Wetootwaag's Podcast of Ojibwemowin


Giishpin Daa-agindaasoyan a'aw Gaawiin gidaabizindanzii.

  • 6 minutes 43 seconds
    Episode 16: Podcast Update Now with Season one Ojibwemowin Merch!
    Podcast Update Now with Season one Ojibwemowin Merch! If you want to pick up some season one merch you can find them here:https://www.bagpipeswag.com/wetootwaag  If you are reading this much after I post it you might have to hunt around to find the Ojibwemodaa merch. Here are links to the specific items:Unisex Shirt:https://www.bagpipeswag.com/product-page/gaawiin-zanagasinoon-ojibwemowin-short-sleeve-unisex-t-shirt Fitted Shirt:https://www.bagpipeswag.com/product-page/gaawiin-zanagasinoon-ojibwemowin-women-s-relaxed-t-shirt Gaawiin Zanagasinoon Ojibwemowin Mug:https://www.bagpipeswag.com/product-page/gaawiin-zanagasinoon-ojibwemowin-white-glossy-mug  You can download the entire Oshkaabewis issue here:https://www.bemidjistate.edu/airc/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2016/03/onj-vol8-num1.pdf https://www.bemidjistate.edu/airc/community-resources/journal/history-and-back-issues/  You can Look at the Original Jones’ Two Volume set here:(The first volume is Adizokaan) https://archive.org/details/ojibwatextsvolu00michgoog/page/n8/mode/2up  And Volume II:https://archive.org/details/ojibwatextscoll00unkngoog/page/n6/mode/2up  The Horned Sturgeon Story I read is here:https://archive.org/details/ojibwatextscoll00unkngoog/page/288/mode/2up  NAME WADAKANID GAA-ANISHINAABEWISIDOOD WILLIAM JONES GAA-AANIKE-AANJIBII’ANG JEREMY KINGSBURY* [1] Ningoding anishinaabeg gii-booziwag nandawaabamaawaad namewan; anitiin odayaanaawaan; mizhawagaam izhaawag. Mii dash inaabiwaad anaamiindim, ayaapii owaabamaawaan namewan, mii iw bazhiba’waawaad namewan. Ningoding bezhig anishinaabe madwe-giigido: “Oo, nashke gosha ezhinaagozid wa’aw name! Wadakani’ind igo moozoong ezhinaagozinid wadakani!” [2] Mii dash gakina gii-pi-izhaawaad jiimaanan ji-waabamaawaad ezhinaagozinid. “Geget wadakani!” ikidowag. “Mii sa manidooname!” [3] Mii dash zagaswaawaad, asemaan gaye gii-asaawaad nibiikaang. Gaa-ishkwaa-zagaswaawaad ingoji gii-ani-izhaawag. [4] Bezhig idash jiimaan miinawaa gii-izhaawag, miinawaa owaabamaawaan. Mii iw ezhi-odaapinang odanit, aw anishinaabe ogii-pazhiba’waan iniw namewan. [5] Apii dash mawaakibiiwinaad, mii iw waabamaad migiziwan agokenid imaa name oshtigwaaning. Mii dash gii-gichi-baapiwaad gakina anishinaabeg. THE HORNED STURGEON TRANSCRIBED BY WILLIAM JONESRETRANSCRIBED BY JEREMY KINGSBURY [1] Once upon a time, some people got in their canoes to look for sturgeon; they had spears; and they went out on the lake. When they looked down into the water, sometimes they saw a sturgeon. Then they speared the sturgeon. Once, one guy was heard saying: “Oo, look at how this sturgeon looks! He has horns like a moose, he has horns like him. [2] So they all came in their canoes to see how he looked. “It really does have horns!” they said. “So it’s a sacred sturgeon!” [3] So then they smoked, and put tobacco on the water. After they smoked they went their separate ways.[4] Then another canoe of people went out, and again they saw him. Then, taking his spear, the man speared the sturgeon. [5] After he brought it up from the water, he saw a bald eagle clinging to the sturgeon’s head. Then all the people had a big laugh.
