Developer Weekly

Barry Luijbregts

A weekly show for developers and technologists that are interested in technology, life-long learning, and the people behind the tech. This is not an ordinary technology show as it goes beyond the latest tools and frameworks and shines a spotlight on the humans that create and use it.

  • 57 minutes 39 seconds
    Final episode: Improve Your Sleep and eat to Reduce Stress

    In this final episode of Developer Weekly, the host announces the end of the podcast and shares his plans for the future. He will focus on Azure and technology consulting, as well as health and wellness. The episode also includes audio clips from his course on burnout, where he discusses improving sleep and nutrition. The host encourages listeners to visit his website for more content and offers tips on improving sleep and eating a healthy diet.

    13 March 2024, 12:38 pm
  • 45 minutes 36 seconds
    Educatieve Content Maken: Praktijkervaring en Kwaliteit Belicht

    In deze aflevering praten we met Barry Luijbregts, een software engineer en cursusmaker, over zijn carrièrepad en ervaringen in software development en architectuur. Barry deelt inzichten over het maken van educatieve content en de uitdagingen die komen kijken bij online cursussen. Hij benadrukt het belang van praktijkervaring en de kwaliteit van educatieve content. We duiken dieper in het proces van het maken van cursussen en content, bespreken de evolutie naar meer intuïtieve assistenten en analyseren de impact van technologische veranderingen op leren en informatie zoeken. Daarnaast verkennen we het domein van gezondheid en wellness door middel van interviews met experts op dat gebied.

    7 March 2024, 10:15 am
  • 38 minutes 52 seconds
    Entity Framework with Julie Lerman

    In this episode, I talk with Julie Lerman about the Microsoft Entity Framework. We discus what it is and why you should use it. We talk about the Cosmos DB provider, EF Core and new features. 

    6 March 2024, 8:56 am
  • 30 minutes 49 seconds
    Open Source with Tom Kerkhove.

    This week, I talk with Tom Kerkhove about open source. We talk about setting priorities and managing time, sponsorship, company adoption and more.

    12 June 2021, 8:00 pm
  • 29 minutes 33 seconds
    Career and Azure IoT with Jurgen Kevelaers
    In this episode, Jurgen Kevelaers talks about IoT and his experience as a Pluralsight author. He discusses the concept of IoT and how it involves collecting data from various devices and processing it in the cloud. Jurgen also highlights the importance of services like IoT Hub and IoT Central in managing and analyzing IoT data. He shares his thoughts on the future of development, emphasizing the need to embrace AI and focus on higher-level services. Jurgen provides information on where to find his courses and how to connect with him.
    2 June 2021, 11:00 pm
  • 36 minutes 31 seconds
    Instrumenting your .NET Core based cloud applications with Alex Thissen
    In this episode, Alex Thiessen talks about monitoring, logging, and tracing .NET applications and Azure. He explains the concepts of monitoring, logging, and tracing, and how they help developers troubleshoot and identify issues in their applications. He also discusses the benefits of using tools like Application Insights in Azure for monitoring and instrumentation. Alex emphasizes the importance of including monitoring and instrumentation as part of the development process to ensure the application's performance and usability.
    28 May 2021, 2:00 pm
  • 49 minutes 32 seconds
    Preventing Burnout: Tips for a Healthy and Balanced Life
    In this episode, the host discusses burnout and the importance of health and wellness. He provides tips on nutrition, sleep, exercise, and reducing environmental toxins. He also emphasizes the need to make big changes in life to prevent burnout from recurring.The host expresses their plans to expand the podcast into a blog, a podcast platform, and potentially a book. They thank the guest for their time and mention upcoming episodes. They also mention keeping the episodes available and offer to notify listeners when their new platform goes live. The host expresses gratitude for the support and feedback received over the past year. They encourage listeners to rate and review the podcast to help spread the word.
    19 May 2021, 6:00 am
  • 32 minutes 13 seconds
    Career, life, entrepreneurship and teaching with Roland Guijt

    This week, I'm talking with Roland Guijt about career, entrepreneurship, being an introvert and how he got started as a computer shop owner. This was a very honest, open and inspiring conversation. 

    10 May 2021, 5:00 am
  • 41 minutes 39 seconds
    AR, VR, and Azure Mixed Realty with René Schulte
    This week, I talk with René Schulte about AR and VR. We talk about our hopes and dreams for these technologies and practical applications with Azure Mixed Reality services.
    5 May 2021, 8:00 am
  • 39 minutes 35 seconds
    The IDesign Architecture method with Koen Mannaerts
    This week, I talk with Koen Mannaerts about software architecture with the IDesign method. We discuss how requirements gathering is part of the architects job and how architects shouldn't work on production code. 
    28 April 2021, 2:00 am
  • 35 minutes 33 seconds
    Quantum Computing with Richard Versluis
    This week, I talk with Richard Versluis about Quantum Computing. Richard creates Quantum Computers and explains how they work, what you can do with them, how you can program one, and when you'll have one in your home.
    21 April 2021, 4:00 am
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