Forgive the Wait

Kim and Nikki Kim and Nikki

Sexual Abuse: Two survivors set out to debunk the minsconceptions of sexual abuse.

  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Episode 002: Why Abuse Isn't Reported
    Welcome to our second offical episode! We're happy to be back and podcasting again. In this episode we discuss why abuse isn't reported. It's broken down into two sections. The first part talks about children and the second discusses adults. We also do some comparisons between children and adults, finding the similarities about why they don't report the abuse. Also touched on are ways to notice the abuse and instructions on how to change the societal cycle of "turning the blind eye" and "victim blaming." The song played in this show is called "It Angers Me So" by Finniston. You can hear more music by Finniston here: Please leave your feedback at any of the following locations: website: email: [email protected] voicemail: 206-350-8598
    4 July 2006, 5:13 pm
  • 1 minute 39 seconds
    Episode 001.5: The Hosts and What They've Lost
    Hello everyone. We're so sorry that we haven't gotten our next episode out yet. Unfortunately, I lost my aunt last week and I wasn't exactly in the frame of mind to do any recording. This week, Nikki has lost her voice. Although she's feeling pretty good, she sounds like a teenage boy going through puberty. It's actually quite amusing. It looks like we'll be delaying our recording session until she gets her voice back, hopefully by this weekend. We're still here so keep checking back for the next REAL update. Thank you all for listening and for your support. -Kim Please leave your feedback/comments at any of the following locations: website: email: [email protected] voicemail: 206-350-8598
    27 June 2006, 1:17 am
  • 28 minutes 32 seconds
    Episode 001: An Introduction and the Weight of Abuse
    Welcome to the first official podcast of Forgive the Wait. Your two hosts for this show are Kim and Nikki. Both are survivors of childhood abuse and strive to educate the public about the misconceptions surrounding such a taboo subject. In this podcast we give you an overview of each of the hosts, talk a bit about the common definitions of different types of abuse as well as discuss the weight and effects of abuse on individuals. This podcast is definitely the introduction for things to come. Please leave your feedback at any of the following locations: website: email: [email protected] voicemail: 206-350-8598
    12 June 2006, 5:34 am
  • 28 minutes 32 seconds
    Episode 001: An Introduction and the Weight of Abuse
    Welcome to the first official podcast of Forgive the Wait. Your two hosts for this show are Kim and Nikki. Both are survivors of childhood abuse and strive to educate the public about the misconceptions surrounding such a taboo subject. In this podcast we give you an overview of each of the hosts, talk a bit about the common definitions of different types of abuse as well as discuss the weight and effects of abuse on individuals. This podcast is definitely the introduction for things to come. Please leave your feedback at any of the following locations: website: email: [email protected] voicemail: 206-350-8598
    12 June 2006, 5:34 am
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