    16 April 2022, 11:18 pm
  • 26 minutes 11 seconds
    Episode 15: S01 E15 Ten Conjugations Part 2
    S01 E15 Ten More Conjugations! Here is the Study Sheet with all the Conjugations in one place:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1512pHiMT_RGts-NCV8iqNDJfx0KYBZ-qhs09KVKfq8I/edit?usp=sharing  Refresher words:Gisinaa vii: It is coldAte vii: It is in a certain placeNoondaagwad vii it is heardGimiwan vii it is rainingAwanibiisaa vii It is SprinklingAgoode vii: It is hangingWaaseyaa: vii It is sunnyMichaa: vii It is big.Giizhiitaa: vii it is done, it is readyOnizhishin: vii it is niceWese’an: vii There is a tornadoNoodin: vii It is windyGashkawan: vii there is a thick fogBiinad: vii it is cleanNiiskaadad: vii there is bad weatherMinose: vii it goes well, it is good luckBaswewe: vii it echoesMinopogwad: vii it tastes goodGikendaagwad: vii it is knownMinomaagwad: vii It smells GoodAanakwad: vii it is cloudyZoogipo: vii it is snowingMizhakwad: vii the sky is clearAabawaa: vii it is warm weatherAabadad: vii it is usedMaajiitaamagad: vii it startsBangan: vii it is peaceful ,it is tranquilZanagad: vii it is difficultBadakide: vii it is planted, it is placed in the ground, it stands up from a surface.Jiiginaagwad: vii it looks goodWiinad: vii it is dirtyGiinaa: vii it is sharpAwibaa: vii the wind is calmAwan: vii it is foggyOnaagamisin: vii the water is clearBimisemagad: vii it fliesMiikawaadad: vii it is beautifulBabakaanitaagwad: vii it sounds differentOzaawashkwaabaminaagwad: vii it looks blueAyaamagad: vii it is (somewhere)Ondin: vii the wind comes from a certain placeInakamigad: vii it happens in a certain wayIzhiwebad: vii the weather is a certain condition, it happens in a certain wayBiite: vii it is foamyDibikate: vii It is dark (Inside) +X+X+ Ten Conjugations: Gaawiin daa-minopogwasinoonIt might not taste good Giishpin badakideg wii-waaseyaamagadIf it is planted it will be sunny. Awegonen gaa-padakideg?What was planted? Ho Wa Gaawiin MinomaagwasinooninCripes they do not smell good. Apegish dibikatesinok Agwajiing!Hopefully it isn’t dark outside. Aaniin ezhiwebak?What’s happening with the weather? Gii-piite na?Was it foamy? Apegish gimiwanzinok. Hopefully it isn’t raining. Onizhishin i’iw Mookomaan giinaamagak, biinak.The knife is pretty when it is sharp and clean. Miikawadad zaaga’igan waaseyaamagak, noodinzinok. Mino-Izhiwebak onaagamisin.The lake is beautiful when it is sunny, and not windy. When the weather is good the water is clear. +X+X+X+X+ Feel free to email me at [email protected]  Some Great Online Resources for Learning Minnesota Ojibwe:https://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu/  I highly recommend Wendy Makoons Genius’s Ojibwe classes at UW Eau Claire, which she makes available online to everyone:https://www.uwec.edu/academics/college-arts-sciences/departments-programs/languages/academic-offerings/online-ojibwe-language-program/  I’ll be reading from and referring back to the Oshkaabewis Native Journal Volume 4 No. 1. The article about VIIs begins on page 121. You can download a PDF here:https://www.bemidjistate.edu/airc/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2016/03/onj-vol4-num1.pdf  NOTE THAT THAT THE ZOOM MEETING HAS CHANGED!To attend the Language table: The White Earth Tribal and Community College Ojibwe Language Table meets every Tuesday starting around 7 and ending between 8 and 9. Zoom Meeting ID: 792 918 4656Password: 749886 
    6 March 2022, 11:00 pm
  • 11 minutes 56 seconds
    Episode 14: S01 E14 Ten Conjugations Part 1
    S01 E14 Ten Conjugations Part 1! Here is the Study Sheet with all the Conjugations in one place:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1512pHiMT_RGts-NCV8iqNDJfx0KYBZ-qhs09KVKfq8I/edit?usp=sharing  Gaawiin OnizhishinzinoonIt isn’t pretty.   Apegish Minogiizhigak WaabangHopefully it is a nice day Tomorrow. Gisinaamagad ina?Is it cold? Giishpin waaseyaamagak gaawiin daa-zoogiponzinoonIf it is sunny it should not snow. Aaniindi waa-nooding waabang?Where will it be windy tomorrow? Gii-kimiwan ina?Did it rain? Gii-Onizhishinoon They were Pretty. Gaawiin zanagasinoonIt isn’t difficult. Gii-majiitaamagad ina?Did it start? Ho Wa, minomaagwadoon, apegish minopogwak.Holy cow they smell nice, hopefully they taste nice. Feel free to email me at [email protected]  Some Great Online Resources for Learning Minnesota Ojibwe:https://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu/  I highly recommend Wendy Makoons Genius’s Ojibwe classes at UW Eau Claire, which she makes available online to everyone:https://www.uwec.edu/academics/college-arts-sciences/departments-programs/languages/academic-offerings/online-ojibwe-language-program/  I’ll be reading from and referring back to the Oshkaabewis Native Journal Volume 4 No. 1. The article about VIIs begins on page 121. You can download a PDF here:https://www.bemidjistate.edu/airc/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2016/03/onj-vol4-num1.pdf  NOTE THAT THAT THE ZOOM MEETING HAS CHANGED!To attend the Language table: The White Earth Tribal and Community College Ojibwe Language Table meets every Tuesday starting around 7 and ending between 8 and 9. Zoom Meeting ID: 792 918 4656Password: 749886 
