A meta comedy audio series following supervillain Dr. Epicopolis, the self-proclaimed ‘genius of all evil’ who plots to destroy Earth’s superheroes with his loyal but terribly mistreated slog, 1102.
In the season two finale entitled “1984 Or Bust”, Dr. Epicopolis, 1102 and Svetlanna must travel back to the past to stop Epic’s renegade robot EB3 from ushering in the singularity, but the only way they can get time jump is through the soundwaves of an 80s-inspired song Epic has to sing, compliments of a seven-year-old Indian princess supervillain (guest star Taksvhi Kaushik) who controls time.
After successfully infiltrating Snakebite Manor by turning invisible (and naked), Dr Epic and 1102 must find a way to stop EB3’s Shrink-A-Dink machine from detonating.
Dr Epicopolis’ scheme to infiltrate Snakebite Sue’s victory party for EB3 leaves little to the imagination... or the body.
Snakebite Sue has an announcement for the Supervillain community. Meanwhile, Dr. Epic plots revenge against EB3.
The votes are in - will it be Dr Epicopolis or EB3 as President of the Supervillain Cartel?
With his position as President of the Supervillain Cartel in jeopardy, Dr. Epic makes plans to attend a sponsored event in order to maintain his reign; meanwhile, EB3 makes a shocking announcement.
In the season 2 premiere of the super villain comedy series, Dr. Epic suspects one of his employees might be up to no good; meanwhile, an unexpected guest arrives at Epic Labs.
The second season ramps up the laughs with an outrageous battle between Dr. Epicopolis and his diabolical robot EB3 for control of the Supervillain Cartel. Meanwhile, 1102 and Milianna continue their ‘will-they-or-won’t-they’ romance, and Svetlanna is one step closer to fulfilling her wish to become ‘doctor wife’ — Mrs. Epicoplis.
Hoping to regain control of his Evil Empire, Dr Epicopolis schemes to end his assistant’s quickie marriage to Svettlanna. Later, 1102 writes a love song with surprising results.
Dr Epic’s former slog 1059 returns to settle old scores while 1102 receives comfort from an unlikely source.
When a reality TV crew arrives to document 1102 and Milliana’s love, it pushes Dr Epicopolis over the edge.