Cover Up is a series of investigative stories that take us on a journey into a world of subterfuge and secrecy - a world where the truth is concealed under a blanket of lies. From corrupt individuals to clandestine institutions, Cover Up exposes deceit, deception and the abuse of power.
Season one uncovers the story of The Ministry of Secrets, one of the great unsolved mysteries of the Cold War. At its heart is a missing person — a wartime hero and international celebrity. But that’s just the starting point. It involves the royal family, MI6, the CIA and the KGB. There’s conspiracies. And lies. This story is so sensitive, so secret - that the truth is being withheld for 100 years, until 2057. Presenter Giles Milton and producer Sarah Peters are on a quest to find out why…
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Hosted by Ash Kelley and Alaina Urquhart from the hit show Morbid.
When 90-year-old Laurence Pilgeram drops dead on the sidewalk outside his condo, you might think that’s the end of his story. But, really, it’s just the beginning. Because Laurence and others like him have signed up to be frozen and brought back to life in the future. And that belief will pull multiple generations of the Pilgeram family into a cryonics soap opera filled with dead pets, gold coins, grenades, fist fights, mysterious packages, family feuds, Hall of Fame baseball legends, and frozen heads — lots of frozen heads. From Wondery, comes a story about life, death, and what comes next.
Follow Frozen Head on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Binge early and ad-free by subscribing to Wondery+ in Apple Podcasts or the Wondery App.
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Here’s your special preview episode of the new series Elizabeth the First – about the remarkable life of Elizabeth Taylor.
In our preview, we hear how Elizabeth Taylor’s career takes off, and she finds herself navigating a patriarchal movie studio system determined to own her every move… until she seizes the moment to take control. It was a time of great promise. Then, tragedy strikes.
Headline News says ‘I love Elizabeth the First’ and the Toronto Star says the podcast is ‘sumptuously produced’. Find out what all the buzz is about by listening to the full series right now:
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After nearly 37 years behind bars, convicted skyjacker Martin 'Mac' McNally is released from prison into a world he does not recognize. As he tries to re-acclimate, we'll explore some of the lingering mysteries: Why did Mac do it? Why did he return to St. Louis? And where does he go from here?
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Now re-sentenced to two consecutive life sentences, Mac will settle into the rest of his life behind bars. Unless, of course, he has one more escape attempt left in him...
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After the prison escape fails, Mac and Trap are put back on trial for their latest crimes. And in a shocking turn of events, an unlikely ally demands their release at the last minute, utilizing a familiar tactic — the hijacking of another airplane.
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As the dramatic prison escape unfolds, we'll focus on the pilot of the hijacked helicopter — a local hero of the St. Louis area named Allen Barklage, who is forced to make a life or death decision.
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As Mac and Trapnell execute their brazen prison escape, we'll explore the motivations of the third hijacker in our story: Barbara Oswald, the woman helping them escape via helicopter.
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Mac meets another skyjacker in prison — the James Bond of career criminals — a man named Garrett Brock Trapnell. In this episode, we'll learn Trap's wild backstory as he and Mac plot an insane escape from the Supermax prison where they're incarcerated.
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On the lam somewhere in the mid-West, Mac is arguably the most wanted man in America — and he'll do whatever it takes to avoid capture.
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After a vigilante derails his plans mid-hijacking, Mac must improvise a way to escape authorities with his money— and without being killed in the process.
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