    28 February 2022, 11:00 pm
  • 28 minutes 51 seconds
    Episode 13: S01 E13 VII Conclusion
    S01 E13 VII Conclusion Here is the Study Sheet with all the Conjugations in one place:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1512pHiMT_RGts-NCV8iqNDJfx0KYBZ-qhs09KVKfq8I/edit?usp=sharing  Refresher words:Gisinaa vii: It is coldAte vii: It is in a certain placeNoondaagwad vii it is heardGimiwan vii it is rainingAwanibiisaa vii It is SprinklingAgoode vii: It is hangingWaaseyaa: vii It is sunnyMichaa: vii It is big.Giizhiitaa: vii it is done, it is readyOnizhishin: vii it is niceWese’an: vii There is a tornadoNoodin: vii It is windyGashkawan: vii there is a thick fogBiinad: vii it is cleanNiiskaadad: vii there is bad weatherMinose: vii it goes well, it is good luckBaswewe: vii it echoesMinopogwad: vii it tastes goodGikendaagwad: vii it is knownMinomaagwad: vii It smells GoodAanakwad: vii it is cloudyZoogipo: vii it is snowingMizhakwad: vii the sky is clearAabawaa: vii it is warm weatherAabadad: vii it is usedMaajiitaamagad: vii it startsBangan: vii it is peaceful ,it is tranquilZanagad: vii it is difficultBadakide: vii it is planted, it is placed in the ground, it stands up from a surface.Jiiginaagwad: vii it looks goodWiinad: vii it is dirtyGiinaa: vii it is sharpAwibaa: vii the wind is calmAwan: vii it is foggyOnaagamisin: vii the water is clearBimisemagad: vii it fliesMiikawaadad: vii it is beautifulBabakaanitaagwad: vii it sounds differentOzaawashkwaabaminaagwad: vii it looks blueAyaamagad: vii it is (somewhere)Ondin: vii the wind comes from a certain placeInakamigad: vii it happens in a certain wayIzhiwebad: vii the weather is a certain condition, it happens in a certain wayBiite: vii it is foamyDibikate: vii It is dark (Inside) Quiz:Dialogue: Aaniin ekidong It is Cold Zhaaganashiimowin? GisinaamagadAaniin ekidong What is happening? Ojibwemowin? Aaniin enakagmigakAaniin ekidong Gaawiin gii-soogiponzinoon bijiinaago Zhaaganashiimowin? It did not snow yesterdayAaniin ekidong It is a difficult Ojibwemowin? zanagadAaniin ekidong Apegish gimiwanzinok Zhaaganashiimowin? Hopefully it isn’t rainingAaniin ekidong will there be tornadoes tomorrow? Ojibwemowin? Wii-wese’anoon ina waabang? Feel free to email me at [email protected]  Some Great Online Resources for Learning Minnesota Ojibwe:https://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu/  I highly recommend Wendy Makoons Genius’s Ojibwe classes at UW Eau Claire, which she makes available online to everyone:https://www.uwec.edu/academics/college-arts-sciences/departments-programs/languages/academic-offerings/online-ojibwe-language-program/  I’ll be reading from and referring back to the Oshkaabewis Native Journal Volume 4 No. 1. The article about VIIs begins on page 121. You can download a PDF here:https://www.bemidjistate.edu/airc/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2016/03/onj-vol4-num1.pdf  NOTE THAT THAT THE ZOOM MEETING HAS CHANGED!To attend the Language table: The White Earth Tribal and Community College Ojibwe Language Table meets every Tuesday starting around 7 and ending between 8 and 9. Zoom Meeting ID: 792 918 4656Password: 749886 
    21 February 2022, 11:00 pm
  • 35 minutes 31 seconds
    Episode 12: S01 E12 C Form, Participle, What where When How
    S01 E12 C Form, Participle, What where When HowParticiple Formation is B:Form Conjugation and Initial vowel change, we call this C: FormSo: Bimisemagad: vii it is flying turns into Bemisemagak that which flies.To pluralize it, add -in to the ending so:Bemisemagakin: Planes  Question Words Aaniin: what is it?