders (Trailer)
    A sneak peek into season three. Montreal in the 90s was a great time, but it had a dark side. For many men, being in – or out – of the closet during the AIDS epidemic was the difference between life and death. Unsolved murders stack up. And in the absence of police protection, a community of activists are forced to take matters into their own hands.
    31 May 2022, 9:24 pm
  • 3 minutes 43 seconds
    S3 E0: Return to The Village
    Justin hands over the season to Francis at Parc de L’Espoir, the memorial to people who died from HIV/AIDS in Montreal’s gay village. We’re going back 30 years. The world was a different place. What we learned about how to live through a pandemic and how to solve a murder.
    31 May 2022, 4:10 am
  • 53 minutes 51 seconds
    S2 E5: Accountability and Apologies
    Justin discovers a shocking failure in the investigation into Alloura's death and poses tough questions to Toronto’s police chief. Trans activists honour Alloura and others who have inspired change, and who deserved better. Note: If you're in crisis or just looking for someone to talk to, try the Trans Lifeline’s Hotline — a peer support phone service run by trans people for trans and questioning folks: CAN (877) 330-6366 or US (877) 565-8860 For transcripts of this series, please visit:
    20 July 2021, 4:10 am
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