A Byzantine Catholic Podcast about Divine Mystery [email protected]
This week we're joined by special guest, Mother Iliana. Mother Natalia and Mother Iliana talk about a mistake that was made that impacted their relationship. They give background on all the other things going on in their individual lives before the mistake was made, and how those things made the mistake seem much bigger and smaller. They talk about the repair that was made in their relationship, and how each of them experienced the healing.
What Suffering is Not with Mother Iliana
The Light of His Eyes with Mother Iliana
The Light of His Eyes: Journeying from Self-Contempt to the Father's Delight by Mother Iliana
That's Not the Point Part 1
That's Not the Point Part 2
Pray for Us: 75 Saints who Sinned, Suffered, and Struggled on Their Way to Holiness by Meg Hunter-Kilmer
We're going on pilgrimage! You can find all the details including dates, itinerary, and cost at the 206tours website. Want to hear this directly from Fr. Michael and Mother Natalia? Check out our announcement video.
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This week Fr. Michael reflects on a sentence in a prayer that the priest prays during Divine Liturgy, "...in the greatness of your mercy you have brought all things out of nonexistence into being..." Fr. Michael talks about what it means for God to be mercy, to give mercy, and why God brought us into being in the first place. He reads some reflections from Archbishop Raya in the Byzantine Book of Prayer.
Byzantine Book of Prayer from Byzantine Seminary Press
We're going on pilgrimage! You can find all the details including dates, itinerary, and cost at the 206tours website. Want to hear this directly from Fr. Michael and Mother Natalia? Check out our announcement video.
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This week Mother Natalia reflects on her recent poustinia, where the Lord placed the idea of rest on her heart. She talks about the ways she can rest in her monastic life allowing God to take charge in her life. She talks about how we are all called to rest, despite labor also being important to the rest of our lives. Mother Natalia also talks about the importance of recognizing beauty in the world, and how that beauty reflects back to God.
To Heights and unto Depths: Letters from the Colorado Trail by Fr. John Nepil
We're going on pilgrimage! You can find all the details including dates, itinerary, and cost at the 206tours website. Want to hear this directly from Fr. Michael and Mother Natalia? Check out our announcement video.
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This week Mother Natalia talks about ruptured relationships and the hurt that comes in that rupture. She talks about offering up relationships to the Lord, recognizing that healing in the relationship may not come in this life, and the desire to have union with everyone in heaven. She links this to Saints Stephen and Paul, who did not have a great relationship on this life, but now through union with God, have an amazing relationship in heaven.
Special thanks to Kyle and Drew from Catholic Creator Conference for letting us use their studio while at SEEK. Check out their YouTube pages too! Kyle's Page and Drew's Page
We're going on pilgrimage! You can find all the details including dates, itinerary, and cost at the 206tours website. Want to hear this directly from Fr. Michael and Mother Natalia? Check out our announcement video.
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This week Fr. Michael talks about anamnesis and relates it to our day-to-day life. He talks about the origins of anamnesis in Liturgy and how we can remember the good God has done in our individual prayers. He also talks about epiclesis and the interplay with anamnesis. Fr. Michael talks about how anamnesis can be twisted and used in an evil way, not just in the good way we encounter during Liturgy or in our day to day lives.
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This week we start out with a mini-topic on the icon of the Trinity. Then for the main topic, Fr. Michael reflects on a prayer that is said during matins where we beg God to save us through the intercession of the holy martyrs. He relates the intercession of the martyrs to gift giving. Fr. Michael talks about everything surrounding gift giving, both the intention of the giver and the vulnerability of the receiver. He talks about how the saints and martyrs give to us by praying for us and how we can presume upon the love and intercession of the saints and martyrs.
Pray for Us by Meg Hunter-Kilmer
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We're joined again this week by special guest, Fr. Chris. Fr. Chris is back with us to talk about Tolkien and Lord of the Rings. Fr. Chris talks about the difference between authority and power; mind and forming matter vs mind over matter; and the use of technology in our lives and how we can feel ourselves being controlled by it instead of us controlling technology.
Tolkien-ology with Fr. Chris Seith Pt. 1
Rekindling Wonder by Fr. Chris Seith
Beginning to Pray by Metropolitan Anthony Bloom
Pain of Grace by Joni Seith
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This week we're joined by special guest, Fr. Chris Seith. Mother Natalia and Fr. Chris talk about Aragorn's Today is Not that Day speech and how it relates to the spiritual life. Fr. Chris talks about some of Tolkien's intentions in writing the book, how technology plays a role in the book, and how we can learn from that.
Searchers of the Lost - Fr. Nathan's Podcast
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This week Fr. Michael reflects on nostalgia, and the ways it can be manifest in both good and bad ways. He talks about how nostalgia is a way of thinking about the transcendent that we experienced in the past, which is ultimately our longing for heaven.
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This week Fr. Michael reflects on Psalm 63, which he has felt the Lord calling him to give as a penance in confession. Fr. Michael walks through some of the verses in the Psalm and contemplates some ways we can link the passages to our daily life.
Psalm 63 (or 62 if you're in the Septuagint)
Unwisting Legion
We're going on pilgrimage! You can find all the details including dates, itinerary, and cost at the 206tours website. Want to hear this directly from Fr. Michael and Mother Natalia? Check out our announcement video.
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This week Mother Natalia and Fr. Michael reflect on the entrance of their friend and spiritual daughter, Maddie, into Christ the Bridegroom Monastery. Mother Natalia then reflects on one of her favorite stichera that we sing during the Nativity, and encourages us to reflect on it in this week leading up to the celebration of Nativity.
Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales
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