/ How is it?Aaniindi: Where is it?Aaniish apii: When is it?Awegonen: What is it? Initial Vowel Change:A —> EAA —>AYAAE —> AYEI —> EII —>AAO —> WEOO —> WAA Refresher words:Gisinaa vii: It is coldAte vii: It is in a certain placeNoondaagwad vii it is heardGimiwan vii it is rainingAwanibiisaa vii It is SprinklingAgoode vii: It is hangingWaaseyaa: vii It is sunnyMichaa: vii It is big.Giizhiitaa: vii it is done, it is readyOnizhishin: vii it is niceWese’an: vii There is a tornadoNoodin: vii It is windyGashkawan: vii there is a thick fogBiinad: vii it is cleanNiiskaadad: vii there is bad weatherMinose: vii it goes well, it is good luckBaswewe: vii it echoesMinopogwad: vii it tastes goodGikendaagwad: vii it is knownMinomaagwad: vii It smells GoodAanakwad: vii it is cloudyZoogipo: vii it is snowingMizhakwad: vii the sky is clearAabawaa: vii it is warm weatherAabadad: vii it is usedMaajiitaamagad: vii it startsBangan: vii it is peaceful ,it is tranquilZanagad: vii it is difficultBadakide: vii it is planted, it is placed in the ground, it stands up from a surface.Jiiginaagwad: vii it looks goodWiinad: vii it is dirtyGiinaa: vii it is sharpAwibaa: vii the wind is calmAwan: vii it is foggyOnaagamisin: vii the water is clearNew Words This week:Bimisemagad: vii it fliesMiikawaadad: vii it is beautifulBabakaanitaagwad: vii it sounds differentOzaawashkwaabaminaagwad: vii it looks blueAyaamagad: vii it is (somewhere)Ondin: vii the wind comes from a certain placeInakamigad: vii it happens in a certain wayIzhiwebad: vii the weather is a certain condition, it happens in a certain way Quiz:Dialogue: Aaniin ekidong Aaniin enakagmigak Zhaaganashiimowin? What is happening?Aaniin ekidong was it windy yesterday Ojibwemowin? Gii-noodin ina bijiinaagoAaniin ekidong Aaniindi gaa-soogipong Zhaaganashiimowin? Where did it snow?Aaniin ekidong It is a difficult object Ojibwemowin? zenagakAaniin ekidong Apegish awanzinok Zhaaganashiimowin? Hopefully it isn’t foggyAaniin ekidong When will it rain Ojibwemowin? Aaniish apii gemiwang Feel free to email me at [email protected]  Some Great Online Resources for Learning Minnesota Ojibwe:https://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu/  I highly recommend Wendy Makoons Genius’s Ojibwe classes at UW Eau Claire, which she makes available online to everyone:https://www.uwec.edu/academics/college-arts-sciences/departments-programs/languages/academic-offerings/online-ojibwe-language-program/  I’ll be reading from and referring back to the Oshkaabewis Native Journal Volume 4 No. 1. The article about VIIs begins on page 121. You can download a PDF here:https://www.bemidjistate.edu/airc/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2016/03/onj-vol4-num1.pdf  NOTE THAT THAT THE ZOOM MEETING HAS CHANGED!To attend the Language table: The White Earth Tribal and Community College Ojibwe Language Table meets every Tuesday starting around 7 and ending between 8 and 9. Zoom Meeting ID: 792 918 4656Password: 749886 
    14 February 2022, 11:00 pm
  • 23 minutes 12 seconds
    Episode 11: S01 E11 B-Form Introducers
    S01 E11 B-Form Introducers and 5 W QuestionsRefresher words:Gisinaa vii: It is coldAte vii: It is in a certain placeNoondaagwad vii it is heardGimiwan vii it is rainingAwanibiisaa vii It is SprinklingAgoode vii: It is hangingWaaseyaa: vii It is sunnyMichaa: vii It is big.Giizhiitaa: vii it is done, it is readyOnizhishin: vii it is niceWese’an: vii There is a tornadoNoodin: vii It is windyGashkawan: vii there is a thick fogBiinad: vii it is cleanNiiskaadad: vii there is bad weatherMinose: vii it goes well, it is good luckBaswewe: vii it echoesMinopogwad: vii it tastes goodGikendaagwad: vii it is knownMinomaagwad: vii It smells GoodAanakwad: vii it is cloudyZoogipo: vii it is snowingMizhakwad: vii the sky is clearAabawaa: vii it is warm weatherAabadad: vii it is usedMaajiitaamagad: vii it startsBangan: vii it is peaceful ,it is tranquilZanagad: vii it is difficultBadakide: vii it is planted, it is placed in the ground, it stands up from a surface.Jiiginaagwad: vii it looks goodWiinad: vii it is dirtyGiinaa: vii it is sharpAwibaa: vii the wind is calmAwan: vii it is foggy Onaagamisin: vii the water is clear B-Form Introducers:Giishipn: adv gram IfAmpegish/Apegish: adv pred  hopefully/ I hopeJi: pv tns in order to, that, so thatJibwaa: pv tns beforeIskwaa: pv lex afterMii: adv pred  it is thus that…, it is that,  Quiz:Dialogue: Aaniin ekidong Giishpin gimiwanzinok izhaadaa Zhaaganashiimowin? If it is not raining let’s goAaniin ekidong hopefully it is not snowing Ojibwemowin? Apegish zoogiponzinokAaniin ekidong niiskaadad Wese’ang Zhaaganashiimowin? It is nasty weather when it tornadoes.Aaniin ekidong When it is cold, it could snow Ojibwemowin? Giisinaamagak daa-zoogiponAaniin ekidong Waaseyaamagad Zhaaganashiimowin? It is sunnyAaniin ekidong I hope it is a nice day Ojibwemowin? Apegish mino-giizhigak Feel free to email me at [email protected]  Some Great Online Resources for Learning Minnesota Ojibwe:https://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu/  I highly recommend Wendy Makoons Genius’s Ojibwe classes at UW Eau Claire, which she makes available online to everyone:https://www.uwec.edu/academics/college-arts-sciences/departments-programs/languages/academic-offerings/online-ojibwe-language-program/  I’ll be reading from and referring back to the Oshkaabewis Native Journal Volume 4 No. 1. The article about VIIs begins on page 121. You can download a PDF here:https://www.bemidjistate.edu/airc/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2016/03/onj-vol4-num1.pdf  NOTE THAT THAT THE ZOOM MEETING HAS CHANGED!To attend the Language table: The White Earth Tribal and Community College Ojibwe Language Table meets every Tuesday starting around 7 and ending between 8 and 9. Zoom Meeting ID: 792 918 4656Password: 749886 
    7 February 2022, 11:00 pm
  • 14 minutes 6 seconds
    Episode 10: S01 E10 B-Form Negation -sinok -zinok
    S01 E10 B-Form Negation -sinok -zinok In B form you don’t use a Gaawiin for negation, it is just built into the conjugation. There are slight differences between the 3 verb endings, but as usual their is a recognizable pattern:VII with Vowel Ending: Add sinok to endingAgoode: Agoode + sinok Agoodesinok: When they aren’t hanging…VII with D Ending: -d add sinok to endingNoondaagwad: Noondaagwa-d + sinok: Noondaagwasinok: When it isn’t heard…VII with an N Ending: add zinok to endingNoodin: Noodin+zinok Noodinzinok: When it isn’t windy…  Refresher words:Gisinaa vii: It is coldAte vii: It is in a certain placeNoondaagwad vii it is heardGimiwan vii it is rainingAwanibiisaa vii It is SprinklingAgoode vii: It is hangingWaaseyaa: vii It is sunnyMichaa: vii It is big.Giizhiitaa: vii it is done, it is readyOnizhishin: vii it is niceWese’an: vii There is a tornadoNoodin: vii It is windyGashkawan: vii there is a thick fogBiinad: vii it is cleanNiiskaadad: vii there is bad weatherMinose: vii it goes well, it is good luckBaswewe: vii it echoesMinopogwad: vii it tastes goodGikendaagwad: vii it is knownMinomaagwad: vii It smells GoodAanakwad: vii it is cloudyZoogipo: vii it is snowingMizhakwad: vii the sky is clearAabawaa: vii it is warm weatherAabadad: vii it is usedMaajiitaamagad: vii it startsBangan: vii it is peaceful ,it is tranquilZanagad: vii it is difficultBadakide: vii it is planted, it is placed in the ground, it stands up from a surface. New Words This week: Jiiginaagwad: vii it looks goodWiinad: vii it is dirtyGiinaa: vii it is sharpAwibaa: vii the wind is calmAwan: vii it is foggyOnaagamisin: vii the water is clear Quiz:Dialogue: Aaniin ekidong Giishpin gimiwanzinok da-onaagamisin Zhaaganashiimowin? If it isn’t raining the water shall be clear. Aaniin ekidong It is not warm when it is foggy Ojibwemowin? Gaawiin aabawaasinoon awangAaniin ekidong Giinaamagak jiiginaagwad Zhaaganashiimowin? When it is sharp it looks good.Aaniin ekidong will they be finished If the wind isn’t calm Ojibwemowin? Wii-Kiizhitaawan ina Giishpin awibaasinok? Aaniin ekidong Gii-sogipo na Zhaaganashiimowin? Did it snow?Aaniin ekidong If they are dirty they should not be used Ojibwemowin? Giishpin biinak gaawiin daa-aabadasinoonin. Feel free to email me at [email protected]  Some Great Online Resources for Learning Minnesota Ojibwe:https://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu/  I highly recommend Wendy Makoons Genius’s Ojibwe classes at UW Eau Claire, which she makes available online to everyone:https://www.uwec.edu/academics/college-arts-sciences/departments-programs/languages/academic-offerings/online-ojibwe-language-program/  I’ll be reading from and referring back to the Oshkaabewis Native Journal Volume 4 No. 1. The article about VIIs begins on page 121. You can download a PDF here:https://www.bemidjistate.edu/airc/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2016/03/onj-vol4-num1.pdf  NOTE THAT THAT THE ZOOM MEETING HAS CHANGED!To attend the Language table: The White Earth Tribal and Community College Ojibwe Language Table meets every Tuesday starting around 7 and ending between 8 and 9. Zoom Meeting ID: 792 918 4656Password: 749886 
    31 January 2022, 11:00 pm
  • 17 minutes 44 seconds
    Episode 9: S01 E09 B-Form Singular and Plural
    S01 E09 B-Form Singular and PluralB-form or Dependent form (also known as Conjunct) is a useful way in Ojibwe to make more complex ideas, where one word in your sentence is dependent on something else to make a complete thought. This is achieved in VII’s by either getting rid of the d at the end of the verb, or adding a g. Note that this is the same for singular and plural.So: Aabadad: Aabadad+k Aabadak: When/as it is used… Zoogipon: Zoogipon+g Zoogipong: When it is snowing…Gisinaa: Gisinaa+g Gisinaag: When it is cold… Refresher words:Gisinaa vii: It is coldAte vii: It is in a certain placeNoondaagwad vii it is heardGimiwan vii it is rainingAwanibiisaa vii It is SprinklingAgoode vii: It is hangingWaaseyaa: vii It is sunnyMichaa: vii It is big.Giizhiitaa: vii it is done, it is readyOnizhishin: vii it is niceWese’an: vii There is a tornadoNoodin: vii It is windyGashkawan: vii there is a thick fogBiinad: vii it is cleanNiiskaadad: vii there is bad weatherMinose: vii it goes well, it is good luckBaswewe: vii it echoesMinopogwad: vii it tastes goodGikendaagwad: vii it is knownMinomaagwad: vii It smells GoodAanakwad: vii it is cloudyZoogipo: vii it is snowingMizhakwad: vii the sky is clearAabawaa: vii it is warm weather New Words this week:Aabadad: vii it is usedMaajiitaamagad: vii it startsBangan: vii it is peaceful ,it is tranquilZanagad: vii it is difficultBadakide: vii it is planted, it is placed in the ground, it stands up from a surface. Quiz: Aaniin ekidong Gisinaag daa-zoogipo Zhaaganashiimowin? When it is cold it could snowAaniin ekidong Did it start Ojibwemowin? Gii-Majittaamagad ina?Aaniin ekidong Wii-aabadaad ina Oijbwemowin Zhaaganashiimowin? Will the Ojibwe Language be used?Aaniin ekidong The Ojibwe language is not difficult Ojibwemowin? Gaawiin zanagasinoon Ojibwemowin.Aaniin ekidong Zoogipong miinawaa gimiwang Niiskaadad Zhaaganashiimowin? When it snows and rains it is bad weather.Aaniin ekidong When it is sunny it is warm Ojibwemowin? Waaseyaamagak aabawaa Feel free to email me at [email protected]  Some Great Online Resources for Learning Minnesota Ojibwe:https://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu/  I highly recommend Wendy Makoons Genius’s Ojibwe classes at UW Eau Claire, which she makes available online to everyone:https://www.uwec.edu/academics/college-arts-sciences/departments-programs/languages/academic-offerings/online-ojibwe-language-program/  I’ll be reading from and referring back to the Oshkaabewis Native Journal Volume 4 No. 1. The article about VIIs begins on page 121. You can download a PDF here:https://www.bemidjistate.edu/airc/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2016/03/onj-vol4-num1.pdf  NOTE THAT THAT THE ZOOM MEETING HAS CHANGED!To attend the Language table: The White Earth Tribal and Community College Ojibwe Language Table meets every Tuesday starting around 7 and ending between 8 and 9. Zoom Meeting ID: 792 918 4656Password: 749886 
    24 January 2022, 11:00 pm
  • 16 minutes 25 seconds
    Episode 8: S01 E08 VII A- Form Conjugation Review
    S01 E08 A- Form Conjugation refresher Here is a link to a google doc I have made for the class so far that you can download and open on your own:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XS4qAEe9A-nKgUyi74q_FSu6zckXtvZY9exnEnG025w/edit?usp=sharing  For quick reference to all these Conjugations I have always found the Table at the Back of the Articles of Oshkaabewis Native journal to be helpful.I make one for myself omitting an example word, and just having the conjugation components. For you though, especially as you are learning you may find the example word as very important to your learning process. This table doesn't translate well to the show notes, you can download from the google doc on the notes above: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XS4qAEe9A-nKgUyi74q_FSu6zckXtvZY9exnEnG025w/edit?usp=sharing | VII Ending with a Vowel  | VII Ending with a D | VII Ending with an N A Form Singular | VII | VII | VII A Form Plural | VII + Wan | VII +oon | VII + oon A Form Negative Singular | Gaawiin VII+Sinoon | Gaawiin VII-d+Sinoon | Gaawiin VII+zinoon A Form Negative Plural | Gaawiin VII+sinoonin | Gaawiin VII-d+sinoonin | Gaawiin VII+zinoonin Remember you can use Any Tense prefixes with all of these conjugationsGii-   Past tense (triggers Initial Consonant Change) Gii-kisinaamagad (It was cold)Wii- will/want to future tense (triggers Initial Consonant Change) Wii-kimiwan (It will rain)Daa- Should would Could Future tence. Daa-waaseyaa (It should be sunny)Da- Shall future tense. Da-giizhiitaa (It shall be finished). Gii- and Wii- both cause Initial consonant change. Some consonants are hardened up: Unchanged | -->  | changed b | —>  | p d | —> | t g | —> | k j | —> | ch z | —> | s B→P so: Gii-piinad from Biinad: vii it is clean to It was clean.D→T so: Wii-tazhishin from dazhishin: vii it is in a certain place to it will be in a certain placeG→K so: Wii-kikendaagwad  From Gikendaagwad (it is known) to It will be known.J→ Ch so: Gii-chaagide from jaagide: vii It is burned up. Into Wit was burned up.Z→S So: Gii-sogipo from Zoogipo: vii it is snowing to it snowed. Also with any of these conjugations adding na, or ina as the second word of your sentence makes it a yes or no questions.So: Gaawiin ina gii-kimiwanzinoon bijiinaago? Didn’t it rain yesterday? VIIs this episode: Refresher words:Gisinaa vii: It is coldAte vii: It is in a certain placeNoondaagwad vii it is heardGimiwan vii it is rainingAwanibiisaa vii It is SprinklingAgoode vii: It is hangingWaaseyaa: vii It is sunnyMichaa: vii It is big.Giizhiitaa: vii it is done, it is readyOnizhishin: vii it is niceWese’an: vii There is a tornadoNoodin: vii It is windyGashkawan: vii there is a thick fogBiinad: vii it is cleanNiiskaadad: vii there is bad weatherMinose: vii it goes well, it is good luckBaswewe: vii it echoesMinopogwad: vii it tastes goodGikendaagwad: vii it is knownMinomaagwad: vii It smells GoodAanakwad: vii it is cloudyZoogipo: vii it is snowingMizhakwad: vii the sky is clearAabawaa: vii it is warm weather Feel free to email me at [email protected]  Some Great Online Resources for Learning Minnesota Ojibwe:https://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu/  I highly recommend Wendy Makoons Genius’s Ojibwe classes at UW Eau Claire, which she makes available online to everyone:https://www.uwec.edu/academics/college-arts-sciences/departments-programs/languages/academic-offerings/online-ojibwe-language-program/  I’ll be reading from and referring back to the Oshkaabewis Native Journal Volume 4 No. 1. The article about VIIs begins on page 121. You can download a PDF here:https://www.bemidjistate.edu/airc/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2016/03/onj-vol4-num1.pdf  To attend the Language table: The White Earth Tribal and Community College Ojibwe Language Table meets every Tuesday and Thursday starting around 7 and ending between 8 and 9. Zoom Meeting ID: 945 8146 7003Password: 749886 
    19 January 2022, 11:00 pm
  • 29 minutes 48 seconds
    Episode 7: S01 E07 Tenses Gii, Wii, Da, Daa
    S01 E07 Tenses Gii, Wii, Da, DaaTo change the time an event takes place with VIIs (and all other verb groups) add prefixes to the verb. Gii-, Wii-, da-, daa-. Gii- is the past tense prefix. Ate (it is in a certain place) becomes Gii-ate (It was in a certain place) Wii- is the desiritive future tense, translated as will or want to, so:Waaseyaamagad (it is sunny) becomes Wii-waaseyaamagad (it will be sunny) Da- is the future tense marker in the even is certain to happen so:Gisinaamagad (it is cold) becomes Da-gisinaamagad (it shall be cold)Daa- is the tense marker for future things that could would or should happen so:Gimiwan (it is raining) becomes Daa-gimiwan (It could rain). Initial Consonant Change Chart from Gii- and Wii- b | —>  | p d | —> | t g | —> | k j | —> | ch z | —> | s B→P so: Gii-piinad from Biinad: vii it is clean to It was clean.D→T so: Wii-tazhishin from dazhishin: vii it is in a certain place to it will be in a certain placeG→K so: Wii-kikendaagwad  From Gikendaagwad (it is known) to It will be known.J→ Ch so: Gii-chaagide from jaagide: vii It is burned up. Into Wit was burned up.Z→S So: Gii-sogipo from Zoogipo: vii it is snowing to it snowed. VIIs this episode: Refresher words:Gisinaa vii: It is coldAte vii: It is in a certain placeNoondaagwad vii it is heardGimiwan vii it is rainingAwanibiisaa vii It is SprinklingAgoode vii: It is hangingWaaseyaa: vii It is sunnyMichaa: vii It is big.Giizhiitaa: vii it is done, it is readyOnzhishin: vii it is niceWese’an: vii There is a tornadoNoodin: vii It is windyGashkawan: vii there is a thick fogBiinad: vii it is cleanNiiskaadad: vii there is bad weatherMinose: vii it goes well, it is good luckBaswewe: vii it echoesMinopogwad: vii it tastes goodGikendaagwad: vii it is knownMinomaagwad: vii It smells GoodAanakwad: vii it is cloudy New Words this week: Zoogipo: vii it is snowingMizhawkad: vii the sky is clearAabawaa: vii it is warm weather Examples in the text:Da-zoogipo waabang. It shall snow tomorrow.Wii-mizhakwad awaswaabang. It will be clear the day after tomorrow.Gaawiin gii-aabawaasinoon bijiinaago. It wasn’t wasn’t warm yesterday. Additional Example: Daa-gimiwan waabang. It could rain tomorrow. Quiz: Conversations: Q: Gii-aabawaa ina noongom?A: Eya, gii-aabawaa noongom/ eya, gii-aabawaamagad noongom. (yes it was warm today)A: Gaawiin gii-aabawaasinoon noongom/ Gaawiin gii-aabawaamagasinoon noongom. (No it was not warm today. Q: Daa-gimiwan ina waabang? (Could it rain tomorrow?)A: Eya, daa-gimiwan waabang. (yes it could rain tomorrow)A: eya, da-gimiwan waabang. (yes it shall rain tomorrow)A: Gaawiin da-gimiwanzinoon waabang, da-zoogipon! (no it shall not rain tomorrow, it shall snow) Q: Wii-kiizhiitaamagad ina waabang enokiiyan? Will it be finished tomorrow the thing you are working on?A: Eya, wii-kiizhiitaamagad waabang! (Yes it will be finished tomorrow)A: Gaawiin wii-kiizhiitaamagasinoon waabang. (no it will not be finished tomorrow) Aaniin ekidong Daa-gimiwan waabang Zhaaganashiimowin? (It could rain Tomorrow)Aaniin ekidong It shall rain tomorrow Ojibwemowin? (da-gimiwan waabang)Aaniin ekidong Gii-kimiwan bijiinaago Zhaaganashiimowin? (it did rain yesterday)Aaniin ekidong It will rain tomorrow Ojibwemowin? (Wii-kimiwan waabang)Aaniin ekidong Gii-piinadoon ina bijiinaago Zhaaganashiimowin? (were they clean yesterday?)Aaniin ekidong They were not hanging yesterday Ojibwemowin? (Gaawiin gii-agoodesinoonin bijiinaago) Aaniin ekidong Zhaaganashiimowin?Aaniin ekidong Ojibwemowin?If you want to get in touch withAaniin ekidong Eya’ Zhaaganashiimowin?Aaniin ekidong Ojibwemowin?Aaniin ekidong Zhaaganashiimowin?Aaniin ekidong Ojibwemowin? Feel free to email me at [email protected]  Some Great Online Resources for Learning Minnesota Ojibwe:https://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu/  I highly recommend Wendy Makoons Genius’s Ojibwe classes at UW Eau Claire, which she makes available online to everyone:https://www.uwec.edu/academics/college-arts-sciences/departments-programs/languages/academic-offerings/online-ojibwe-language-program/  I’ll be reading from and referring back to the Oshkaabewis Native Journal Volume 4 No. 1. The article about VIIs begins on page 121. You can download a PDF here:https://www.bemidjistate.edu/airc/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2016/03/onj-vol4-num1.pdf  To attend the Language table: The White Earth Tribal and Community College Ojibwe Language Table meets every Tuesday and Thursday starting around 7 and ending between 8 and 9. Zoom Meeting ID: 945 8146 7003Password: 749886
    17 January 2022, 11:00 pm
  • 17 minutes 47 seconds
    Episode 6: S01 E06 Yes or No Questions Na Ina
    S01 E06 Yes or No Questions Na Ina To make a yes or no question add na or ina as the second word in your sentence. I tend to use ina if the proceeding word ended in a consonant, and na if it ended in a vowel, but you don’t have to worry about that. Some speakers only ever say na, and some always say ina. So: Gimiwan ina? Is it raining?Noodin ina? Is it windy?Waaseayaa na? Is it sunny?You can respond with Eya’ or enh to say yes, and Gaawiin (followed by our conjugations for negative statements). VIIs this episode: Refresher words:Gisinaa vii: It is coldAte vii: It is in a certain placeNoondaagwad vii it is heardGimiwan vii it is rainingAwanibiisaa vii It is SprinklingAgoode vii: It is hangingWaaseyaa: vii It is sunnyMichaa: vii It is big.Giizhiitaa: vii it is done, it is readyOnzhishin: vii it is niceWese’an: vii There is a tornadoNoodin: vii It is windyGashkawan: vii there is a thick fogBiinad: vii it is cleanNiiskaadad: vii there is bad weatherMinose: vii it goes well, it is good luckBaswewe: vii it echoesMinopogwad: vii it tastes goodGikendaagwad: vii it is known New words this week:Minomaagwad: vii It smells GoodAanakwad: vii it is cloudy Examples:Minomaagwad ina i’iw miijim? Does that food smell good? Enh. Minomaagwad o’ow miijim. Yes. this food smells good. Gaawiin ina aanakwasinoon imaa? Isn’t it cloudy there? Conversation:Question: Aanakwad ina? (Is it cloudy?)Answer: Eya’ Anakwad agwajiing. (Yes it is cloudy out.)Answer: Gaawiin Anakwasinoon agwajiing. (No it is not cloudy out) Question: Onizhishinoon ina gibiizikiganan? (Are your clothes pretty?)Answer: Eya’ onizhishinoon nibiizikiganan. (Yes, my clothes are pretty)Answer: Gaawiin onizhishinzinoonin nibiizikiganan. (No, My clothes are not pretty.) Quiz:Aaniin ekidong it is not raining outside Ojibwemowin? Gaawiin gimiwanzinoon agwajiingAaniin ekidong Gaawiin ina waaseyaamagasinoon Zhaaganashiimowin? Is it not sunny out?Aaniin ekidong they are clean Ojibwemowin? BiinadoonAaniin ekidong Gaawiin gikendaagwasinoonin Zhaaganashiimowin? They are not known.Aaniin ekidong is it a thick fog outside Ojibwemowin? Gashkawan ina agwajiing?Aaniin ekidong Minomaagwad ina Zhaaganashiimowin? Does it smell good?Aaniin ekidong Are there tornadoes in Bemidji Ojibwemowin? Wese’anoon ina bimijigamaag? Aaniin ekidong Eya’ Zhaaganashiimowin?Aaniin ekidong Ojibwemowin?Aaniin ekidong Zhaaganashiimowin? If you want to get in touch with me feel free to email me at [email protected]  Some Great Online Resources for Learning Minnesota Ojibwe:https://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu/  I highly recommend Wendy Makoons Genius’s Ojibwe classes at UW Eau Claire, which she makes available online to everyone:https://www.uwec.edu/academics/college-arts-sciences/departments-programs/languages/academic-offerings/online-ojibwe-language-program/  I’ll be reading from and referring back to the Oshkaabewis Native Journal Volume 4 No. 1. The article about VIIs begins on page 121. You can download a PDF here:https://www.bemidjistate.edu/airc/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2016/03/onj-vol4-num1.pdf  To attend the Language table: The White Earth Tribal and Community College Ojibwe Language Table meets every Tuesday and Thursday starting around 7 and ending between 8 and 9. Zoom Meeting ID: 945 8146 7003Password: 749886
    10 January 2022, 11:00 pm
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